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Recent Publications

    1. Li C
    2. Ture SK
    3. Nieves-Lopez B
    4. Blick-Nitko SK
    5. Maurya P
    6. Livada AC
    7. Stahl TJ
    8. Kim M
    9. Pietropaoli AP
    10. Morrell CN
    Thrombocytopenia Independently Leads to Changes in Monocyte Immune Function.; Circulation research. 2024 Mar 08.
    1. Akkipeddi SMK
    2. Rahmani R
    3. Schartz D
    4. Chittaranjan S
    5. Ellens NR
    6. Kohli GS
    7. Bhalla T
    8. Mattingly TK
    9. Welle K
    10. Morrell CN
    11. Bender MT
    Stroke emboli from patients with atrial fibrillation enriched with neutrophil extracellular traps.; Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis; Vol 8(2), pp. 102347. 2024 Feb 15.
    1. Li C
    2. Morrell CN
    Commentary on "Desialylated Platelets Maintain Immune Quiescence through Regulating Kupffer Cells".; Research (Washington, D.C.); Vol 6, pp. 0279. 2023 Dec 12.
    1. O'Reilly D
    2. Murphy CA
    3. Moore CM
    4. N铆 脕inle F
    5. Gormley IC
    6. Morrell CN
    7. Curley A
    8. Mc Callion N
    9. Maguire P
    Markers of platelet activation foR identification of late onset sEpsis in infaNTs: PARENT study protocol.; Pediatric research; Vol 95(3), pp. 852-856. 2023 Sep 27.
    1. Maurya P
    2. Ture SK
    3. Li C
    4. Scheible KM
    5. McGrath KE
    6. Palis J
    7. Morrell CN
    Transfusion of Adult, but Not Neonatal, Platelets Promotes Monocyte Trafficking in Neonatal Mice.; Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2023 Mar 23.
    1. Livada AC
    2. Pariser DN
    3. Morrell CN
    Megakaryocytes in the lung: History and future perspectives.; Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis; Vol 7(2), pp. 100053. 2023 Jan 19.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Mix D
    3. Aggarwal A
    4. Bhandari R
    5. Godwin M
    6. Owens Iii AP
    7. Lyden SP
    8. Doyle A
    9. Krauel K
    10. Rondina MT
    11. Mohan A
    12. Lowenstein CJ
    13. Shim S
    14. Stauffer S
    15. Josyula VP
    16. Ture SK
    17. Yule DI
    18. Wagner Iii LE
    19. Ashton JM
    20. Elbadawi A
    21. Cameron SJ
    ; The Journal of clinical investigation. 2022 Mar 24.
    1. Hilt ZT
    2. Ture SK
    3. Mohan A
    4. Arne A
    5. Morrell CN
    ; Aging; Vol 11. 2019 Dec 18.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Hilt ZT
    3. Pariser DN
    4. Maurya P
    ; Circulation research; Vol 125(5). 2019 Aug 16.
    1. Dugbartey GJ
    2. Quinn B
    3. Luo L
    4. Mickelsen DM
    5. Ture SK
    6. Morrell CN
    7. Czyzyk J
    8. Doyley MM
    9. Yan C
    10. Berk BC
    11. Korshunov VA
    ; The American journal of pathology. 2019 Jun 17.
    1. Bennett JA
    2. Ture SK
    3. Schmidt RA
    4. Mastrangelo MA
    5. Cameron SJ
    6. Terry LE
    7. Yule DI
    8. Morrell CN
    9. Lowenstein CJ
    ; The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics. 2019 Feb 14.
    1. Hilt ZT
    2. Pariser DN
    3. Ture SK
    4. Mohan A
    5. Quijada P
    6. Asante A
    7. Cameron SJ
    8. Sterling JA
    9. Merkel AR
    10. Johanson AL
    11. Jenkins JL
    12. Small EM
    13. McGrath KE
    14. Palis J
    15. Elliott MR
    16. Morrell CN
    ; JCI insight. 2019 Jan 31.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Pariser DN
    3. Hilt ZT
    4. Vega Ocasio D
    ; Annual review of immunology. 2018 Nov 28.
    1. Cameron SJ
    2. Mix DS
    3. Ture SK
    4. Schmidt RA
    5. Mohan A
    6. Pariser D
    7. Stoner MC
    8. Shah P
    9. Chen L
    10. Zhang H
    11. Field DJ
    12. Modjeski KL
    13. Toth S
    14. Morrell CN
    ; Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2018 May 03.
