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The New Issue of Opportunities to Explore is Out Now!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Bridging Continents in the Quest for Cancer Cures

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Gary Hannon's journey from Dublin, Ireland, to Rochester, New York, reflects his dedication to advancing scientific discovery. Hannon, now a postdoc at the Â鶹ÊÓƵ, is making significant strides in cancer research under the mentorship of Associate Professor of Surgery Scott Gerber.

Gary and his wife, Alex, at their first visit to Letchworth State Park.​
Gary and his wife, Alex, at their first visit to Letchworth State Park.


Hannon's academic journey began at , where he focused on developing innovative treatments for pancreatic cancer. During his PhD, he worked on a nanomedicine that could be heated with magnetic fields to burn tumors. This innovative approach sparked his interest in understanding the immune system's response to cancer treatments.

A connection with a friend working in Scott Gerber's lab here in Rochester led to a pivotal career move. "I knew Scott's work through my friend, who was a graduate student in his lab," Hannon said. "We lived just ten minutes apart in Dublin, and I admired the groundbreaking research coming out of Scott's lab."

After a series of discussions and fellowship proposals, Gerber invited Hannon to join his lab as a postdoc. "It all happened very quickly, but it was an opportunity I couldn't pass up,” he said.


In the lab, Hannon focuses on testing immunotherapies in combination with radiation to treat cancer in animal models. His current project leverages mRNA technology (similar to that used in COVID-19 vaccines) to code for a protein called IL-12, a cytokine that can bind to multiple immune cells in the tumor and re-wire them to create an environment that supports anti-tumor immune responses.

“We inject this mRNA vaccine directly into the tumor, generating a protein that activates the immune system,” Hannon explains. This localized approach helps overcome the systemic toxicity issues that were previously encountered when IL-12 was administered directly into the bloodstream.

“With this treatment alone, we could cure 30% of our mice of pancreatic cancer. Adding radiation boosts this to a 100% cure rate in our animal models,” he notes. The team is now working on treating advanced disease with metastasis to the liver, showing promising results.

This research is not just confined to the lab. Hannon and his team are preparing for clinical trials with pancreatic cancer patients in the next few years.


Relocating to Rochester was a significant transition for Hannon and his wife, Alex, who were living in his parents’ attic in Dublin to save money. “We moved to Rochester in the space of about two months. It was a massive change, but over time, we’ve fallen in love with the city,” he says.


He credits Rochester's welcoming community and collaborative academic environment for making the transition smoother.

Gary’s Gaelic Football Team after their first win.​
Gary’s Gaelic Football Team after their first win.

Hannon appreciates Rochester’s blend of urban and natural environments. “Rochester has a unique charm,” he explains. “It’s a quieter city compared to Dublin, but it has everything you need. The cost of living is fantastic, which was a significant factor for us. Plus, there’s a great sense of community here.”

Hannon has immersed himself in local activities, joining a kickball team with graduate students, playing Gaelic football, and exploring the city's cultural scene. "The Lilac Festival was a highlight for us, and we've enjoyed discovering local music venues and festivals. It's a city that grows on you."

Scott Gerber lab members pose after a grad student’s wedding.​
Scott Gerber lab members pose after a grad student’s wedding.


Mentorship has been a cornerstone of Hannon's postdoctoral experience. "Scott is an amazing mentor," Hannon says. "His primary focus is getting you to your next career step; he's always thinking about your future."

Gerber's approach is both hands-on and tailored to each individual's goals. He takes a personal interest in each of his students, ensuring they have the resources and opportunities to succeed.

Hannon also has a mentorship role within the lab. "Scott encourages everyone in the lab to mentor students, which fosters a supportive learning environment," he says.

This collaborative nature extends beyond the lab, fostering partnerships with other research groups and industry leaders. "We collaborate closely with AstraZeneca, testing their treatments and presenting our research annually," Hannon notes. "Scott's connections provide a valuable glimpse into the industry and open up potential career paths."


Sharing knowledge is at the heart of scientific advancement, and Hannon's experience at the University of Rochester exemplifies this. "I have worked closely with both the Genomics Research Center and Flow Cytometry Resource during my time here," he says. "In both cases, I have found these core facilities to be hugely helpful and always available to answer questions. They provided multiple trainings on everything from instrumentation to data analysis. This was particularly helpful for me when I started to analyze transcriptomic data for the first time, which can be quite challenging for a beginner. Both of these resources have been pivotal to the success of my research to date."

As he continues his research, Hannon remains optimistic about the future. "I've been lucky to see great stories come out of research I've been involved in," he says. "It makes the job so much easier when you know there's a potential benefit. I'm excited to see what the future holds."

