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What are Vlogs?

Vlogs, or Video blogs, are short films, frequently done in American Sign Language, about a variety of topics.

Current Vlogs

Below are Vlogs created by NCDHR regarding different topics. To view the Vlogs, click on the images. A short description of each Vlog is next to the image.

Healthy Holiday Tips from RPRC/NCDHR.

Created on December 23, 2014..

Duration: 2:15


In this vlog, Kelly Matthews and Dina Zeplin provide 5 healthy healthy holiday tips.

An update from RPRC/NCDHR. A New Approach to Community Engagement.

Created on December 23, 2014..

Duration: 2:11


In this vlog, Kelly Matthews and Lori DeWindt discuss RPRC/NCDHR's new approach to community engagement.

Press Release: CDC Renews Funding for Deaf Health Research

Created on August 26, 2014..

Duration: 4:00


RPRC/NCDHR made headlines at the University of Rochester. RPRC/NCDHR announces the CDC grant rewarded to continue working on Deaf Health Research for the next 5 years. RPRC/NCDHR discusses what they plan to work on next. To read the. Please watch this ASL video fo the press release.

NCDHR What's New? An update on staff and current projects from the Rochester Prevention Research Center, NCDHR.

Created on January 4, 2014..

Duration: 7:52


In this vlog, Kelly Matthews and Jackie Pranksy discuss the staff at RPRC:NCDHR and the current projects.

NCDHR is now on Twitter

Created on April 27, 2011.

Duration: 1:08


RPRC:NCDHR is now on Twitter. Watch this video for more information.

What is the NCDHR News Listserv? How does it work?

Created on Oct 20, 2008.

Duration: 1:35


Susan Demers-McLetchie explains what the RPRC:NCDHR News Listserv is for. If you are interested, please click here to join the Listserv.

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Vlogs about Research Concepts

Become a Research Volunteer

Created on Dec 29, 2010.

Duration: 2:08


Tiffany Panko, past Research Coordinator at RPRC:NCDHR, describes the benefits of becoming a research volunteer as well as the importance of having research volunteers. Some research concepts are also described. See more videos related to research concepts below.

To see the newsletter article regarding the FAQs for DWW, click here.

Research Concepts #1: What is Informed Consent?

Created on Dec 15, 2010.

Duration: 2:43


Many research studies use the term, "Informed Consent". This brief Vlog defines "Informed Consent" and provides the commonly used sign for "Informed Consent".

To see the newsletter article regarding Informed Consent , click here.

Research Concepts #2: What is a Randomized Controlled Trial?

Created on Dec 29, 2010.

Duration: 2:38


Tiffany Panko describes what a Randomized Controlled Trial is, using Deaf Weight Wise as an example.

To see the newsletter article regarding Randomized Controlled Trials, click here.

Research Concepts #3: What is a Cognitive Interview?

Created on Feb. 2, 2011.

Duration: 2:23


Tiffany Panko describes what a Cognitive Interview is as well as the steps involved in an interview.

To see the newsletter article regarding Cognitive Interviews , click here.

Research Concept #4: What is Peer Driven Recruitment?

Created on July 8, 2011.

Duration: 4:39


This Vlog defines Peer Driven Recruitment (PDR), as well as showing scenarios involving PDR.

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Archived Vlogs

Click on the titles of each video below to see archived NCDHR Vlogs

Vlogs related to H1N1 (Swine Flu)


Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:23


This brief Vlog address the question of which is better to take, the nasal spray or the shot?.

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:12


If you have asthma, you can be at risk for complications with the flu. It is recommended that you update your flu shot.

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:50


A brief answer to the question, "Can my baby get H1N1 from breastfeeding?"

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:23


Tiffany Panko describes what the temperature ranges for a fever and a high fever are.

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:33


This video discusses immunization options for people exposed to the virus in 1976 as well as those who have not yet been exposed to the virus.

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:38


No flu vaccines are 100% safe. However, serious side effects are very rare. Watch this video for the complete answer to this question.

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:38


This video lists some items used to make the vaccine that could cause an allergic reaction such as eggs and Thimerosal. Watch this video to learn more.

Created on Sept. 29, 2009.

Duration: 0:24


Like other viruses, the H1N1 virus can live on the surface of doors knobs, computer keyboards, elevator buttons, etc. for a period of time. This short vlog addresses the specific question of "how long".

Other Archived Vlogs

Created on Dec 15, 2010.

Duration: 3:52


This Vlog answers frequently asked questions about a healthy lifestyle program that RPRC:NCDHR ran; Deaf Weight Wise (DWW). For more, information about DWW, click here.

To see the newsletter article regarding the FAQs for DWW, click here.

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