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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog
The Work Addiction Scale

The Work Addiction Scale

Workaholism is not an officially recognized disease process, but those who work too much are more prone to depression and anxiety disorders, and these are real treatable illnesses. 

Soft Skill to Know: Employee Flexibility

Soft Skill to Know: Employee Flexibility

Change can come quickly in the workplace. How well do you cope with sudden office moves, reassigned duties, taking on more work, or being removed from an unfinished project to start another one? 

Don’t Sit On Your Talents

Don’t Sit On Your Talents

Do you like dreaming up new ideas, spotting new business opportunities, imagining the possibilities, seeing unmet needs, and building a team? Do you take initiative on the job to undertake something new without being asked to do so? 

Having More Fun at Work

Having More Fun at Work

Fun at work improves employee engagement, morale, and productivity, according to numerous research investigations. Fun is not games and jokes, as you might first imagine. 

Interacting with Autistic Persons

Interacting with Autistic Persons

Could you communicate effectively with an autistic coworker?