Gary’s Gaelic Football Team at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in 2024.​

Gary’s Gaelic Football Team at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in 2024.

This piece was edited by Megan Crawford with editorial assistance from AI technology.

Research Update from Steve Dewhurst – Major Wins, DEI Efforts, Trainee Shout-Outs

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Dear colleagues, 

I’m writing this note on a beautiful summer evening, having just watched a truly  of last month’s announcement of the single-largest gift in University history. 

Tom Golisano’s extraordinary $50 million commitment will support the , and will dramatically improve the lives of people with IDD. I was especially moved by the words of our own John Foxe, as well as those of Special Olympics gold medalist and health messenger Emily Brushafer, whose comments can be accessed in the final 6 minutes of the  Emily’s remarks will melt your heart, while John’s words are a reminder of what great leadership is about: framing values and goals that inspire and elevate. As he says:

“It’s a truism that the test of a great society is to be found in the ways it treats its most vulnerable, and here at the Golisano IDD Institute, we will hew to a simple but powerful maxim: that no person shall be defined by their limitations, but rather by their possibilities.”

A second major win for the University was the announcement of the new Center of Excellence in RNA Research and Therapeutics (CERRT), which will be co-led by Lynne Maquat and Eric Wagner, along with colleagues at the University at Albany. CERRT’s mission is to develop RNA-based therapies and train the next generation of New York’s biotechnology workforce, and its establishment builds on the success and pioneering research of dozens of scientists in our Center for RNA Biology.

Some more personal wins

While new institutes and centers provide essential fuel for our research enterprise, the ultimate success of our research mission depends on the hard work and creativity of hundreds of individual investigators and research groups. One such investigator is Bridget Young, an assistant professor of Pediatrics, who was awarded her first NIH R01 grant earlier this month.  That personal milestone is every bit as important as any new institute or center. Similarly, the way in which we conduct ourselves—and the culture that is created as a result—is also profoundly important. So, I want to take a moment to celebrate a small but powerful example of that, as expressed in the following email:

“My name is Suzanne Price (Landy) and I am a research administrator in ORPA…I just wanted to let you know (that)…Dr. (Jen) Gewandter, who is an associate professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, is really outstanding to work with… She is patient, kind, and always grateful to ORPA for our input in her projects. I am very appreciative of the opportunity to work with her.”

What I liked best about Suzanne’s note is that it draws attention to Jen’s behavior when she didn’t think anyone was looking. She acted with kindness, patience and gratitude simply because those are the right things to do.

DEI efforts in full swing this summer

Several SMD programs help high school and college students from groups historically underrepresented in biomedical fields explore and experience careers in research, including Summer ScholarsPREPNEUROEAST, and NEUROCITY. Importantly, these programs are only possible because of the personal dedication and caring of our faculty, staff, and trainees.

I’m very grateful to the individuals who direct and administer these programs, and to the mentors who provide outstanding research experiences for the trainees they support. And I’m especially grateful to Jacques Robert and Elaine Smolock, the co-directors of our NIH PREP program, whose competitive renewal application received an impact score of 13 earlier this month. It’s still too early to know if that will translate into another five years of funding, but it’s a terrific score for a program that “has outstanding outcomes with a success rate of 90% of trainees matriculating into graduate schools”, according to the review panel.

I also want to draw attention to our amazing community of Deaf scientists, and to their achievements, including a recent , assistant professor of Public Health Sciences. I was fortunate enough to accompany a cohort of our  to the  in Chapel Hill last month, and to have the opportunity to .

One more thank you

Last week, the University was impacted by the global CrowdStrike IT outage that affected millions of computers around the world. I want to call out the incredible work of the Office of Research IT (ORIT) in fixing research computers across SMD. The ORIT team has updated, one by one, hundreds of research computers in coordination with their colleagues in the Medical Center’s Information Systems Division (ISD). We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated IT team supporting research. If you are still having issues with your computer, please email smdithelp@urmc.rochester.edu (emails are monitored M- F from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

Trainee shout-outs

Finally, I’d like to highlight some of the achievements of our trainees, including the following:

  • Katherine Escalera-Rivera (Anolik lab), TashJae Scales (Harris lab), Leon Harvey (Boutz lab) have been accepted into the prestigious .
  • Paige Nicklas (John Foxe lab) won first place in The Scientist’s inaugural , with her story: .
  •  (Lawrence lab) received the Weiss Toxicology Scholar Award.
  •  (Majewska Lab) awarded the William F. Neuman and Margaret W. Neuman Award.
  •  (Minsoo Kim lab) received the Pamela Delp Polashenski M.D. Breast Cancer Research Trainee Grant from the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester.
  • 2024 PhD Award recipients:
  • The Vincent du Vigneaud Award - Allison Murphy, Neuroscience
  • The Wallace O. Fenn Award - Linh Le, Neuroscience
  • The Leadership Award for Excellence in Equity and Inclusion - Adrian Molina Vargas, Genetics: Concentration in Bioinformatics

Upcoming events/milestone

Registration for our biannual DEAF ROC conference is now open. The conference will be held at UR on Aug. 29 and at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) on Aug 30. 

