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URMC / Labs / Sheftall Lab / Projects


Research Projects

Our research focuses on understanding the developmental mechanisms associated with youth suicidal thoughts and behaviors (STBs). We examine familial factors, neurocognitive functioning, and emotion regulation and reactivity in youth who are at risk for STBs. Currently, projects conducted in our lab are aimed at understanding these associations with the hope to create prevention methods to be used to decrease the likelihood of suicidal behavior in youth.


extended family members standing together

Effects of Parental History of Suicidal Behavior on Middle/Late Childhood: Longitudinal Assessment of Early Markers of Suicide Risk  

Funded by the National Institute of Mental Health. PI, Arielle Sheftall, PhD.

One risk factor associated with an early onset of suicidal behavior (SB) is a parental history of SB. Children with a parental history of SB, compared to children without, are at 4- to 6-times increased risk of SB with the earliest age of documented occurrence at around 10 years. However, recent evidence has suggested SB may occur even younger. Two mechanisms that may be associated with the familial transmission of SB are neurocognitive functioning (NF) and emotional reactivity/regulation (ERR), and they are the focus for this longitudinal study. For this study, we will follow an established sample of 200 youth with (PH+) and without (PH-) a parental history of suicide attempt (Cohort 1; enrolled in Columbus, OH), and an additional 300 youth (Cohort 2; 150 PH+ and 150 PH- to be enrolled in Rochester, NY) for four years from mid/late-childhood through early/mid-adolescence.

Our specific aims are as follows: 

  • Examine, longitudinally, how parental history of suicidal behavior (PH status) is associated with trajectories of NF and ERR measured during mid/late-childhood through early/mid-adolescence.
  • Investigate the potential mediating role of NF and ERR constructs on the association between PH status, youth non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), suicidal ideation (SI), and suicide attempt (SA)
  • Test sex and race as potential moderators of ERR and NF trajectories, and on the association between PH status and youth NSSI, SI, and SA

group of teens using smartphones

Leveraging Noninvasive Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Smartphone Technology to Reduce Suicidal Behaviors and Suicide Among Highly Vulnerable Adolescents (REACH)

Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). PIs: Kristin Valentino, PhD, Arielle Sheftall, PhD (University of Notre Dame and University of Rochester)

Suicide mitigation efforts in the United States have primarily consisted of secondary prevention – reducing suicide risk in those have already attempted. Most attempts, however, are lethal the first time. The focus for this dual-site, randomized control trial of 212 adolescents is to examine two interventions for major risk factors of suicidal thoughts behaviors - transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation (tVNS) to target emotion dysregulation, and a peer-support smartphone app to combat social isolation.

Our specific aims are as follows:

  • Evaluate the clinical efficacy and effectiveness of tVNS in reducing non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), suicide ideation, and suicidal behaviors among vulnerable adolescents. 
  • Evaluate the clinical efficacy and effectiveness of a peer-support phone app in reducing non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), suicide ideation, and suicidal behaviors among vulnerable adolescents. 
  • Determine whether, and for whom tVNS and the peer-support phone app yield better outcomes when combined rather than used alone. 
  • Evaluate treatment adherence compared with traditional psychosocial interventions of similar duration. 

Previous Research Projects

The project listed below has concluded. 

2 boys walking and talking outside their school

Suicidal Behaviors in Elementary School-Aged Youth: Assessment of Familial Factors and Neurocognitive Functioning  

Funded by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. PI, Arielle Sheftall, PhD.

Two risk factors that are consistently associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth are neurocognitive functioning (NF) deficits and negative familial factors. These variables are the main focus of this cross-sectional study. Study methods include computerized behavioral tasks assessing parent/legal guardian and child neurocognitive functioning (e.g., attention), observations evaluating familial factors (e.g., communication, parenting behaviors), and interviews/self-reports to assess early indicators of risk (e.g., hopelessness) for future SB.

Our specific aims are as follows: 

  • Examine the association between NF and SB in elementary school-aged children 
  • Investigate the association between familial factors and SB in elementary school-aged children 
  • Test racial contributions associated with SB in elementary school-aged children, NF, and familial factors.