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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog
Real Power in a Smile

Real Power in a Smile

If you are on the front line of customer service, you’ve heard it a thousand times—“Smile!” What you may not know is the effect of smiling.

Valentine’s Day Tip: Improving Couple Communication

Valentine’s Day Tip: Improving Couple Communication

Complaints about a partner being “too controlling” are common in couples counseling. Whether you are too controlling or too passive, each of these behaviors is usually learned in our family of origin.

Hidden Opportunities for Managing Stress

Hidden Opportunities for Managing Stress

Many factors can contribute to workplace stress. Some may be out of your awareness. Discover them with a guided approach.

When January’s Bills Come Due

When January’s Bills Come Due

Don’t panic about January’s payment-due notices from your holiday spending. Instead, get deliberate and determined about knocking them off fast. 

Is Your Team in Trouble?

Is Your Team in Trouble?

Work teams can be powerful tools for productivity, but they lose impact when dysfunction affects six critical areas.