In 2025, we will launch a new and revitalized School of Medicine website that will serve as a gateway to our world-class research, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives. The goals of the new website include:

  • Highlight pathways through the student/trainee application process.
  • Enrich the user experience with engaging learner stories.
  • Showcase key differentiators, such as research activities, community outreach, and comprehensive resources.
  • Focus on data security and accessibility compliance.
  • Create automated workflows to ensure information is accurate.
  • Move toward a unified look and feel across all digital platforms.

Be on the lookout for more updates regarding the new SMD site in the fall.

Steve Dewhurst, PhD

Vice Dean for Research, SMD
Vice President for Research, UR

BioRender Premium Now Available Institution-Wide at No Charge

Friday, July 12, 2024

Sample graphic from the BioRender website.

The University of Rochester has acquired an institution-wide license for BioRender Premium, a software that creates scientific illustrations, posters, and presentations.

To create your login and start using these tools, visit the . There is an , BioRender 201, on Wednesday, July 17. An introductory video is also available, "."

"There’s a growing emphasis on visual science communication. Journals and conference organizers are encouraging the use of visuals and graphical abstracts," says Neuroscience PhD candidate Makenna Cealie in a recent BioRender .

"Plus, it seems that figures in recent publications are more effective than before. I especially see an increased use of schematics with thoughtfully chosen colors and labels — compare this to older papers, sometimes with only black and white images or no graphical abstracts or schematics."

If you have questions, contact SMDITHelp at smdithelp@urmc.rochester.edu.

Stefan Burde ’95M (PhD) on Having Confidence in Your Competence

Friday, July 12, 2024

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In this episode, Jeff interviews Stefan Burde, a 1995 PhD graduate of Pathology. Originally from Germany, Stefan moved to the United States after high school, following his mother's relocation to Niagara Falls, Stefan was drawn to Rochester through personal connections and local opportunities.

He pursued his advanced degree after completing his undergraduate studies and a co-op program that combined work experience with academic learning. After completing his PhD, Stefan leveraged his advisor's connections to secure a postdoctoral appointment at , where he continued his work in molecular diagnostics.

His career path then led him to various industry positions, including roles at Bayer Biological Products, BioMathieu in France, and several startups in the Raleigh-Durham area. Stefan's adaptability and willingness to seize serendipitous opportunities significantly shaped his professional journey.

Currently, Stefan is the Director of Global Strategic Business Development for In Vitro Diagnostics at located in Germany, where he conducts conformity assessments for medical devices and in vitro diagnostics for companies aiming to launch their products in the European Union.

Stefan shared valuable insights and advice for current and prospective graduate students, emphasizing the importance of building confidence in one's competence, recognizing and leveraging your extensive research experience, and developing soft skills alongside technical expertise.

Stefan's experiences underscore the significance of industry connections, continuous learning, and maintaining a strong network to achieve career success in the sciences.

Key Takeaways

Have Confidence in Your Competence: Cultivate a strong belief in your technical knowledge and decision-making abilities, especially when transitioning from receiving knowledge to applying it. Acknowledge the value of your extensive research experience during your PhD and/or postdoc years when presenting yourself to potential employers or making important decisions in your career.

Embrace Serendipity and Adapt to Opportunities: Be open to changes in your career goals and seize opportunities, even if they seem tangential to your initial path. Be prepared to take advantage of serendipitous opportunities that align with your interests and skills. Flexibility can lead to fulfilling career trajectories.

Value Soft Skills: Invest time in developing soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. These are essential for conveying complex messages and working effectively in teams, and are as crucial as technical expertise in the scientific field.

Pursue Continuous Learning and Build Confidence Through Practice: Stay informed about technological advances and emerging trends, such as AI, to remain competitive and innovative in your field. Confidence in your professional skills builds with practice and experience, much like any other skill. Keep practicing to enhance your expertise.

Cultivate Relationships: Engaging with clients and maintaining professional relationships are critical aspects of business development roles. Take advantage of educational and professional opportunities in your local area. Networking can lead to new opportunities and collaborations.

Engage in Mentorship: Seek mentorship and guidance, especially when transitioning to new roles or industries. Mentors can provide valuable insights and support during challenging decisions.

