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The CRC does encourage investigators to specify time periods for subjects to arrive on the CRC for inpatient admissions, as necessary for the protocol (Example: Subjects are to arrive between 4:00 and 6:00pm in order to have the standard meal at approximately 7:00pm). If the investigator would like to be more flexible to accommodate subjects work schedules, he/she should provide that flexibility in the consent form. The rationale for this is that in the past, some subjects have been upset that blood was not drawn at exactly the time stated in the consent. It is recommended that times be approximate if possible to accommodate the variable schedules of the CRC staff (i.e. to allow blood draws started slightly before or after the times indicated). Often, glucose clamp procedures dont start at exactly the time indicated in the consent, so all time points thereafter should be referred to as approximate increments from the beginning of the procedure rather than detailed as precise times. In the consent form, the time for any tests or procedures that are performed off the CRC should be listed in vague terms without specific times listed (unless critical to the study design). Example 1: You will have x procedure performed in x Department and then return back to the CRC. Example 2: After the CRC procedures are performed, you will go to x department for x procedure). Consent forms in general should list that the subject is scheduled for a visit on the Clinical Research Unit (CRC) located at Strong Memorial Hospital unit G-5035. Specific time duration of each visit (e.g. approximately 30 minute visit; 30 to 60 minute visit) should also be included in the consent form. Admissions-remaining on the unit: All subjects admitted to the CRC for an inpatient stay will be required to remain on the CRC for the duration of the admission. Exceptions will need to be discussed with the CRC nurse manager and may be required to be stated in the CRC orders. Suggested consent wording: Because you are being admitted for a research study, and the conditions need to be controlled, you will need to remain on the CRC unit for the duration of your admission. Specific Procedures Details and suggested consent form wording is provided to assist investigators, (items bolded and in italics need the investigators response inserted). Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT): An OGTT measures the level of glucose and insulin in the blood. The adult subject will drink 75g of glucose (Glucola). {Pediatric subjects determined by weight}. Blood is obtained before the patient drinks the glucose solution, and blood is drawn again every 30 to 60 minutes after the glucose is consumed for up to 3 hours. The subject needs to follow the diet specified in the protocol. The subject needs to be fasting for 8-11 hours before coming to the Clinical Research Center. If intervention for patient safety is anticipated during this procedure, details need to be specified in the protocol and consent form. Suggested consent wording (Note: Please include wording for subjects and their specific-protocol diet): You will need to be fasting (nothing to eat or drink, except water) for at least 8 hours before coming to the Clinical Research Center. The oral glucose tolerance test measures the level of sugar and {list other elements which will be measured, e.g. insulin} in your blood over approximately 2-3 hours {or as appropriate for the protocol}. This is done to measure how your body reacts to getting a lot of sugar at once. A flexible plastic catheter (or tubing) will be inserted into a vein in your arm and may be attached to a bag of fluid to keep the vein open. Putting the catheter in your arm is similar to having blood drawn. Once the catheter is in place, a blood sample will be drawn from it to measure {insert specific measurements per the protocol}. After initial blood samples are drawn, you will be asked to drink a very sweet, high sugar drink. At {insert number of timed intervals}, additional samples of blood will be obtained through the catheter. The total blood drawn is approximately {insert amount of total blood drawn}. The catheter will be removed after all blood samples are drawn. Suggested consent wording for risks related to OGTT: Fasting can make you feel light-headed, dizzy or faint. In some individuals blood glucose levels may drop very low toward the end of the test. Symptoms of low blood glucose include weakness, hunger, sweating, and feeling nervous or restless. There is little risk of complication from having blood drawn from a vein. You may develop a small bruise at the puncture site or the vein may become inflamed. You can reduce the risk of bruising by keeping pressure on the site for several minutes after the needle is withdrawn. There is a small risk of infection with blood draws. Indirect Calorimetry: This is defined as a procedure that measures Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR), Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) or Dietary Induced Thermogenesis (DIT). Basal metabolic rate is measured using a canopy/hood indirect calorimetry system. The subject breathes normally as air flows through a canopy. Usually, this is performed with subjects in a fasting state, at rest, not having exercised that day. However, this could vary depending on the goals for the study. It involves placing a clear plastic canopy over the subjects head for a specified period of time. This procedure can cause some subjects to feel claustrophobic. Therefore, we suggest that the investigator test to see if the subject can tolerate the canopy during the screening visit. Suggested consent wording for a screening visit on the CRC: During the screening visit, a clear plastic canopy/hood will be placed over your head to see if you can tolerate this procedure. Some people may feel anxious when they are put under the canopy/hood. Suggested consent wording for a routine visit on the CRC with a 30 minute measurement: During this visit, a clear plastic canopy/hood will be placed over your head while you are at rest lying in a bed or sitting in a chair. The calories you burn can be determined by the machine by measuring the oxygen you breathe in and the carbon dioxide you breathe out. You will rest quietly for 20 minutes without the canopy/hood, then under the canopy/hood for 10 minutes and then an additional 30 {revise the 30 minutes to however long the measurement is detailed in protocol} minutes under the canopy/hood for the measurement: a total of 60 {revise per protocol} minutes. Some people feel anxious when they are put under the canopy/hood. If you feel uncomfortable in any way you need to tell the nurse. You need to let the nurse know if you cannot finish this part of the test. Suggested consent wording to be used under risks of this procedure: Lying under the hood/canopy for testing can cause some subjects to feel anxious or claustrophobic. If you feel anxious when your head is covered or in confined spaces you may not want to participate. If you decide to participate and begin to feel claustrophobic later, you will be able to tell us and we will discontinue the procedure. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): This test evaluates a persons body composition by sending a small painless electrical current through the body. The BIA analyzer is connected to the body using electrodes (stickers) like the ones used for an EKG (electrocardiogram), that are placed on the right hand and foot. The subject needs to lie still while the measurement is taken. This will take about 5 minutes. Subjects should not exercise or take a sauna within 8 hours of the study visit or drink alcohol 12 hours prior to the study visit. There is a small risk of irritation to the skin from the electrodes. Suggested consent form wording: This test measures amounts of fat, muscle and other lean (non-fat) tissue by sending a small painless electrical current through the body. The procedure involves placing electrodes (wires with stickers), like the ones used for an EKG (electrocardiogram), that are placed on the right hand and foot and connecting these wires to the machine. You will need to lie still while the measurement is taken. This will take about 5 minutes. Do not exercise or take a sauna within 8 hours of the study visit. Do not drink alcohol 12 hours prior to the study visit. Suggested consent form wording for risks: There is a small risk of irritation to the skin when the electrodes (stickers) are removed. The electrical current used is very low and considered harmless. DXA - Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry: Equipment: Hologic Scanner- Horizon-W Model-Scanner software version: APEX Scan types: Whole body, hip, spine, and forearm. Region of interest scans need to be discussed specifically with the CRC Nurse Manager. Pediatric Scan criteria: Infant: Whole body: 6.6 22 pounds Pediatric: Whole body: 3rd through 19th year Hip: 5th through 19th years Spine: 3rd through 19th year Infant Whole Body DXA Scan: Suggested consent wording: The dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan measures bone thickness and the amount of fat and lean (non-fat) tissue in the body. The procedure is like an x-ray. Your baby will be wrapped in a sheet. This helps to prevent the child from moving so the scan can be clear. The child is then placed on the padded table. The DXA machine will move over the childs body. A technician is present to watch the child, and parents can stay in the room. The scan takes about 4 minutes. Suggested Consent wording for risks: The DXA scan involves radiation exposure which is less than a person would receive from a chest X-ray or a dental X-ray. It is required by the CRC that a pregnancy test be performed prior to a DXA scan for women of child bearing potential. Pregnancy testing text needs to be included in the consent form. Suggested consent wording for DXA preparation: You will be asked to remove any metal jewelry. You will also be asked if you have any metal implants or piercing, as these interfere with the test results. You will need to change into hospital scrubs. These will be provided to you by the DXA staff. Adult Whole body DXA Scan: Suggested consent wording: The Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan measures your bone density (thickness), and the amount of fat and lean (non-fat) tissue in your body. For this scan, you will be asked to lie flat on your back on a table as the scanning machine moves above your body. The DXA scan is like an X-ray, and takes about 5-10 minutes. You should not have this test if you may be pregnant. Therefore, if you are a female who could have a child, you will be tested for pregnancy before the DXA by {insert type of pregnancy test to be performed}. Suggested Consent wording for risks: The DXA scan involves radiation exposure which is less than a person would receive from a chest X-ray or a dental X-ray. {Add risks for pregnancy testing: if urine collection, no additional risk; if blood serum is used, state under blood sample risk section.} Hip and Spine DXAs Suggested consent wording: The Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans measure your bone density (thickness) in your body. For these scans, you will be asked to lie on your back on a padded table as the scanning machine moves above your body. These DXA scans are like an X-ray, and takes about 5-15 minutes. There will be two short scans which will take measurements of your hip and spine. You should not have this test if you may be pregnant. Therefore, if you are a female who could have a child, you will be tested for pregnancy before the DXA by {insert type of pregnancy test to be performed}. Hip Scan: While lying on your back on the padded table, a foot restraint (to position your hip) is used to keep the correct position of your leg and helps to reduce movement during the hip scan itself. A fabric strap is placed around your foot to secure it in the correct position. Spine Scan: While lying on your back on the padded table, a large fabric covered foam cube is placed under your lower legs. This helps to position the small of your back for the lumbar (spine) scan. Suggested consent wording for risks: The DXA scans involve radiation exposure which is less than a person would receive from a chest X-ray or a dental X-ray. Forearm DXA Suggested consent wording: The Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan measures your bone density (thickness), and the amount of fat and lean (non-fat) tissue in your body. For this scan, you will be asked to sit on a chair next to the DXA machine as the scanning machine moves above your arm. A forearm positioner (a contour form pad) is placed under your hand/forearm (hand and upper arm) which helps to hold your arm in place on the table during the scan. This DXA scan is like an X-ray, and takes about 5-15 minutes. You should not have this test if you may be pregnant. Therefore, if you are a female who could have a child, you will be tested for pregnancy before the DXA by {insert type of pregnancy test to be performed}. Suggested consent wording for Risks: The DXA scan involves radiation exposure which is less than a person would receive from a chest X-ray or a dental X-ray. Fasting Overnight: Investigator please note: Remember to assess and instruct your research subjects medication requirements for this fasting visit. Suggested consent wording: You will need to come to the Clinical Research Center in the fasting state which means you should not eat or drink anything (except plain water) for {insert per protocol specifics, e.g. 8-10} hours prior to your scheduled visit. Suggested consent wording for risks: Fasting can make you feel light-headed, dizzy or faint. Blood sampling: If your protocol includes blood draws (venipuncture) please remember to include appropriate wording in the protocol for this procedure. Suggested consent wording for blood draw risks: You may develop a small bruise at the puncture site or the vein may become inflamed. You can reduce the risk of bruising by keeping pressure on the site for several minutes after the needle is withdrawn. There is a small risk of infection with blood draws. Blood drawing may cause local pain, bruising, and rarely infection. It can cause lightheadedness and even fainting. Blood drawing (venipuncture) risks: Drawing blood may cause temporary discomfort from the needle stick, bruising, or very rarely, infection.     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