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Publications by SPDS Steering Committee Members

The majority of these publications use the data that is collected by the Statewide system.

J. Christopher Glantz

  1. Glantz JC.  Labor induction rate variation in Upstate New York: What is the difference?  Birth 2003;30(3):168-174.
  2. Glantz JC, Guzick DS.  Can differences in labor induction rates be explained by case mix?  Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2004;49(3):175-181. (Poster presentation at Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 23rd Annual meeting, San Francisco, 2003)
  3. Glantz JC.  Elective induction vs. spontaneous labor: Associations and outcomes.  Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2005;50(4):235-240. (Poster presentation at Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 23rd Annual meeting, San Francisco, 2003)
  4. Sukalich S, Mingione M, Glantz JC.  Obstetrical outcomes in overweight and obese adolescents. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2006;195(3):851-853. (Poster presentation at Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 26th Annual meeting, Miami Beach, 2006)
  5. Thornburg LL, Barnes C, Glantz JC, Pressman EK.  Sonographic birth weight prediction in obese patients using the gestation-adjusted prediction method.  Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2008;32(1):66-70.
  6. Glantz JC.  Term labor induction compared with expectant management.  Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010;115(1):70-76.
  7. Vardo JH, Thornburg LL, Glantz JC.  Maternal and neonatal morbidity among nulliparous women undergoing elective induction of labor.  Journal of Reproductive Medicine 2011;56(1):25-30.
  8. Glantz JC. Rates of labor induction and primary cesarean delivery do not correlate with rates of adverse neonatal outcome in level 1 hospitals. Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2011;24(4):636-642.
  9. Hoffmire CA, Chess PR, Ben Saad T, Glantz JC.  Elective Delivery Before 39 weeks: The risk of infant admission to the neonatal intensive care unit.  Maternal Child Health Journal 2012;16(5):1053-1062.
  10. Glantz JC, Bertoia N.  Preterm nonstress testing: 10-beat compared with 15-beat criteria.  Obstetrics and Gynecology 2011;118(1):87-93.  (Subsequent response to Letter to the Editor: Obstetrics and Gynecology 2011;118(5):1177-1178).
  11. Strutz KL, Dozier AM, van Wijngaarden E, Glantz JC. Birth outcomes across three rural-urban typologies in the Finger Lakes Region of New York.  Journal of Rural Health 2012;28(2):162-73.
  12. Durie DE, Thornburg LL, Glantz JC.  The impact of second and third trimester rate of weight gestational gain on maternal and neonatal outcome.  Obstetrics & Gynecology 2011;118(3):569-575.  (Poster presentation at Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine 31st Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 2011).
  13. Hackney DN, Durie DE, Dozier AM, Suter BJ, Glantz JC. Is the accuracy of prior preterm birth history biased by delivery characteristics? Maternal Child Health Journal 2012;16(6):1241-1246.
  14. Dozier AM, Howard CR, Brownell EA, Wissler RN, Glantz JC, Ternullo SR, Thevenet-Morrison KN, Childs CK, Lawrence RA.   Maternal Child Health Journal 2013;17(4):689-698.
  15. Kurtzman JH, Wasserman EB, Suter BJ, Glantz JC, Dozier AM.  Measuring Adequacy of Prenatal Care: Does Missing Visit Information Matter?  Birth 2014;41(3):254-261.
  16. Sheth T, Glantz JC.  Third-Trimester Fetal Biometry and Neonatal Outcomes in Term and Preterm Deliveries.  Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2016;35(1):103-110.
  17. Zozzaro-Smith PE, Bacak S, Conway C, Park J, Glantz JC, Thornburg LL.  Association Between Obesity During Pregnancy and Adequacy of Prenatal Care.  Maternal Child Health Journal  2016;20(1):158-163.
  18. Kacica MA, Glantz JC, Xiong K, Shields EP, Cherouny PH. A Statewide quality improvement initiative to reduce non-medically indicated scheduled deliveries.  Maternal Child Health Journal 2017;21(4):932-941.
  19. Glance LG, Glantz JC, Stevens TP, Faden E, Kreso MA, Pyne SG, Wissler RN, Fichter J, Gloff MS, Dick AW.  Measuring Childbirth Outcomes Using Administrative and Birth Certificate Data. Anesthesiology 2019;131(2):238-253.

