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Deaf Weight Wise 2.0


General Information

Deaf Weight Wise 2.0 (“DWW 2.0”) is the current core research project of the RPRC:NCDHR. The overall goal of the DWW 2.0 research project is to establish the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle intervention in Deaf people ages 21 to 70, who use American Sign Language (ASL) as their primary language. All research materials, including curricula, surveys, interviews, and other materials were adapted and translated into ASL for this project. 

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Study Design

We enrolled 76 DWW 2.0 participants from the Rochester, NY area. Participants had to be between the ages of 21 to 70 at the time of enrollment. Participants were randomly assigned to receive a healthy lifestyle program with a Deaf counselor, either in a group setting, or one-on-one over videophone. Participants were randomly assigned to receive the program either in 2017, or 2018.

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Update about Deaf Weight Wise 2.0



DWW 2.0 is an adaptation of Deaf Weight Wise previously completed by RPRC:NCDHR, and the , developed by the University of North Carolina PRC Program. Participants receive a 16-week healthy lifestyle program led by a Deaf counselor. They learn about healthy living, healthy food choices and cooking, and fun ways to be physically active. All research materials are culturally and linguistically adapted for use with Deaf adults ages 21 to 70.  Community members were involved in the study design and materials development.

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None at this time

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Data Collection

Participants are asked about health information including food intake, physical activity, and heath behaviors, which will be collected using sign language-video surveys, like in Deaf Weight Wise and the Deaf Health Survey. Participants also have physical measurements taken (height, weight blood pressure, blood sample, etc). This information is collected at baseline/enrollment, 6 months, 12 months, and 18 months, and 24 months. Study data will be analyzed and shared at the end of the project (Fall 2019). Community members are involved in the data interpretation process.

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Barnett S, DeWindt L, Matthews K, Sutter E. Deaf Weight Wise: A clinical trial to assess the adaptation of an evidenced-based health promotion intervention for use in sign language with deaf adults. Academy Health’s Science of Dissemination and Implementation Conference. 2017 Dec. 

DeWindt L, Matthews K. Community Engagement in Health Research. ESAD’s 71st biennial conference. 2017. 

DWW Study Group. Deaf Weight Wise 2.0: Successful dissemination and translation of a healthy lifestyle intervention for use with Deaf adults. CDC PRC Network Meeting, Atlanta. 2017 Nov. 

Barnett S, DeWindt L, Matthews K, Sutter E. Deaf Weight Wise: Collaborative translation and dissemination of an evidenced-based health promotion intervention. APHA 2017 Atlanta. 

Matthews K, DeWindt L, Sutter E, Barnett S. Deaf Weight Wise: A clinical trial of a health promotion initiative with Deaf adults. APHA 2017 Atlanta. 

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Recruitment Videos

This series of video-blogs (“vlogs”) were developed by the research team to help recruit participants into DWW 2.0.  These were shared widely on social media and through our community partners.

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