Top Quotes

[15:35] "It's kind of important to have a fair level of confidence in your competence. And I know that's really something that a lot of people struggle with, especially people that are just coming out of [school].”

[17:39] "Aside from the hard technical skills, you have to develop a lot of soft skills to be able to convey those messages in a way that they're received."

[19:58] "You build confidence with experience, just like anything else. It's like riding a bike. You have to practice it and it comes."

[22:05] "What I might have done more of [in grad school] is get a bit more into what an industry position looks like, what is the company going to be looking for, or what kinds of things will help you transition into the industry?"

[23:37] "Give yourself credit for what you actually do have in your background."

Uplifting the Next Generation: Russell Ledet's Inspiring Juneteenth Visit

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Last week, we had the pleasure of hosting for a Juneteenth celebration, where he reminded us all of the importance of uplifting and supporting the younger generation.

Dr. Ledet has not only been on the cutting edge of research in molecular biology and currently on a Triple Board residency at Indiana University, but he is also co-founder of helping underrepresented students pursue medicine through inspiration and support.

During his visit, we presented Dr. Ledet with our first Juneteenth Award for his activism, philanthropy, and inspiration, which have profoundly impacted and uplifted our community.

Hear him talk more about his message to our trainees, as well as what inspires him.


Jamie Butler ’02M (PhD) on Exploring the Unconventional

Monday, June 3, 2024

Listen on , , or .

Jamie Butler, a 2002 graduate of our Biophysics program, has built a dynamic career at the intersection of science and technology. As the Vice President of Marketing at Hamamatsu, a leading company in light and technology products, Jamie leverages his extensive background in microscopy and biophysics.

Originating from Connecticut and initially attending Hamilton College for his undergraduate studies, Jamie's career journey took off in San Francisco where he engaged with emerging biotechnology firms.

His graduate experience at the University of Rochester, marked by practical lab work and valuable rotations, played a pivotal role in his professional development. Jamie's career path includes significant transitions from bench work to roles in sales and marketing, underscoring the importance of interdisciplinary skills and adaptability.

He credits collaborative opportunities at U of R and mentorship for his career progression. Jamie now offers insights and advice to aspiring scientists, emphasizing the value of asking questions, exploring unconventional paths, and fostering a rewarding work environment.

Key Takeaways

Find Your Passions: Be proactive in your academic and personal experiences to discover what truly excites you. These experiences can help you identify your specific interests and guide your career path.

Expand Your Skillset: Building technical skills and gaining practical experience can enhance your employability and open up diverse career opportunities you may not have even considered.

Get Comfortable in Your Environment: The support of a community can greatly influence your educational experience and career. Cultivate and nurture an environment that can help you thrive.

Build a Niche: Don't be afraid to ask questions and seek out areas where you can develop expertise. Finding a niche that aligns with your skills and interests can be transferable and valuable in new and unexpected ways.

Top Quotes

[05:09] "The work I was doing was really neat. It was bench work that then translated all the way up to production-level bioprocessing. So everything from Q vats and to flasks to then small fermenters to 100,000 liter fermenters that are in production in Iowa."

[09:11] "Microscopy was the theme throughout my career. The technology was easily as fascinating to me as the science itself."

[41:58] Explore the unconventional because you might find something that you really love. If you’re thinking it’s time to move away from the bench, what are some things you love about the bench — things you can take with you.

Mentorship, Teaching, and Leadership: Recognizing Our Outstanding Faculty

Monday, May 6, 2024

Steve Dewhurst and Edith Williams2024 Faculty Award Recipients with Â鶹ÊÓƵCEO and SMD Dean David Linehan, MD (Top middle).

Congratulations to all of our faculty members who received mentoring awards, named professorships, and teaching fellow awards. They were honored in a celebration at Flaum Atrium on May 1, 2024. The full list of awardees is below:

SMD Faculty Mentoring Awards

  • Faculty Academic Mentoring Award - Thu H. Le, MD, Professor of Medicine, John J. Kuiper Distinguished Professor and Chief, Division of Nephrology
  • Trainee Academic Mentoring Award in Clinical Programs - Anne F. Brayer MD, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics
  • Lifetime Mentoring Award - J. Edward Puzas, PhD, Professor of Orthopaedics in the Center for Musculoskeletal Research
  • Trainee Academic Mentoring, Award in Basic Science - Krystel R. Huxlin PhD, Professor of Ophthalmology and James V. Aquavella, MD, Professor in the Center for Visual Science and the Institute for Optics in Arts, Sciences and Engineering, in Neuroscience, and Director of Research in Ophthalmology