Ann Dozier

  1. Ossip DJ, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, McIntosh S, Dozier A, Chin N, Weber E, Holderness H, Torres E, Bautista A, Sanchez JJ, Avendaño E, Dye TDV, McDonald P, Bianco E.  Lessons learned from twelve years of partnered tobacco cessation research in the Dominican Republic.  Journal of Smoking Cessation.  2016 in press.
  1. Dye TDV, Li D, Demment M, Groth S, Fernandez D, Dozier A, Chang J. Sociocultural variation in attitudes toward use of genetic information and participation in genetic research by race in the United States: Implications for precision medicine. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2015 (In Press).
  1. Demment MM, Peters K, Dykens JA, Dozier A, Nawaz H, McIntosh S, Smith JS, Sy A, Irwin T, Fogg TT, Khaliq M, Blumenfeld R, Massoudi M, De Ver Dye T. Developing the Evidence Base to Inform Best Practice: A Scoping Study of Breast and Cervical Cancer Reviews in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. PLoS One. 2015 Sep
  1. Shah MN, Wasserman EB t, Gillespie SM, Wood NE, Wang H, Noyes K, Nelson D, Dozier A, McConnochie KM. High-Intensity Telemedicine Decreases Emergency Department Use for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions by Older Adult Senior Living Community Residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 2015 Aug 17.
  1. Rubio DM, Blank AE, Dozier A, Hites L, Gilliam VA, Hunt J, Rainwater J, Trochim WM. Developing Common Metrics for the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSAs): Lessons Learned. Clin Transl Sci. 2015 Jun 15. [Epub ahead of print]
  1. Fernandez ID, Chin NP, Devine CM, Dozier AM, Martina CA, McIntosh S, Thevenet-Morrison K, Yang H. Images of a Healthy Worksite: A Group-Randomized Trial for Worksite Weight Gain Prevention With Employee Participation in Intervention Design. Am J Public Health. 2015 Mar 19:e1-e8. [Epub ahead of print]
  1. Kukreja JE t, Levey HR, Scosyrev E, Kiernan M, Berrondo C, McNamee C, Wu G, Joseph JV, Ghazi A, Rashid H, Dozier A, Messing EM. Effectiveness and safety of extended-duration prophylaxis for venous thromboembolism in major urologic oncology surgery. Urol Oncol. 2015 Sep;33(9):387.e7-387.e16. Epub 2015 Jan 29.
  1. Kamen C t, Mustian KM, Dozier A, Bowen DJ, Li Y. Disparities in psychological distress impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender cancer survivors. Psychooncology. 2015 Jan 28. doi: 10.1002/pon.3746. [Epub ahead of print]
  1. Linares AM, Rayens MK, Dozier A, Wiggins A, Dignan MB. Factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding at 4 months postpartum in a sample of urban Hispanic mothers in Kentucky. J Hum Lact. 2015 May;31(2):307-14.
  1. Dye TDV, Pelto G, Kristensen S, Samen A, Dozier AM. Attitudes and practices toward micronutrient supplementation among pregnant women in rural Tibet. Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice. 2015;10(1):119-128.
  1. Holland MLt, Xia Y, Kitzman HJ, Dozier AM, Olds DL. Patterns of Visit Attendance in the Nurse–Family Partnership Program. American Journal of Public Health. 2014;104(10):e58-e65 Citations: 2
  1. Kost RG, Lee LN, Yessis JL, Wesley R, Alfano S, Alexander SR, Kassis SB, Cola P, Dozier A, Ford DE, Harris PA, Kim E, Lee SC, O'Riordan G, Roth MT, Schuff K,Wasser J, Henderson DK, Coller BS. Research Participant-Centered Outcomes at NIH-Supported Clinical Research Centers. Clin Transl Sci. 2014;7(6):430-40.
  1. Dozier A, Diaz S, Guido J, Quiñones Z, McIntosh S, Fisher S, Ossip-Klein DJ. Cohort Study of Smoke-free homes in Economically Disadvantaged Communities in the Dominican Republic. Rev Panam Salud Publica, 2014 Jan;35(1):30-7.
  1. McIntosh S, Cirillo Dt, Wood N, Alarie C, Dozier A, McConnochie K. Patient Evaluation of an Acute Care Pediatric Telemedicine Service in Urban Neighborhoods. Telemedicine and e-Health.
