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Microbiology and Immunology Faculty

Primary Faculty

Richard Barth
Research Interest: Genetics of Fibrosis and Analysis of Cryptic T-Cell Epitopes - Not Currently Accepting Students
Stephen Dewhurst
Research Interest: Understanding the interaction of HIV with glial cells; Developing an improved live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV); Elucidating the host cell response to infection by viral pathogens (with emphasis on SARS-CoV-2 and Adeno-associated virus, AAV).
Paul Dunman
Research Interest:

Antimicrobial drug discovery using pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus and Acinetobacter baumannii: exploiting components of the bacterial RNA metabolism machinery; characterizing prokaryotic ribonucleases; understanding the impact of the host environment on antibiotic resistance and virulence factor expression. 

Michelle Dziejman
Research Interest: Type Three Secretion System mediated pathogenesis of V. cholerae
John Frelinger
Research Interest: Immunity to Tumor Antigens.
Steven Gill
Research Interest: Microbial pathogens and the impact of human microbial flora on human health and disease.
Dwight Hardy
Research Interest: Antimicrobial Susceptibility and Resistance - Not Currently Accepting Students
Minsoo Kim
Research Interest:

T cell migration and autoimmune disease/ Inflammation biology of sepsis

Jim Miller
Research Interest: Molecular and cellular events that regulate T cell signaling and activation
Tim Mosmann
Research Interest: The regulation of cytokine responses of human and mouse T-cell subsets in infections asthma, allergy and autoimmunity
Martin Pavelka
Research Interest: Biosynthesis of the Cell Wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Biodefense Research
Jacques Robert
Research Interest: Experimental platform using the amphibian Xenopus for research in immunotoxicology, fundamental and medical immunology
Andrea Sant
Research Interest:

Specificity and role of CD4 T cells in response to vaccination and infection

Ruth Serra-Moreno
Research Interest: Studying the mechanisms by which Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and its close relative Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) circumvent the barriers of the innate immunity in their respective hosts and cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Yan Sun
Research Interest: Mechanisms of Defective Viral Genome generation
Toru Takimoto
Research Interest: Molecular Mechanisms of Paramyxovirus Infection, Replication and Assembly
Juilee Thakar
Research Interest: Systems approach utilizing bioinformatics, and dynamic modeling tools to study immune response to infections and vaccination.
David Topham
Research Interest:

Immune responses to respiratory viruses and experimental vaccines

Brian Ward
Research Interest: Molecular Mechanisms of Poxvirus Envelope Formation
Felix Yarovinsky
Research Interest: Innate immunity, Host-microbial interactions, Immunoparasitology, Mucosal immunology
Yiping Zhu
Research Interest: Working with retroviruses (HIV-1, MLV, etc.) and focuses on identifying new host antiviral factors and deciphering viral antagonism of host defense

Research Faculty

Kihong Lim
Research Interest: Innate immunity in influenza infection, Regulation of immune responses via trail formation
Alexandra Livingstone
Research Interest: Understanding mechanisms for generating and maintaining T cell memory, with particular emphasis on responses primed by immunization with dendritic cells
Sally Quataert
Research Interest: Standardization of immunological techniques for clinical investigation of human immune status.

Secondary Faculty

Jennifer Anolik
Research Interest: The role of B cells in the pathophysiology of human systemic lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and the study of new immuno-modulatory treatments
Steve Georas
Research Interest:

Defining molecular pathways by which allergens and particulates activate epithelia and dendritic cells in the lung immune system

Scott Gerber
Research Interest: The Gerber lab studies tumor immunology with a focus on harnessing the immune system to recognize and kill cancerous cells utilizing an immunotherapeutic approach to enhance the efficacy of chemo/radiotherapies to control or even cure both primary and metastatic malignancies.
Kirsi ´³Ã¤°ù±¹¾±²Ô±ð²Ô-³§±ð±è±è´Ç
Research Interest:

Development of the infant microbiome and immune system, and how that relates to development of allergic diseases

B. Paige Lawrence
Research Interest:

Delineating mechanisms by which environmental exposures during different life stages alter immune function

Allison Lopatkin
Research Interest:

Systems biology, synthetic biology, computational biology, horizontal gene transfer, bacterial population dynamics, microbial metabolism, antibiotic resistance

Cynthia Monaco
Research Interest: Effect of the Microbiome/Virome on Mucosal and Systemic Inflammation in Health and Disease
Craig Morrell
Research Interest:

Platelets in vascular injury and inflammation

Joshua Munger
Research Interest: Mechanisms of metabolic network manipulation induced by viral infection and oncogenic mutation.
Shawn Murphy
Shawn Murphy, Ph.D.

Research Interest: Immunoregulatory properties of trophoblast cells
Gowrishankar Muthukrishnan
Research Interest:

Understanding host-pathogen interactions and the osteoimmunology of orthopaedic infections

Jennifer Nayak
Research Interest: CD4 T cells in primary and secondary influenza infection
Kristin Scheible
Research Interest:

Neonatal immunology; T cell function in preterm infants

Edward Schwarz
Research Interest: Inflammatory bone loss as seen in rheumatoid arthritis, infections, tumor metastasis and wear debris induced osteolysis around prosthetic implants
Meera Singh
Research Interest:

Immune-pathogenesis of Viral Infections

Rachel Wozniak
Research Interest:

Pathogenesis of bacterial corneal infections and novel antimicrobial drug discovery

Terry Wright
Research Interest: Immune response and Pathogenesis of lung injury and related pulmonary inflammation

Emeritus Faculty

Robert Bambara
Research Interest: Human genome stability, DNA damage response, HIV replication and evolution
Scott Butler
Research Interest: Regulation of Gene Expression by Targeted Degradation of RNA
Nicholas Cohen
Research Interest: Evolutionary immunobiology, neural-immune system interactions (psychoneuroimmunology)
Constantine Haidaris
Research Interest: Infections in the immunocompromised host, mechanisms of pathogenesis, host-microbe interactions and approaches to therapy
Barbara Iglewski
Barbara Iglewski, Ph.D.