Newly Named Professorships

  • Gary R. Morrow Distinguished Professor - Michelle C. Janelsins-Benton, PhD
  • William L. Morgan Jr., Professor in Medicine - Amy E. Blatt, MD
  • Margaret and Cy Welcher Professor in Dental Research - Thomas Diekwisch, DMD, PhD
  • William H Eilinger Professor of Pediatrics - Jill S. Halterman, MD, MPH
  • Dr. Mina M. Chung Professor - Vikas Khetan, MBBS
  • Segal Watson Professor in Medicine - Mark A. Levstik, MD
  • Martha M. Freeman, M.D. Professor in Biomedical Genetics - Margot Mayer-Proschel, PhD
  • Dr. C. McCollister Evarts Professor in Orthopaedics - Susan M. McDowell, MD
  • George Washington Goler Chair in Pediatrics - Matthew D. McGraw, MD*
  • Northumberland Trust Professor in Pediatrics - James Palis, MD*
  • Donald M. Foster, M.D. Professor in Biomedical Genetics - Douglas S. Portman, PhD*
  • Albert and Phyllis Ritterson Professor in Microbiology and Immunology - Jacques Robert, PhD
  • Paul N. Yu Professor in Cardiology - Spencer Z. Rosero, MD
  • Dr. Elizabeth R. McAnarney Professor in Pediatrics funded by Roger and Carolyn Friedlander - Lauren G. Solan, MD, MEd
  • Lindsey Distinguished Professor for Pediatric Research - Laurie Ann Steiner, MD*
  • Frieda Robscheit-Robbins Professor - Christa L. Whitney-Milller, MD

​​​*Previously recognized in 2023, receiving medallion in 2024

Dean's Professors

  • Dean’s Professor, Ophthalmology - Ruchira Singh, PhD
  • Dean’s Associate Professor, Pediatrics - Kristin M. Scheible, MD
  • Dean’s Professor, Surgery - Gary R. Morrow, PhD, MS

Dean’s Teaching Fellow Awards

  • Sarah Betstadt, MD, MPH (OB/GYN) Jenny Shen, MD (Hospital Medicine)
  • Heather Reyes, MD, MEng (Pediatrics, Pediatric Critical Care)
  • Theresa Bingemann, MD (Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Allergy/Immunology)

Research Update from Steve Dewhurst

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Grad Student Appreciation, Partnering to Improve Mentoring, and Revising our Research Misconduct Policy

Dear colleagues, 

Scientific discoveries happen every day here at the Medical Center—and most of them depend on essential contributions from graduate students and other trainees/learners. So, it’s very appropriate that was celebrated earlier this month. As someone whose own research career has benefited tremendously from the contributions of learners, I want to also add my own personal “thank you” to all of the students and postdoctoral fellows who I have had the privilege to work with over the past 33 years—along with the hundreds of current graduate learners at the Med Center. 

Trainee Shout Outs

A testament to the high-quality work of our learners, the following individuals have recently been recognized for their research achievements:

  • , a postdoctoral associate in Biostatistics and Computational Biology, who was recently awarded the highly competitive Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Marielle Jensen-Battaglia, a Ph.D. student in Epidemiology, who won the
  • Evan Newbold, a Ph.D. student in Neuroscience, who was one of the winners of the University’s

One former trainee whose accomplishments were recently highlighted by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) is our own in one of the institute’s most recent success stories. 

Partnering to Improve Mentoring

In the NINDS posting, Nate outlines his mentoring philosophy, noting that “as a PI, you must create an environment that allows your lab members to be their authentic selves…approaching your trainees with a positive and respectful attitude and meeting them where they are will nurture their growth and yield tremendous results.” 

Nate’s words remind us that being a mentor to others is a privilege, something that is earned as an individual’s career progresses. Furthermore, as Nate points out, the establishment of a respectful partnership between learners and faculty is foundational to creating a culture of supportive mentoring. To that end, the learner-led Alliance for Diversity in Science and Engineering (ADSE) is working collaboratively with University administration to foster a collective culture that not only prioritizes research outcomes, but intentionally focuses on the mentorship responsibilities that are shared between PIs and grad students. A related goal is, in the words of ADSE President, TashJaé Q. Scales, to develop “a comprehensive plan delineating clear expectations for principal investigators and students within laboratory settings to cultivate a healthy environment conducive to student success.” We will share more details about these initiatives as they move forward.

Commencement Weekend and Other Upcoming Events

The , marking the start of a that includes the doctoral graduation ceremony (May 17 at 2 pm), and SMD’s Masters and Advanced Certificate graduation ceremony (May 18 at 4 pm). I hope to see many of you there!

