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UR Medicine


How to be a Better Listener

We all want to be heard, accepted, validated, and understood. To achieve this, we must practice active listening. This is a communication technique that demonstrates you are fully and effectively listening to another person. While listening, they know you understand what they are saying because you are reflecting their message and recognizing their verbal and nonverbal cues. Finally, you give feedback that reassures the speaker you have a mutual understanding of the discussion.

Here are the keys to active listening:

  1. Demonstrate attention by looking at the person you are communicating with.
  2. Show understanding of what is being communicated by responding such as paraphrasing or simple saying “I understand what you are saying.”
  3. Validate the speaker’s feelings by expressing empathy.
  4. Do not be looking at your electronic device or let other distractions interfere with your attention to the person speaking.
  5. Pay attention to nonverbal cues. Body language can demonstrate what a person is trying to convey. Consider your own body language and ensure you maintain eye contact and an open, interested and engaged posture.
  6. Ask questions to show genuine interest.
  7. Listen before responding. Wait until the other person has finished speaking.

Check out this site to learn more about how to actively listen.


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