    1. Schmidt RA
    2. Morrell CN
    3. Ling FS
    4. Simlote P
    5. Fernandez G
    6. Rich DQ
    7. Adler D
    8. Gervase J
    9. Cameron SJ
    ; Translational research : the journal of laboratory and clinical medicine; Vol 195. 2018 May.
    1. Yang M
    2. Kholmukhamedov A
    3. Schulte ML
    4. Cooley BC
    5. Scoggins NO
    6. Wood JP
    7. Cameron SJ
    8. Morrell CN
    9. Jobe SM
    10. Silverstein RL
    ; Blood advances; Vol 2(21). 2018 Jan 13.
    1. Chapman LM
    2. Ture SK
    3. Field DJ
    4. Morrell CN
    ; Immunologic research; Vol 65(4). 2017 Aug.
    1. Yang M
    2. Cooley BC
    3. Li W
    4. Chen Y
    5. Vasquez-Vivar J
    6. Scoggins NO
    7. Cameron SJ
    8. Morrell CN
    9. Silverstein RL
    ; Blood; Vol 129(21). 2017 May 25.
    1. Croft DP
    2. Cameron SJ
    3. Morrell CN
    4. Lowenstein CJ
    5. Ling F
    6. Zareba W
    7. Hopke PK
    8. Utell MJ
    9. Thurston SW
    10. Thevenet-Morrison K
    11. Evans KA
    12. Chalupa D
    13. Rich DQ
    ; Environmental research; Vol 154. 2017 Apr.
    1. Morrell CN
    ; Blood; Vol 129(12). 2017 Mar 23.
    1. Zhu QM
    2. Ko KA
    3. Ture S
    4. Mastrangelo MA
    5. Chen MH
    6. Johnson AD
    7. O'Donnell CJ
    8. Morrell CN
    9. Miano JM
    10. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology; Vol 37(2). 2017 Feb.
    1. Field DJ
    2. Aggrey-Amable AA
    3. Blick SK
    4. Ture SK
    5. Johanson A
    6. Cameron SJ
    7. Roy S
    8. Morrell CN
    ; Immunologic research; Vol 65(5). 2017 Jan.
    1. Batchu SN
    2. Hughson A
    3. Wadosky KM
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Fowell DJ
    6. Korshunov VA
    ; Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology. 2016 Jun 30.
    1. Xu S
    2. Liu B
    3. Yin M
    4. Koroleva M
    5. Mastrangelo M
    6. Ture S
    7. Morrell CN
    8. Zhang DX
    9. Fisher EA
    10. Jin ZG
    ; Oncotarget; Vol 7(25). 2016 Jun 21.
    1. Modjeski KL
    2. Levy SC
    3. Ture SK
    4. Field DJ
    5. Shi G
    6. Ko K
    7. Zhu Q
    8. Morrell CN
    ; American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons; Vol 16(5). 2016 May.
    1. Lannan KL
    2. Refaai MA
    3. Ture SK
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Blumberg N
    6. Phipps RP
    7. Spinelli SL
    ; British journal of haematology; Vol 172(5). 2016 Mar.
    1. Jackson JW
    2. Singh MV
    3. Singh VB
    4. Jones LD
    5. Davidson GA
    6. Ture S
    7. Morrell CN
    8. Schifitto G
    9. Maggirwar SB
    ; PloS one; Vol 11(6). 2016.
    1. Modjeski KL
    2. Ture SK
    3. Field DJ
    4. Cameron SJ
    5. Morrell CN
    ; PloS one; Vol 11(9). 2016.
    1. Batchu SN
    2. Xia J
    3. Ko KA
    4. Doyley MM
    5. Abe J
    6. Morrell CN
    7. Korshunov VA
    ; American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology; Vol 309(6). 2015 Sep 15.
    1. Spitalnik SL
    2. Triulzi D
    3. Devine DV
    4. Dzik WH
    5. Eder AF
    6. Gernsheimer T
    7. Josephson CD
    8. Kor DJ
    9. Luban NL
    10. Roubinian NH
    11. Mondoro T
    12. Welniak LA
    13. Zou S
    14. Glynn S
    ; Transfusion; Vol 55(9). 2015 Sep.
    1. Cameron SJ
    2. Ture SK
    3. Mickelsen D
    4. Chakrabarti E
    5. Modjeski KL
    6. McNitt S
    7. Seaberry M
    8. Field DJ
    9. Le NT
    10. Abe J
    11. Morrell CN
    ; Circulation; Vol 132(1). 2015 Jul 7.