The registration for our biannual DEAF ROC conference is now open.  The conference will be held August 29 and 30, at UR (Aug 29) and at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)’s National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) (Aug 30).  The theme of the conference is “Bridging the Gap: Empowering Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Hearing Research Environments”; keynote speakers will include the renowned deaf scientists, of UCSD and of Gallaudet University. Additional keynote presenters will include , the first deaf, Black woman to earn a STEM doctorate, and , New York State’s first Interagency Coordinating Council Executive Director. 

Changes on the Horizon

Research Misconduct (RM) policy: The in nearly two decades, so this is a good time for us to likewise review and improve our RM policy. We will be working on this over the coming months, in collaboration with the Faculty Senate and with input from faculty and other stakeholders across the institution. Until then, our remains in effect. Please be aware that you can report concerns regarding research integrity or misconduct via the University’s Integrity hotline.

Steve Dewhurst, PhD

Vice Dean for Research, SMD 
Vice President for Research, UR   


Brenda Santiago-Narvaez ’12M (PhD) on Becoming a College Professor and Mentorship

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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Brenda Santiago-Narvaez's unique journey in the realm of science stands as a testament to the pivotal role of passion and perseverance in attaining professional success. A 2012 Microbiology and Immunology PhD graduate, Brenda is currently an associate professor of Biology at Rollins College in Orlando, Florida. Her role encompasses both teaching and research, where she oversees the microbiology coursework for majors, conducts classes, and runs her research lab to guide undergraduates in scientific inquiry.

Brenda's trajectory was shaped by undergraduate research opportunities, particularly her involvement in the Summer Scholars and PREP programs here at the University of Rochester, which not only sharpened her research skills but also reinforced her determination to earn a PhD in Microbiology and Immunology.

Brenda's fascination with science was sparked during her childhood, partly due to her father's passion for the subject and his efforts to foster informal science education at home.

Despite her love for science and her parents' support for her educational aspirations, Brenda recalls the tough decision she had to make between continuing her studies and contributing financially to her family. This experience exemplifies Brenda's belief in the importance of inclusive and supportive educational environments.

She spearheads initiatives like the STEM Hub at Rollins College, creating spaces for community-building among students from diverse backgrounds. This dedication mirrors her focus on mentorship in academia, emphasizing that it's not just academic performance but also the sense of belonging that propels students forward in their careers.

Key Takeaways

Seek Out Research Experience early in your academic journey: Explore the subjects that intrigue you and allow yourself to explore them—they're invaluable for developing your skills and can boost your confidence.

Embrace Mentors: A great mentor can shape your career and life. Remember, these relationships can transform your path, offering guidance and support where you need it most.

Let Passion Inform Your Career: Recognize that your educational and career path is deeply personal and may not always be linear. Follow what genuinely interests you to find both personal fulfillment and professional success.

Value Representation in Academia: It can be powerful to see yourself reflected in your mentors and in roles you aspire to. Strive for diversity in your academic and professional circles and embrace the unique perspectives and opportunities that diverse experiences bring.

Recognize External Challenges: Academic pursuits don't exist in a vacuum. Students often face pressures outside of the classroom, and acknowledging these challenges for yourself and others is crucial for a realistic approach to work-life balance, education, and career planning.

Top Quotes

  1. [04:35] "I feel like as a kid I was very inquisitive and I always was constantly asking questions about the things that I observed. I was raised in a household where my dad had a lot of random science facts about random things. He just liked to read a lot and learn a lot, even though he was not college-educated. And that sparked that kind of natural ability of me to ask questions and be curious about the world."

  2. [07:50] "Economically, going to college was a big sacrifice from my end because I could … have been a member of my household that contributed to our needs. We were highly dependent on government assistance when it came to where we lived, as well as government assistance for our food...My decision to go to college and study full time was very connected with a sense of guilt, if I’m honest.”

  3. [23:00] “An important part about seeing others that are very much like you is also understanding the fact that you as a person are a package. You have your culture, you have your societal experiences, you have your background. When you are part of a minoritized group, sometimes feeling different makes you think that you’re not going to be enough in many ways. Seeing people very much like you and seeing yourself reflected in those individuals and seeing that they’ve accomplished many things and that they have been successful is extremely important.

  4. [32:10] "The path doesn't have to be linear, but if you are persistent, if you're committed to doing something and you're passionate about and you work hard to develop the skills that you need to succeed, then it's definitely possible."


Nazish Jeffery ’21M (PhD) On Responding to Rejection and Her Path to Science Policy

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

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Nazish Jeffery, a 2021 graduate of our Biochemistry and Molecular Biology program, has charted her career path at the intersection of science and policy. Currently serving as the Bioeconomy Policy Manager at the in Washington D.C., Nazish is a local native from Henrietta who has now successfully transitioned from graduate trainee to a vital role in science policy.

