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Mobile Brain/Body Imaging:

Photo of the MoBI experimental rig at UR CABINWe offer access to this new frontier in the assessment of cognitive function. The Mobile Brain/Body Imaging or MoBI approach uses high density electroencephalography (hd-EEG) while participants perform tasks and walk on a treadmill. This cutting-edge approach can reveal previously masked cognitive and/or sensory-motor differences.

The MoBI facility is built around a motion capture (MoCap) system that resides in a dedicated ~800 sq. ft. virtual reality room. The system uses 16 OptiTrak (NaturalPoint Inc.) infrared cameras that capture synced images at 360 fps. The Motive © software reconstructs the locations of reflective markers worn by the participant in real-time and builds a full-body representation with millimeter accuracy. The system tracks full body motion in 3D space and calculates walking kinematic parameters such as time of heel strike, stride length variability, body sway, and head movements. We couple this MoCap system with hd-EEG (BioSemi or AntNeuro with up to 256 electrodes) to simultaneously collect brain activity along with the physical movement data. Auditory or visual stimuli can be presented to the participant. The MoBI system is equipped with state-of-the-art visual stimulus presentation equipment capable of delivering a 7500 lumen, 1080p, 150Hz projected image signal with fixed image latency of 19ms.

Workspace MoBI (MiniMoBI):

Provides many of the same technologies used in our MoBI room to a workspace/desktop environment. High-speed infrared cameras are coupled with hd-EEG and behavioral task control inside an electromagnetically shielded EEG booth. Participants can interact with tools and toys, or everyday objects such as mugs and utensils while performing a variety of tasks requiring sensory integration, motor planning and sequenced execution of movements as brain activity and fine motor data are collected simultaneously.