  1. Dozier AM, Nelson A, Brownell EA, Howard CR, Lawrence RA. Patterns of postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone administration among low-income mothers. J Womens Health (Larchmt).
    2014 Mar;23(3):224-30
  2. Kurtzman JHt, Wasserman EB, Suter BJ, Glantz JC, Dozier AM. Measuring Adequacy of Prenatal Care: Does Missing Visit Information Matter? Birth. 2014;41(13):254-61
  3. Szilagyi PG, Shone L, Dozier A, Green TM, Bennett NM. Evaluating Community Engagement in an Academic Medical Center. Academic Medicine, Acad Med. 2014 Apr;89(4):585-95. Citations: 1
  4. Dozier AM, Martina CA, O’Dell NL, Fogg TT, Lurie SJ, Rubinstein EP, Pearson TA, Identifying emerging research collaborations and networks: Method development. Evaluation and the Health Professions, March 2014;37(1):19-32. Citations: 1
  1. Dozier AM, Brownell E, Guido J, Yang H, Howard CA, Doniger A, Ossip D, Lawrence R. Adapting the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring Survey to Enhance Locally Available Data: Methods. Maternal Child Health Journal. 2014;18(5):1196-204. Citations: 1 
  1. Korfmacher KS, Suter BJ, Cai X, Brownson SA, Dozier AM. Environmental Risks and Children's Health: What can PRAMS Tell Us? Matern Child Health J. 2014;18(5):1156-68.
  1. Chin NP, Cuculick J, Starr M, Panko T, Widanka H, Dozier A. Deaf mothers and breastfeeding: do unique features of deaf culture and language support breastfeeding success? J Hum Lact. 2013 Nov;29(4):564-71. Citations: 1
  1. Brownell EAt, Fernandez ID, Fisher SG, Howard CR, Ternullo SR, Lawrence RA, Duckett JW, Dozier AM. The effect of immediate postpartum depot medroxyprogesterone on early breastfeeding cessation. Contraception. 2013;87(6):836-43.  Citations: 3
  1. Dozier AM, Howard CR, Brownell EAt, Wissler RN, Glantz JC, Ternullo SR, Thevenet-Morrison KN, Childs CK, Lawrence RA. Labor epidural anesthesia, obstetric factors and breastfeeding cessation. Matern Child Health J. 2013 May;17(4):689-98. Citations: 4
  1. Brownell Et, Howard CR, Lawrence RA, Dozier AM. Delayed Onset Lactogenesis II Predicts the Cessation of Any or Exclusive Breastfeeding. J Pediatr. 2012 Oct;161(4):608-14. Citations: 3
  1. Lee LS, Pusek SN, McCormack WT, Helitzer DL, Martina CA, Dozier AM, Ahluwalia JS, Schwartz LS, McManus LM, Reynolds BD, Haynes EN, Rubio DM. Clinical and translational scientist career success: metrics for evaluation. Clin Transl Sci. 2012 Oct;5(5):400-7. Citations: 8
  1. Dozier AM, Nelson A, Brownell E. The Relationship between Life Stress and Breastfeeding Outcomes among Low-Income Mothers. Adv Prev Med. 2012;2012:902487.
  1. Hackney DNt, Durie DE, Dozier AM, Suter BJ, Glantz JC. Is the accuracy of prior preterm birth history biased by delivery characteristics? Matern Child Health J. 2012 Aug;16(6):1241-6. Citations: 1
  1. Block RC, Dozier AM, Hazel-Fernandez L, Guido JJ, Pearson TA. An epidemiologic transition of cardiovascular disease risk in Carriacou and Petite Martinique, Grenada, the Grenada Heart Project, 2005-2007. Prev Chronic Dis 2012;9:E90. Citations: 1
  1. Nelson LEt, Morrison-Beedy D, Kearney MH, Dozier A. Black adolescent mothers' perspectives on sex and parenting in nonmarital relationships with the biological fathers of their children. J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2012 Jan;41(1):82-91. Citations: 2
  1. Strutz KLt, Dozier AM, van Wijngaarden E and Glantz JC. Birth Outcomes Across Three Rural-Urban Typologies in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. The Journal of Rural Health. 2012;28:162–173. Citations: 2
  1. Peppone LJt, Mustian KM, Morrow GR, Dozier AM, Ossip DJ, Janelsins MC, Sprod LK, McIntosh S. The effect of cigarette smoking on cancer treatment-related side effects. The Oncologist. 2011;16(12):1784-92.  Citations: 8
  1. Godfrey EMt, Chin NP, Fielding S, Fiscella K, Dozier A. Contraceptive methods and use by women aged 35 and over; A qualitative study of perspectives. BMC Women's Health. 2011 Feb:16;11:5. Citations: 5
