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URMC / Labs / Anders Lab / Publications


Recent Publications

    1. Anders MW
    ; Mitochondrion; Vol 13(5). 2013 Sep.
    1. Anders MW
    ; Chemico-biological interactions; Vol 192(1-2). 2011 Jun 30.
    1. Board PG
    2. Anders MW
    ; Drug metabolism reviews; Vol 43(2). 2011 May.
    1. Roser KS
    2. Brookes PS
    3. Wojtovich AP
    4. Olson LP
    5. Shojaie J
    6. Parton RL
    7. Anders MW
    ; Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry; Vol 18(4). 2010 Feb 15.
    1. Xu L
    2. Krenitsky DM
    3. Seacat AM
    4. Butenhoff JL
    5. Tephly TR
    6. Anders MW
    ; Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals; Vol 34(8). 2006 Aug.
    1. Starr TB
    2. Matanoski G
    3. Anders MW
    4. Andersen ME
    ; Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology; Vol 91(1). 2006 May.
    1. Fang YY
    2. Kashkarov U
    3. Anders MW
    4. Board PG
    ; Pharmacogenetics and genomics; Vol 16(5). 2006 May.
    1. Blackburn AC
    2. Matthaei KI
    3. Lim C
    4. Taylor MC
    5. Cappello JY
    6. Hayes JD
    7. Anders MW
    8. Board PG
    ; Molecular pharmacology; Vol 69(2). 2006 Feb.
    1. Sheu SS
    2. Nauduri D
    3. Anders MW
    ; Biochimica et biophysica acta; Vol 1762(2). 2006 Feb.
    1. Anders MW
    2. Robotham JL
    3. Sheu SS
    ; Expert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology; Vol 2(1). 2006 Feb.
    1. Board PG
    2. Anders MW
    ; Methods in enzymology; Vol 401. 2005.
    1. Anders MW
    ; Annual review of pharmacology and toxicology; Vol 45. 2005.
    1. Anders MW
    ; Drug metabolism reviews; Vol 36(3-4). 2004 Oct.
    1. Brookes PS
    2. Yoon Y
    3. Robotham JL
    4. Anders MW
    5. Sheu SS
    ; American journal of physiology. Cell physiology; Vol 287(4). 2004 Oct.
    1. Lim CE
    2. Matthaei KI
    3. Blackburn AC
    4. Davis RP
    5. Dahlstrom JE
    6. Koina ME
    7. Anders MW
    8. Board PG
    ; The American journal of pathology; Vol 165(2). 2004 Aug.
    1. Xu L
    2. Krenitsky DM
    3. Seacat AM
    4. Butenhoff JL
    5. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 17(6). 2004 Jun.
    1. Anderson WB
    2. Board PG
    3. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 17(5). 2004 May.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Iyer RA
    3. Anders MW
    ; Biochemical pharmacology; Vol 67(7). 2004 Apr 1.
    1. Board PG
    2. Taylor MC
    3. Coggan M
    4. Parker MW
    5. Lantum HB
    6. Anders MW
    ; The Biochemical journal; Vol 374(Pt 3). 2003 Sep 15.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Cornejo J
    3. Pierce RH
    4. Anders MW
    ; Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology; Vol 74(1). 2003 Jul.
    1. Jolivette LJ
    2. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 16(2). 2003 Feb.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Baggs RB
    3. Krenitsky DM
    4. Anders MW
    ; Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology; Vol 70(2). 2002 Dec.
    1. Anderson WB
    2. Liebler DC
    3. Board PG
    4. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 15(11). 2002 Nov.
    1. Enomoto A
    2. Wempe MF
    3. Tsuchida H
    4. Shin HJ
    5. Cha SH
    6. Anzai N
    7. Goto A
    8. Sakamoto A
    9. Niwa T
    10. Kanai Y
    11. Anders MW
    12. Endou H
    ; The Journal of biological chemistry; Vol 277(39). 2002 Sep 27.
    1. Cooper AJ
    2. Bruschi SA
    3. Anders MW
    ; Biochemical pharmacology; Vol 64(4). 2002 Aug 15.
