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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog
How Complacency Increases Risk

How Complacency Increases Risk

Complacency is the number one cause of workplace accidents. Repetitive tasks requiring alertness can cause you to become complacent, often leading to dismissal of safety steps. Be sure to make safety rules a part of who you are as an employee.

Art of Asking for Feedback

Art of Asking for Feedback

Don’t wait for feedback from your supervisor. Request an assessment of projects or assignments you are working on. Preface the request with a goal and be specific.

Passive-Aggressive Behavior at Work

Passive-Aggressive Behavior at Work

Few people are passive-aggressive as a way of life, but on the job, passive-aggressive behavior can undermine a positive workplace. A private, honest discussion is your path to an improved relationship with your coworkers. 

Hugging in the Workplace

Hugging in the Workplace

Hugging in the workplace is highly controversial, and there are a number of opinions about what is and is not acceptable. You should probably avoid a reputation for expressing affection in this way in the workplace, and be aware of your organization's rules or policies.

Building More Authentic Relationships

Building More Authentic Relationships

Authentic relationships are those that allow us to show our true selves. Authentic relationships at work have value because they reduce stress, allow us to feel more connected, and give our jobs meaning.