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URMC / Libraries / Edward G. Miner Library / About / Service Policy / Electronic Resources Use Policy

Electronic Resources Use Policy

  • Use of electronic resources on the Miner Library web site is restricted to the faculty, students and employees of the University of Rochester (Authorized Users). Members of the public may use the resources on the Miner web site by means of computers located at the University of Rochester libraries. Remote access is permitted for all Authorized Users except for members of the public.
  • The electronic resources on the Miner Library web site are protected by U.S. Copyright Law and, and in most cases, a License Agreement. Any copyright notices may not be removed, obscured or modified in any way. Authorized Users may view, reproduce and store materials from Miner's electronic resources for the purpose of scholarly, research, educational or personal use, provided that the use qualifies for the fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law.
  • Except for uses consistent with the Fair Use exemptions of U.S. Copyright Law, an Authorized User may not (i) distribute a copy (electronic or otherwise) of any document or file without the written permission of the copyright holder; (ii) alter a copy of any retrieved, printed, or stored document or file; or (iii) charge for a copy (electronic or otherwise) of any document or file.
  • Many publishers monitor the use of their resources and can identify the IP addresses of any computers involved in the misuse of a resource. Misuse of a resource by an individual may jeopardize access to a publisher's entire suite of electronic resources for all University of Rochester users.
  • Any abuse of these Terms and Conditions by an Authorized User may result in permanent cessation of access to Miner's electronic resources and the initiation of disciplinary procedures in accordance with the University's standard practice.