  1. Dozier AM, McKee KS. State Breastfeeding Worksite Statutes....Breastfeeding Rates ...and... Breastfeeding Med. 2011 Oct;6:319-24.
  1. Maher Mt, Dozier A, Lurie S, Trafton S. A study of Perinatal Outcomes of Hispanic Migrant Farmworkers Using the Optimality Index. Hispanic Health Care International. 2011;9(1):22-31.
  1. Adams MJt, Dozier A, Shore RE, Lipshultz SE, Schwartz RG, Constine LS, Pearson TA, Stovall M, Winters P, Fisher SG. Breast Cancer Risk 55+ Years after Irradiation for an Enlarged Thymus and Its Implications for Early Childhood Medical Irradiation Today. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2010;19(1):48-58. Citations: 7
  1. Dozier AM. Community engagement and dissemination of effective breastfeeding programs. Breastfeed Med. 2010 Oct;5(5):215-6. doi: 10.1089/bfm.2010.0051. Citatio5ns: 1
  1. Coles MS, Makino KK, Stanwood NL, Dozier A, Klein JD. How are restrictive abortion statutes associated with unintended teen birth? J Adolesc Health. 2010 Aug;47(2):160-7. Citations: 5
  1. Dozier AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Diaz S, Sierra, E, Quiñones, Z, Armstrong, L, Chin, NP, McIntosh, S. Health Care Workers in the Dominican Republic: Self-perceived role in smoking cessation. Evaluation and the Health Professions. 2009; 32(2):144-164. Citations: 2
  1. PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL continued (most recent first, t = trainee)
  2. Lurie S, Fogg T, Dozier, AM. Social network analysis as a method of assessing institutional culture; three case studies. Academic Medicine. 2009;84(8):1029-1035. Citations: 19
  1. Dozier A, Block R, Levy D, Dye TD, Pearson TA. Cardiovascular health in the developing world: community perceptions from Carriacou, Grenada. CVD Prevention and Control. 2008;3(3):123-131. Citations: 3
  1. Ossip-Klein DJ, Fisher S, Diaz S, Quiñones Z, Sierra E, Dozier A, McIntosh S, Guido J, Winters P, Diaz O, Armstrong, L. Tobacco use in six economically disadvantaged communities in the Dominican Republic . Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2008;10(5):851-60. Citations: 7
  1. Wu Jt, Meldrum S, Dozier A, Stanwood N, Fiscella K. Contraceptive nonuse among US women at risk for unplanned pregnancy . Contraception. 2008;78(4):284-9. Citations: 23
  1. Mukamel DB, Spector WD, Zinn JS, Huang L, Weimer DL, Dozier AM. Nursing Homes' Response to the Nursing Home Compare Report Card. Journals of Gerontology Series B - Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 2007;62(4):S218-25. Citations: 39
  1. Devine CM, Chin NP, Dozier AM, Fernandez ID. Pizza is cheaper than salad: assessing workers' views for an environmental food intervention. Obesity. 2007;15 Suppl(1):57S-68S. Citations: 17
  1. Dozier AM, Aligne A, Schlabach MB. What is Asthma Control? Discrepancies between parents' perceptions and official definitions. Journal of School Health. 2006;76(6):214-218. Citations: 22
  1. Dozier AM, Ossip-Klein DJ, Diaz S, Chin NP, Sierra E, Quiñones Z, Dye TD, McIntosh S, Armstrong L. Tobacco use in the Dominican Republic: understanding the culture first. Tobacco Control. 2006;15 Suppl 1:i30-6. Citations: 10
  1. Narins CR, Dozier AM, Ling FS, Zareba W. The Influence of Public Reporting of Outcome Data on Medical Decision Making by Physicians. Archives of Internal Medicine. 2005;165:83-87. Citations: 94
  1. Sinkin RAt, Fisher SG, Dozier A, Dye TD. Effect of Managed Care on Perinatal Transports for the Publicly Funded in Upstate New York. Journal of Perinatology. 2005;25(2):79-85. Citations: 5
  2. Dozier AM, Kitzman HJ, Ingersoll GL, Holmberg S, Schultz AW. Development of an instrument to measure patient perception of the quality of nursing care. RINAH. 2001;24(6):506-17. Citations: 41
  1. Dozier, AM. Professional standards: Linking care; competence and quality. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 1998;24(4):22-29. Citations: 10