She bridges the gap between scientific research, policy formulation, and implementation, drawing on her experiences to address challenges within the scientific community and advocate for policies that promote innovation and support the scientific ecosystem.

Her prior role as a scientist in process development at Bluebird Bio in Cambridge, Mass. enriched her understanding of commercial and operational challenges in scientific research and solidified her passion for integrating science with policy to effect meaningful change.

Nazish's progression from graduate student to science policy highlights the importance of exploring interdisciplinary fields and being proactive in career development. Venturing into industry after her PhD, her role as a process development scientist broadened her insight into the business side of science. Her journey exemplifies the power of intentional career planning, the necessity of adaptability when facing professional challenges, and the crucial role of effective communication in advancing science and benefiting society.

Key Takeaways

Explore Interdisciplinary Fields: Embrace the merging of your interests to forge a distinct career path. Nazish's discovery of science policy—a field that marries her passion for science with her interest in policy—underscores the significance of delving into interdisciplinary areas that resonate with your personal and professional goals.

Network and Engage: Forge connections within and beyond your academic environment. Actively seek opportunities to understand various career paths and nurture mentorships and support networks that foster your growth. Nazish attributes her success in pursuing alternative career paths to the encouragement and support from her mentors.

Adapt and Be Resilient: Prepare to navigate and surmount the hurdles inherent in competitive arenas. Rejections can test your self-perception and determination. Nazish's experiences of facing challenges along her journey stress the need for resilience, flexibility, and the readiness to seize new opportunities when they present themselves.

Develop Your Skills Strategically: Cultivate a diverse skill set that is relevant across multiple roles. Nazish's progression from academia to industry, and subsequently to policy work, illustrates the importance of versatile skills like communication, program management, and an understanding of industry intricacies.

Communicate Effectively: Develop your prowess in articulating complex scientific ideas to varied audiences. Proficiency in communication is vital not only in science policy but also in any profession that requires making your work comprehensible to those without a scientific background.

Top Quotes

  1. [05:02] "I really do love science, but I like the translation of science a little bit more. It kind of pushed me into pursuing what my passion was, which was science policy."
  2. [05:44] "We're bridge builders between communities, especially for people working in academia and industry in the sciences, helping them voice the challenges they're facing on a day-to-day basis in their field, and potentially helping them figure out ways that government can step in and help alleviate those problems, provide more funding, or provide more opportunities for innovation."
  3. [17:29] "It's all about how you market your skillset. There's a lot of research and it's really scientific, but there are many other things we're learning along the way that apply to many different jobs."
  4. [29:19] "The best thing you can do is talk about your science to people who don't know science. If you want to grow your communication skills and better understand your own work, the best way to do it is to try to explain it to someone who doesn't know any science at all."

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Ian Krout ’22M (PhD) on Honing Your Skills Beyond Research

Monday, February 26, 2024

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Ian Krout, a 2022 graduate of our Toxicology Ph.D. program, currently serves as a postdoctoral fellow at Emory University School of Medicine and an assistant professor at Kennesaw State University.

In this episode, he discusses his current role as a bench scientist, primarily focusing on sequencing and data analysis, contributing to research investigating how pesticide exposure may interact with the gut microbiome to influence the progression of neurodegenerative diseases.

Reflecting on his academic career, Krout explains how he discovered the Toxicology program at the University of Rochester and why he chose it for his graduate training, highlighting the program's focus on collaboration, interdisciplinary work, and professional development. He also shares his experience in finding the right postdoctoral opportunity, emphasizing the importance of setting goals, seeking feedback from committee members, and exploring research that aligns with one's interests.

Krout offers advice to graduate students, encouraging them to maximize their educational experiences by leveraging available resources and embracing opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Key Takeaways

Intentionality in Career Planning: Take a deliberate approach to identifying and applying for postdoctoral opportunities. Setting clear goals and aligning them with your career aspirations helps you prioritize programs that offer meaningful advancement opportunities.

Utilizing Resources: Use the resources available at academic institutions; from career talks and workshops to faculty committees, you can gain valuable insights and personalized feedback on potential career paths.

Networking and Collaboration: Engage with your peers and faculty members in the academic community. Prioritize a collaborative environment and foster connections and partnerships with those around you. Be proactive in your engagement and take the initiative to maximize your learning and networking opportunities.

Reflective Practice: Introspection is crucial for your academic development and personal growth. Seize opportunities to develop and hone your skills beyond research so you can adapt to new roles and responsibilities, becoming a more well-rounded scientist.