    1. Jolivette LJ
    2. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 15(8). 2002 Aug.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Board PG
    3. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 15(7). 2002 Jul.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Baggs RB
    3. Krenitsky DM
    4. Board PG
    5. Anders MW
    ; Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals; Vol 30(6). 2002 Jun.
    1. Tong Z
    2. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 15(5). 2002 May.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Liebler DC
    3. Board PG
    4. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 15(5). 2002 May.
    1. Bayer T
    2. Amberg A
    3. Bertermann R
    4. Rusch GM
    5. Anders MW
    6. Dekant W
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 15(5). 2002 May.
    1. Uchino H
    2. Kanai Y
    3. Kim DK
    4. Wempe MF
    5. Chairoungdua A
    6. Morimoto E
    7. Anders MW
    8. Endou H
    ; Molecular pharmacology; Vol 61(4). 2002 Apr.
    1. Pombrio JM
    2. Giangreco A
    3. Li L
    4. Wempe MF
    5. Anders MW
    6. Sweet DH
    7. Pritchard JB
    8. Ballatori N
    ; Molecular pharmacology; Vol 60(5). 2001 Nov.
    1. Blackburn AC
    2. Coggan M
    3. Tzeng HF
    4. Lantum H
    5. Polekhina G
    6. Parker MW
    7. Anders MW
    8. Board PG
    ; Pharmacogenetics; Vol 11(8). 2001 Nov.
    1. DeCory HH
    2. Piech-Dumas KM
    3. Sheu SS
    4. Federoff HJ
    5. Anders MW
    ; Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals; Vol 29(10). 2001 Oct.
    1. Board PG
    2. Chelvanayagam G
    3. Jermiin LS
    4. Tetlow N
    5. Tzeng HF
    6. Anders MW
    7. Blackburn AC
    ; Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals; Vol 29(4 Pt 2). 2001 Apr.
    1. Chen Y
    2. Cai J
    3. Anders MW
    4. Stevens JL
    5. Jones DP
    ; Toxicology and applied pharmacology; Vol 170(3). 2001 Feb 1.
    1. Anders MW
    ; Advances in experimental medicine and biology; Vol 500. 2001.
    1. Lantum HB
    2. Board PG
    3. Anders MW
    ; Advances in experimental medicine and biology; Vol 500. 2001.
    1. Luu NC
    2. Iyer RA
    3. Anders MW
    4. Ridge DP
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 13(7). 2000 Jul.
    1. Uttamsingh V
    2. Baggs RB
    3. Krenitsky DM
    4. Anders MW
    ; Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals; Vol 28(6). 2000 Jun.
    1. Tzeng HF
    2. Blackburn AC
    3. Board PG
    4. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 13(4). 2000 Apr.
    1. Kraus T
    2. Uttamsingh V
    3. Anders MW
    4. Wolf S
    ; Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals; Vol 28(4). 2000 Apr.
    1. Morrow PE
    2. Witschi H
    3. Vore M
    4. Hakkinen PE
    5. MacGregor J
    6. MacGregor J
    7. Anders MW
    8. Willhite C
    ; Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology; Vol 53(2). 2000 Feb.
    1. Blackburn AC
    2. Tzeng HF
    3. Anders MW
    4. Board PG
    ; Pharmacogenetics; Vol 10(1). 2000 Feb.
    1. Anderson WB
    2. Board PG
    3. Gargano B
    4. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 12(12). 1999 Dec.
    1. Uttamsingh V
    2. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 12(10). 1999 Oct.
    1. Wempe MF
    2. Anderson WB
    3. Tzeng HF
    4. Board PG
    5. Anders MW
    ; Biochemical and biophysical research communications; Vol 261(3). 1999 Aug 11.
    1. Tu Z
    2. Anders MW
    ; The Biochemical journal; Vol 336 ( Pt 3). 1998 Dec 15.
    1. Tong Z
    2. Board PG
    3. Anders MW
    ; Chemical research in toxicology; Vol 11(11). 1998 Nov.