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Services and Programs

Located on AC6, we are an Integrated Practice, which means there are a number of services available to every patient. The Primary Care Physician (PCP) is the leader of the care team and every visit is an integrated visit, even if the PCP never taps another member of the team. A primary goal of integration is to provide services in the primary care setting, whenever possible, to reduce stigma and to avoid the need for families to seek services through different systems or settings. Referrals and consultation between programs are bi-directional.

  • Behavioral Health, Back to School Clinics, Vaccinations, Lactation Consultants, Complex Care, Social Work, Care Coordination.
  • Early childhood specialists to talk with about development and parenting.

Roc Family Teleconnects

Birth to 6 months

A universal nursing home visitation model delivered virtually for babies up to 6 months of age. This is a brief model that provides up to 4 visits, from birth to 6 months, with a nurse, support from BH specialist, and Community Health Worker, around baby’s development, feeding, lactation support, sleeping, maternal depression/anxiety and linking to additional community resources. Parents are offered a Roc Family Teleconnects appointment when they are scheduled for their newborn visit but are eligible through 6 months.


Birth to 3 years

is an Integrated Primary Care model that provides additional support to babies ages 0-3 years and their families to help them learn, grow, and develop the best they can. HealthySteps Specialists/Behavioral Health Consultants support families with questions and/or concerns about development, feeding, sleeping, family adjustment, co parenting, tantrums, other behaviors and more. This is a universal, multidisciplinary program for all patients of the practice ages 0-3, including access to development and early learning resources.

Care Coordination

Care Coordinators (CCs) help families consider and address barriers to attend and participate in their health care needs such as transportation, insurance, and complicated scheduling needs. There is a CC for each of the color teams as well as additional coordination for children with complex health concerns.

Social Work

Social Workers are able to do many things to help support families. For example, they meet with families if there is an unmet need identified through another provider’s visit or through social screeners to help connect families with services and resources (e.g., housing or food insecurity), take phone calls from families in health/ behavior crisis, and evaluate concerns for abuse and neglect, and make Child Protective Service (CPS) reports / calls as indicated. Social Work may also have concrete resources available to families periodically (e.g., formula, diapers, and clothes).

Feeding and Nutrition

As your child grows, your family may benefit from the support of our Dietician, who can help with eating habits or with concerns and suggestions for improved health.

Breastfeeding/Lactation Support

Our office is a New York State Breastfeeding Friendly Practice! We are proud to have this designation since 2017! This means we are dedicated to improving newborn care in support of providing human milk. We know that every family’s feeding journey is unique and we are here to help you reach your individual goals.

Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs) are embedded and available within the practice to provide lactation support as identified by the provider or parent of the baby. They are available to meet at visits or can follow up by phone or telemedicine.

If needed, additional lactation services and supports are available through the Division of Breastfeeding & Lactation Medicine

Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Program

The Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Program's informational website has valuable resources for parents, caregivers, teens, young adults, educators and coaches about eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Provided by the “Child and Adolescent Eating Disorder Program” in the Division of Adolescent Medicine at Golisano Children's Hospital.

Integrated Developmental Pediatrics Clinic on AC6

Birth to 3 years

An integrated clinic with possible concerns for early diagnosis and/or complicated ADHD and those with developmental concerns (+MCHAT). Providers can use the “Amb Referral to Pediatrics” order, click internal referral then write in the comment section “Appointment with Dr. Kirby”

Early Intervention Referral Project

Birth to 3 years

This is a streamlined workflow for referrals. (See Early Intervention.) This includes a standardized referral letter from the PCP and follow up by OAS staff to ensure patients are linked to the Early Intervention program.