Living in the Moment: Remember to appreciate the present while focusing on future goals. Enjoy your academic journey by finding a work-life balance that allows you to approach your studies enjoyably and sustainably. Value your holistic development as both a person and a scientist.

Key Quotes

  1. 06:56: "...the Toxicology program...being really unique and opposed to the other programs that I looked at and the fact that they focused on collaboration and interdisciplinary work as opposed to competition and sort of trapping yourself in one discipline, which I found with a lot of the other graduate schools I looked at. And so with that focus on collaboration, it made the program really welcoming and it made it so that interdisciplinary work could occur between labs, between graduate students even.
  2. 08:38: " I made it a point to try to take advantage of any career professional development opportunities that came my way. And a lot of that happened through myHub with Eric Vaughn and Elaine Smolock at the Writing Center. I participated in a number of career talks and professional development workshops that really allowed me to see the breadth of opportunities that were available for PhDs and hone in my own career aspirations. So utilizing all of these things made me just a more well-rounded scientist, not only because professionally I looked better, but I was taking the skills that I learned in things such as leadership and management workshops back to the bench."
  3. 09:00: "I also took part in the science communication group and Drinkers, where we were able to focus on how do we communicate our science to individuals outside of the scientific field. So, not only was I doing the research, but I was working on how to communicate that research to others to make it so that my Ph.D. was not only at the bench but was also interactive with translating that research to individuals who are the constituency of the research that we're completing."
  4. 13:09: "Knowing what my goals were and knowing what I wanted to achieve in the next three and next five years really made it so that I could sort through my options as next steps and find something that fit my role."
  5. 21:08: “Don’t be afraid to reach out to people like Eric and Elaine. If you have an idea or you have something you need help with, they're amazing and more than willing to help. … reach out, get involved, do as much as you can."

Research Update from Steve Dewhurst

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Dear colleagues,  

Twice a year—in February and in March—the Office of Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) at the School of Medicine Dentistry (SMD) hosts for applicants to our PhD programs. The event provides an opportunity both to showcase research at the Medical Center, and to reflect on what makes UR a special place.

Highlights of SMD’s research activities in 2023 include a total of $265 million in research funding, and some 382 newly funded clinical trials (315 of them industry-supported)—underscoring the impact of the CTSI’s Office of Clinical Research, which is led by newly recruited director, Ashlee Lang. A related highlight is the growth of cancer-related funding at the Wilmot Cancer Institute to a record high of $30.3 million, including $13.1 million in support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

While funding is essential for the conduct of research, it is not what makes SMD special. Our special sauce, to use a signature phrase of , lies in the combination of our unique resources, our institutional culture, and above all, our people.

In that regard, new SMD Dean and Â鶹ÊÓƵCEO, David Linehan, sets the tone. I’m excited that my new boss is an accomplished physician-scientist with a two-decade history of continuous research support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). But, I’m even more excited that—in the words of my colleague, Calvin Cole (assistant professor of Surgery)— who If you haven’t already, check out Dr. Linehan’s .

One of the best parts of Discover UR SMD Weekends are the dinners that faculty members host in their homes. Nathan Smith, associate dean for Equity and Inclusion in Research and Research Education regularly gathers students and faculty in his home because "it creates an environment that is warm and inviting, making it easier for visiting students, current students, and faculty to connect with one another." That experience was borne out in the words of one applicant who emailed Nate to say that "I was genuinely impressed by the sense of camaraderie and inclusivity within the program's group. The conversations I had with faculty and fellow applicants left me with a strong sense of community and belonging."

Finally, Discover UR SMD Weekends also provide an opportunity to put the spotlight on our amazing learners. A few examples include:

  • John Miller, a PhD candidate in Microbiology and Immunology, in the 2023 America's Got Regulatory Science Talent competition, held by UR CTSI. With his presentation "Stopping Runaway CAR-T Cells", Miller earned the opportunity to present directly to FDA representatives this spring. 
  • Lily Cisco, a graduate student in Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology, worked with faculty members John Lueck and Charles Thornton to successfully reverse muscle dysfunction in myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) in mice.  In Lueck’s words,
  • Raven Osborn, a 2023 graduate of the Translational Biomedical Sciences program, recently accepted a position at Eli Lilly and Company as a research advisor in Translational Pathology Bioinformatics. As Raven wrote on LinkedIn, this As one of her co-mentors, along with Juilee Thakar, I’m totally thrilled for her.  

Steve Dewhurst, PhD 
Vice Dean for Research, SMD 
Vice President for Research, UR   

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2023 SMD Research in Review
Download: Highlights of SMD’s Research Activities in 2023