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Eos: A Multi-Level Data Platform with AI Powered Search



Eos explores data relationships by combining attributes of knowledge and network graphs with multi-dimensional interactivity features including an HTML editor, node-based app launching, pathway tracing, scripting, and an on-premise AI-powered LLM search environment. Building on modeling traditional data relationships, Eos organizes data into information levels through a user-defined data layering feature.

Data layering empowers users to travel through the data environment by manually stepping through information levels, like moving through a multi-tiered chess board. The option to adjust focus beyond static visualization of data elements (nodes) and data relationship lines connecting elements (edges) to include dynamic movement through data layers, changes context of data visualization to enhance data insights.

Eos is a web application housed in an on-premise secure environment maintaining security and privacy for uploaded data. When integrating with our custom Hyperion Data Platform providing data interoperability, Eos can take advantage of real-time integration of enterprise data for functionalities like system alerting, data table changes, and more.


  • Interactivity:
    • Highlighted and animated relationships easily indicating directionality, activity, or status.
    • Alerts for elements and relationships requiring immediate attention such as interruptions, thresholds, and more.
    • Two pathway-tracing methods producing a detailed, interactive visualization of data element connections.
    • Launch applications directly within a data element through embedded linking.
    • Embedded framework to display custom user-scripted information within an element popup.
  • Data Characteristics:
    • Metadata tagging of data elements and relationships for enhanced search experience.
    • Direct editing data-element information without the need of external tools.
  • Search Capability:
    • Generative AI-powered user search using no-code and natural language.
    • AI searches, and all computation, contained on-premise ensuring a private and secure data environment.
  • Use Cases Opportunities:
    • Server Status (load, memory usage, disk space)
    • Database Data (tables, schemas, queries)
    • Department Information (location, team size, etc.)
    • Cross-functional industry applicability anywhere data-relationships are complex or critical, such as: healthcare, R&D, IT, cybersecurity, supply chain, clinical trials, human resources, and more.

Through multi-dimensional tools and innovative data layering for navigating through large data sets and complex data relationships, Eos empowers dynamic data relationship discovery, faster insights, and more informed decision making all within a secure environment.