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Brent A. Johnson, PhD

Brent JohnsonProfessor of Biostatistics
Professor of Opthalmology
Professor of Neurology
PhD, North Carolina State University

Contact Information

University of Rochester
Dept of Biostatistics and Computational Biology
265 Crittenden Boulevard, CU 420-630
Rochester, New York 14642-0630
Office: Saunders Research Building 4142
Phone: (585) 273-1869
Fax: (585) 273-1031
E-mail: brent_johnson@urmc.rochester.edu

Research Projects

Descriptions of my current research projects and R code downloads can be found on my lab page.

Research Interests

My methodological interests include semi-parametric methods for missing data, longitudinal data, and survival analysis. In some of my work and student projects, these interests come together in the analysis of observational data, causal inference, dynamic treatment regimes, and personalized medicine. I serve as one of the statistical trainers for Dr. Sally Thurton’s T32 environmental health biostatistics training grant. On the substantive side, I collaborate with colleagues and researchers across the university and abroad, over several disciplines, but mostly in public health and medicine. I have collaborated in HIV epidemiology and prevention for more than 20 years and was the core director of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core in the University of Rochester’s Center for AIDS Research.  I currently serve as the on-call statistician for the Department of Ophthalmology and Flaum Eye Institute. Other groups with whom I collaborate actively include the School of Nursing, and departments of cardiology, neurology and family medicine.

Selected References

  • Brust CMJ, Shah S, Mlisana K, Moodley P, Allana S, Campbell A, Johnson BA, Master I, Mthiyane T, Lachman S, Larkan L-M, Ning Y, Malik A, Smith JP, Gandhi NR (2018) Improved survival and cure rates with concurrent treatment for MDR-TB/HIV co-infection in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Clinical Infectious Disease 66(8):1246-1253.
  • Rice J, Johnson BA, Strawderman RL (2018) Modeling the rate of HIV testing from repeated binary data among potential never-testers. Biostatistics 20(2):183-198.
  • Rice J, Strawderman RL, Johnson BA (2018) Regularity of a renewal process estimated from binary data. Biometrics 74(2):566-574.
  • Strujo E, Sanders M, Fiscella K, Thomas M, Johnson B, Deets A, Sanchez Lucas C, Holder T, Johal N, Luque A, Cassells A, Williams S, Tobin J (2020) COVID-19: Impact on Multi-Site Recruitment and Enrollment. Clinical Trials 17(5):501-504.
  • Sun H, Ertefaie A, Johnson BA (2020) Improved doubly robust estimation in marginal models for dynamic regimes. J. Causal Inference 8:300-314.
  • Ertefaie A, Johnson BA (2020) Outcome-wide individualized treatment strategies. Statistical Science 35(3):472-475.
  • Sun H, Ertefaie A, Johnson BA (2021) Estimating mean potential outcome under adaptive treatment length strategies in continuous time. Biometrics. doi:10.1111/13504.
  • Li JZ, Stella N, Choudhary M, Javed A, Rodriguez K, Ribaudo H, Moosa Y, Brijkumar J, Pillay S, Sunpath H, Noguera-Julian M, Paredes R, Johnson B, Edwards A, Marconi V, Kuritzkes D. (2021) Impact of pre-existing drug resistance on risk of virologic failure in South Africa. J. of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 76(6):1558-1563.
  • Siedner MJ, Moosa MS, McCluskey S, Gilbert R, Pillay S, Aturinda I, Ard K, Muyindike W, Musinguzi N, Masette G, Pillay M, Moodley P, Brijkumar J, Rautenberg T, George G, Gandhi RT, Johnson BA, Sunpath H, Bwana MB, Marconi VC (2021) Resistance testing for management of HIV virologic failure in sub-Saharan Africa: an unblinded randomized controlled trial. Annals of Internal Medicine 174(12):1683-1692.
  • Artman W, Johnson BA, Lynch KG, McKay JR, Ertefaie A. (2022) Bayesian set of best dynamic treatment regimes and sample size determination for SMARTs with binary outcomes. Statistics in Medicine.
  • Artman W, Ertefaie A, Lynch KG, McKay JR, Johnson BA. (2022) Adjusting for partial compliance in SMARTs: a Bayesian semi-parametric approach. Annals of Applied Statistics.
  • Stephenson RB, Sullivan SP, Mitchell JW, Johnson BA, Sullivan PS (2022) Efficacy of a telehealth Couples' HIV Counseling and Testing (CHTC) intervention to improve formation and adherence to safer sexual agreements among male couples in the US: results from a randomized control trial. AIDS and Behavior.




Last updated March 23, 2022