    1. Cameron SJ
    2. Morrell CN
    3. Bao C
    4. Swaim AF
    5. Rodriguez A
    6. Lowenstein CJ
    ; PloS one; Vol 10(12). 2015.
    1. Morrell CN
    ; Current opinion in hematology; Vol 21(5). 2014 Sep.
    1. Wang L
    2. Soe NN
    3. Sowden M
    4. Xu Y
    5. Modjeski K
    6. Baskaran P
    7. Kim Y
    8. Smolock EM
    9. Morrell CN
    10. Berk BC
    ; Thrombosis and haemostasis; Vol 111(5). 2014 May 05.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Aggrey AA
    3. Chapman LM
    4. Modjeski KL
    ; Blood; Vol 123(18). 2014 May 1.
    1. Metcalf Pate KA
    2. Lyons CE
    3. Dorsey JL
    4. Queen SE
    5. Adams RJ
    6. Morrell CN
    7. Mankowski JL
    ; Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999); Vol 65(5). 2014 Apr 15.
    1. Modjeski KL
    2. Morrell CN
    ; Journal of thrombosis and thrombolysis; Vol 37(1). 2014 Jan.
    1. Shi G
    2. Field DJ
    3. Long X
    4. Mickelsen D
    5. Ko KA
    6. Ture S
    7. Korshunov VA
    8. Miano JM
    9. Morrell CN
    ; Blood; Vol 121(21). 2013 May 23.
    1. Aggrey AA
    2. Srivastava K
    3. Ture S
    4. Field DJ
    5. Morrell CN
    ; Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950); Vol 190(9). 2013 May 1.
    1. Chapman LM
    2. Aggrey AA
    3. Field DJ
    4. Srivastava K
    5. Ture S
    6. Yui K
    7. Topham DJ
    8. Baldwin WM
    9. Morrell CN
    ; Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950); Vol 189(2). 2012 Jul 15.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Maggirwar SB
    ; Current opinion in hematology; Vol 18(5). 2011 Sep.
    1. Shi G
    2. Morrell CN
    ; Thrombosis research; Vol 127(5). 2011 May.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Srivastava K
    3. Swaim A
    4. Lee MT
    5. Chen J
    6. Nagineni C
    7. Hooks JJ
    8. Detrick B
    ; Infection and immunity; Vol 79(4). 2011 Apr.
    1. Davidson DC
    2. Hirschman MP
    3. Spinelli SL
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Schifitto G
    6. Phipps RP
    7. Maggirwar SB
    ; Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950); Vol 186(1). 2011 Jan 1.
    1. Morrell CN
    ; Hematology / the Education Program of the American Society of Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program; Vol 2011. 2011.
    1. Ombrello C
    2. Block RC
    3. Morrell CN
    ; Journal of cardiovascular translational research; Vol 3(5). 2010 Oct.
    1. Srivastava K
    2. Field DJ
    3. Aggrey A
    4. Yamakuchi M
    5. Morrell CN
    ; PloS one; Vol 5(5). 2010.
    1. Steele BM
    2. Harper MT
    3. Macaulay IC
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Perez-Tamayo A
    6. Foy M
    7. Habas R
    8. Poole AW
    9. Fitzgerald DJ
    10. Maguire PB
    ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 106(47). 2009 Nov 24.
    1. Sun H
    2. Swaim A
    3. Herrera JE
    4. Becker D
    5. Becker L
    6. Srivastava K
    7. Thompson LE
    8. Shero MR
    9. Perez-Tamayo A
    10. Suktitipat B
    11. Mathias R
    12. Contractor A
    13. Faraday N
    14. Morrell CN
    ; Circulation research; Vol 105(6). 2009 Sep 11.
    1. Jeong Y
    2. Chaupin DF
    3. Matsushita K
    4. Yamakuchi M
    5. Cameron SJ
    6. Morrell CN
    7. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 106(10). 2009 Mar 10.
