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Faculty Trainers

Statistics Trainers in the Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology

Sally W. Thurston

Modeling multiple outcomes; methods of correcting for measurement error bias; Bayesian inference; informative prior specification; latent variable models; applications in environmental health including associations between methylmercury exposure and neurodevelopment, air pollution and birth outcomes, and endocrine disruptors and reproductive development. Full Profile

Brent A. Johnson

Semi-parametric and nonparametric methods for missing data problems with specific application to causal inference, survival and longitudinal data; dynamic treatment regimes with applications to HIV and AIDS studies, infusion trials, neurological and behavioral disorders; statistical methods for epidemiology. Full Profile

Tanzy Love

Clustering and latent variable models; mixed membership models and model choice; normalization and preprocessing issues relating to gene expression and proteomics data; Bayesian models for QTLs and growth curves; hierarchical Bayesian models for gene expression data; scalable parallel model-based clustering. Full Profile

Matthew N. McCall

Statistical genomics; systems biology; bioinformatics; gene regulatory network estimation; within-subject genomic heterogeneity; preprocessing and analysis of genomic data; effects of cellular composition on tissue-level gene expression.

Michael McDermott

Order-restricted inference; methods to analyze dose-response; receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and surfaces; methods for combining p-values; meta-analysis; missing data problems; clinical trials methodology; applications in neurological disease. Full Profile

Robert L. Strawderman

Survival analysis; semiparametric methods for missing and censored data; statistical learning methods for risk and outcome prediction in medicine, epidemiology and public health; statistical and computational methods for high dimensional data; statistical methods for evaluating the cost and quality of health care; applications in cancer, psychiatry and neurology. Full Profile

Environmental Health Trainers

I have had wonderful experiences with the T32 trainees - they approach their work with impeccable rigor (thanks to the mentorship of the Biostatistics trainers) and are very responsive to feedback and time-sensitive requests."
– Dr. Emily Barrett, EH trainer

Emily Barrett (Department of Epidemiology, Rutgers University)

Early origins of health and disease; prenatal exposure to endocrine disruptors such as phthalates; effects of stress during pregnancy on cortisol activity and neurodevelopmental, factors that impact reproductive hormone concentrations and pregnancy outcomes in adulthood. 

Deborah Cory-Slechta (Department of Environmental Medicine)

Defining the impact of environmental chemicals (e.g., metals and air pollution) on brain development and behavior, with emphasis on attributable risk to neurodevelopmental disorders. Full Profile

Elaine Hill (Department of Public Health Sciences)

Quasi-experimental designs for causal inference; econometrics; early origins of health and cognition; applications in environmental health including associations between shale gas development, traffic related air pollution, drinking water pollution and health outcomes (birth outcomes, asthma, AMI, mortality); emphasizing social determinants of health/environmental justice concerns associated with environmental pollution. Full Profile

Todd Jusko (Department of Public Health Sciences)

Early-life environmental exposures and child health; potential adverse effects of exposures on the immune system. Full Profile

David Q. Rich (Department of Public Health Sciences)

Examining associations between air pollution and cardiopulmonary and pregnancy outcomes; validating biomarkers that may explain associations; developing spatial-temporal models of air pollution to enable field studies of these biomarkers and clinical outcomes associated with residential air pollution exposures. Full Profile

Marissa Sobolewski (Department of Environmental Medicine)

Examines the influence of early environmental exposures, particularly endocrine disruptors, on fetal origins of adult neurotoxicity, with an emphasis on understanding sex as a biological factor. Mechanistically, we focus on how endocrine disruption modifies epigenetic profiles in brain and adult behavior. Full Profile

Martha Susiarjo (Department of Environmental Medicine)

Investigation on impact of endocrine disruptors on maternal fetal health; studies on imprinted genes and developmental origin of health and disease; epigenetic mechanisms underlying developmental reprogramming. Full Profile

Edwin van Wijngaarden (Department of Public Health Sciences)

Examining influences of environmental exposures, in particular toxic metals, on cognitive outcomes in children and adults. Full Profile