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UR Medicine


August 2019

World Health Organization: Workplace Burn-out Recognized

World Health Organization: Workplace Burn-out Recognized

The World Health Organization (WHO) now recognizes "burn-out" as a genuine health condition in its International Classification of Diseases. This post explains some of the symptoms and what you can do to intervene this condition.

Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet

Can’t Out-Train a Bad Diet

Awesome, you’ve decided to get healthier by exercising more, but if your hard work paying off? This post explains the role of diet in our fitness plan.

Mismanaging Your Anger

Mismanaging Your Anger

We all get angry at one point or another. If you have noticed anger occurring more often for you, click on this post. It explains more about dealing with anger effectively.

Journaling for Maximum Impact

Journaling for Maximum Impact

Journaling has been shown to reduce the effects of stress and increase insight. This post can help your learn more on how to get started.

Quick and Easy Way to Organize Your Outlook

Quick and Easy Way to Organize Your Outlook

Do you find that you are having trouble keeping your emails, meetings and contacts organized in Outlook? Check out our blog post for tips and tricks on how to help keep your Outlook organized.