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Seong-Hwan Jun, PhD

Professor Seong-Hwan JunAssistant Professor of Biostatistics and Computational Biology
Ph.D. (2018) University of British Columbia

Contact Information

University of Rochester
Dept of Biostatistics and Computational Biology
265 Crittenden Boulevard, CU 420630 
Rochester, New York 14642-0630
Office: Saunders Research Building 4203
Phone: (585) 276-3079
Fax: (585) 273-1031
E-mail: seonghwan_jun@urmc.rochester.edu 

Research Interests

  • Bayesian models and computation
  • Probabilistic machine learning
  • Graphical models
  • Statistical inference for combinatorial problems
  • Statistical methods for analysis of single cell transcriptomics data
  • Multi-omics data integration
  • Cancer genomics
  • Cancer-immune interaction
  • Phylogenetics

Selected Publications

  • Mohaghegh Neyshabouri, M., Jun, S-H., and Lagergren, J., 2020. Inferring tumor progression in large datasets. PLoS Computational Biology, 16(10), p.e1008183
  • Jun, S-H., Wong, S.W., Zidk, J.V., and Bouchard-Cote, A., 2019. Sequential decision model for inference and prediction on non-uniform hypergraphs with application to knot matching from computational forestry. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(3), pp. 1678-1707.
  • Haber, E., Ruthotto, L., Holtham, E., and Jun, S-H., 2018. Learning across scales - A multiscale method for convolution neural networks. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. arXiv:1703.02009
  • Jun, S-H., Wong, S.W., Zidek, J.V., and Bouchard-Cote, A., 2017. Sequential Graph Matching with sequential monte carlo. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 20: 107  5-1084. 
  • Jun, S-H. and Bouchard-Cote, A., 2014. memory (and time) efficient sequential Monte Carlo. International Conference in Machine Learning. 31: 514-522. Acceptance rate: 310/1238
  • Jun, S-H., Wang, L., and Bouchard-Cote, A., 2012. Entangled Monte Carlo. Advances in Nueral Information Processing Systems. 25:2735-2743. Acceptance rate: 370/1467. Spotlight talk: 72/1467.