<![CDATA[Blog posts]]> a7599fe7-b171-45f6-b8a4-7d1310421c8b <![CDATA[How to Up Your Team Skills]]> Showing up, pitching in, being timely, and communicating well are all part of being on a team. But here are five essential roles you may not have considered. 

Wed, 20 Sep 2017 15:00:41 GMT
2f9507a0-f475-4cd0-8088-56c6c2268ac7 <![CDATA[Mindful Communication: Should You Text or Call?]]> Fast communication is not always meaningful and effective. So, should you pick up the phone or meet in person to discuss that important issue with your coworker, colleague, boss, or customer? It could make a difference in your getting the job, smoothing over a conflict, explaining a mistake, or getting the sale. This is called “mindful communication”-- choosing the right communication method. That might be text, but be mindful about it. Communication “tools” include voice, tone, appearance, and nonverbal behaviors. These resources—and those of your counterpart—may be what deliver your goal. The meaning of your communication is found in the response you get back. If it is not what you want, switch methods.

Wed, 13 Sep 2017 14:57:55 GMT
83a770d1-7bfd-4908-b4e9-87beadbd6c94 <![CDATA[Subtle Signs of Depression]]> It’s easy to dismiss dips in mood, sleep issues, or suppressed appetite. But these could be subtle symptoms of depression. 

Wed, 06 Sep 2017 14:44:04 GMT