Timothy Stevens

  1. Stevens TP, Shields ER, Campbell D, Combs A, Horgan MJ, LaGamma E, Roy A, Kacica M. Improving Growth Outcomes Among Infants < 31 Weeks Gestation in New York State (NYS): Report from the NYS Perinatal Quality Collaborative. (Abstract Number 1178737) Pediatric Academic Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. April 21-25, 2022
  2. Schulman J, Stricof RL, Stevens TP, Holzman IR, Shields EP, Angert RM, Wasserman-Hoff RS, Nafday SM, Saiman L; New York State Regional Perinatal Centers; New York State Department of Health. Development of a Statewide Collaborative to Decrease NICU Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infections. J Perinatol. 2009 Sep;29(9):591-9. Epub 2009 Mar 5. PMID: 19262569
  3. Schulman J, Stricof R, Stevens TP, Horgan M, Gase K, Holzman IR et al. Statewide NICU central-line-associated bloodstream infection rates decline after bundles and checklists. (Epub 2011 Feb 21). Pediatrics 2011; 127(3):436-444 Pediatrics. 2011 Mar;127(3):436-44. PMID: 21339265.
  4. Stevens TP, Shields ER, Campbell D, Combs A, Horgan MJ, LaGamma EF, Xiong KN, Kacica MA. . American Journal of Perinatology, 2015 Jun 17. PMID 26084749
  5. Stevens TP, Sinkin RA, Hall CB, Maniscalco WM, McConnochie KM. Respiratory syncytial virus and premature infants born at 32 weeks’ gestation or earlier:  hospitalization and economic implications of prophylaxis.  Arch Pediatr Adolesc  Med 154(1):55-61, January 2000. PMID: 10632251

Barbara Suter

  1. Hackney DN, Durie DE, Dozier AM, Suter BJ, Glantz JC. Is the accuracy of prior preterm birth history biased by delivery characteristics? Maternal Child Health Journal 2012;16(6):1241-1246.
  1. Kurtzman JH, Wasserman EB, Suter BJ, Glantz JC, Dozier AM.  Measuring Adequacy of Prenatal Care: Does Missing Visit Information Matter?  Birth 2014;41(3):254-261.