    1. Srivastava K
    2. Cockburn IA
    3. Swaim A
    4. Thompson LE
    5. Tripathi A
    6. Fletcher CA
    7. Shirk EM
    8. Sun H
    9. Kowalska MA
    10. Fox-Talbot K
    11. Sullivan D
    12. Zavala F
    13. Morrell CN
    ; Cell host & microbe; Vol 4(2). 2008 Aug 14.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Sun H
    3. Ikeda M
    4. Beique JC
    5. Swaim AM
    6. Mason E
    7. Martin TV
    8. Thompson LE
    9. Gozen O
    10. Ampagoomian D
    11. Sprengel R
    12. Rothstein J
    13. Faraday N
    14. Huganir R
    15. Lowenstein CJ
    ; The Journal of experimental medicine; Vol 205(3). 2008 Mar 17.
    1. Shi C
    2. Parker AR
    3. Hua L
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Lee SC
    6. Bandaru V
    7. Dumler JS
    8. Wu TC
    9. Eshleman JR
    ; The Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy; Vol 61(2). 2008 Feb.
    1. Yamakuchi M
    2. Ferlito M
    3. Morrell CN
    4. Matsushita K
    5. Fletcher CA
    6. Cao W
    7. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.); Vol 440. 2008.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Mason EA
    3. Martin TV
    4. Swaim AM
    5. Ballard M
    6. Murata K
    7. Baldwin WM
    Alloantibodies to MHC Induce Platelet-Endothelial Cell Interactions; Circulation Research; Vol 102(7), pp. 777-785. 2008 Jan 01.
    1. Matsushita K
    2. Morrell CN
    3. Mason RJ
    4. Yamakuchi M
    5. Khanday FA
    6. Irani K
    7. Lowenstein CJ
    ; The Journal of cell biology; Vol 170(1). 2005 Jul 4.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Matsushita K
    3. Lowenstein CJ
    ; The Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics; Vol 314(1). 2005 Jul.
    1. Yamakuchi M
    2. Greer JJ
    3. Cameron SJ
    4. Matsushita K
    5. Morrell CN
    6. Talbot-Fox K
    7. Baldwin WM
    8. Lefer DJ
    9. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Circulation research; Vol 96(11). 2005 Jun 10.
    1. Matsushita K
    2. Morrell CN
    3. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Molecular pharmacology; Vol 67(4). 2005 Apr.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Matsushita K
    3. Chiles K
    4. Scharpf RB
    5. Yamakuchi M
    6. Mason RJ
    7. Bergmeier W
    8. Mankowski JL
    9. Baldwin WM
    10. Faraday N
    11. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 102(10). 2005 Mar 8.
    1. Matsushita K
    2. Yamakuchi M
    3. Morrell CN
    4. Ozaki M
    5. O'Rourke B
    6. Irani K
    7. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Blood; Vol 105(1). 2005 Jan 1.
    1. Bhatia R
    2. Matsushita K
    3. Yamakuchi M
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Cao W
    6. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Circulation research; Vol 95(3). 2004 Aug 6.
    1. Matsushita K
    2. Morrell CN
    3. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 101(31). 2004 Aug 3.
    1. Matsushita K
    2. Morrell CN
    3. Cambien B
    4. Yang SX
    5. Yamakuchi M
    6. Bao C
    7. Hara MR
    8. Quick RA
    9. Cao W
    10. O'Rourke B
    11. Lowenstein JM
    12. Pevsner J
    13. Wagner DD
    14. Lowenstein CJ
    ; Cell; Vol 115(2). 2003 Oct 17.
    1. Chen WY
    2. Zeng X
    3. Carter MG
    4. Morrell CN
    5. Chiu Yen RW
    6. Esteller M
    7. Watkins DN
    8. Herman JG
    9. Mankowski JL
    10. Baylin SB
    ; Nature genetics; Vol 33(2). 2003 Feb.
    1. Morrell CN
    2. Volk MV
    3. Mankowski JL
    ; Veterinary pathology; Vol 39(6). 2002 Nov.
    1. Mathiowitz E
    2. Jacob JS
    3. Jong YS
    4. Carino GP
    5. Chickering DE
    6. Chaturvedi P
    7. Santos CA
    8. Vijayaraghavan K
    9. Montgomery S
    10. Bassett M
    11. Morrell C
    ; Nature; Vol 386(6623). 1997 Mar 27.
    1. Chickering DE
    2. Jacob JS
    3. Desai M
    4. Harrison WP
    5. Morrell CN
    6. Chatuverdi P
    7. Mathiowitz E
    Bioadhesive Microspheres: III. An In Vivo Transit and Bioavailability Study of Drug-Loaded Alginate and Poly(Fumaric-co-Sebacic Anhydride) Microspheres; Journal of Controlled Release; Vol 48, pp. 35-46. 1997 Jan 01.