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URMC / Employee Assistance Program / News & Events / UR Medicine EAP Blog / November 2019 / Stop the Downward Slide with EAP Help

Stop the Downward Slide with EAP Help

Even if you pride yourself on being an optimistic employee with a pleasant disposition, workplace negativity can still affect you in ways that you may not like. Negativity tends to be as contagious as a cold virus, and it can be a self-perpetuating force. The good news is that negativity in the workplace can be beaten. It has weaknesses, the most important of which is refusing to participate in it. This isn’t easy, of course, and it requires education and individual employees willing to be change agents.

Here’s how: Speak up when you spot negativity, not by criticizing but by educating about its impact and suggesting a different approach to communication. Team up with a coworker to practice this same change-agent role. There is nothing more powerful than peer influence, and you have the right action on your side. Note: If you feel affected by negativity, turn to your EAP for guidance and support to build your resilience so you don’t succumb to the limiting pattern around you and instead can be a positive force that influences others.

UR Medicine EAP is brought to you by , helping individuals to assess issues, and provide short-term counseling and referrals.

Keith Stein | 11/21/2019

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