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UR Medicine


Resources- Online

Disease Education

Parkinson’s Disease

  • Parkinson’s Foundation ()
  • Davis Finney Foundation ()
  • Michael J Fox Foundation ()

Huntington’s Disease

  • Huntington’s Disease Society of America ()

Alzheimer’s Dementia

  • Alzheimer’s Association ()

Multiple Sclerosis

  • National Multiple Sclerosis Society ()

Neuropalliative Care

  • International Neuropalliative Care Society ()


  • Apps: Calm, Aura, Stop, Breathe & Think, Headspace, Glo, The Chopra Center, and Insight Timer
  • Center for Mindful Self-Compassion () offers resources related to self-compassion.
  • Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society () University of Massachusetts Medical Center.
  • Atlas of Emotions () 
  • Mindful ()
  • San Francisco Zen Center () Offers online training in meditation.
  • UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center () Offers many free resources including guided meditations in English and Spanish and a mindfulness ap for phones.
  • Tara Brach () offers free online meditations.
  • Sounds True () Cost is about $300. This is a self-paced video course.
  • Ignatian Examen () is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day.
  • Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence ()  Explanation of what a gratitude practice is.

Planning for the future: Advanced Care Planning and Living Wills

  • Choosing a health care proxy: 
  • Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST):
  • Five Wishes: A complete approach to discussing and documenting your care goals.
  • The Conversation Project: Provides guidance for families to talk about living wills and advanced care planning.
  • Prepare for your care: Offers step-by-step guidance for advanced care planning.
  • Aging with Dignity:  This is a national nonprofit agency with a mission to “affirm and safeguard the human dignity of individuals as they age, and to promote better care for those near the end of life.”
  • Compassion and Choices: Compassion & Choices improves care, expands options and empowers everyone to chart their end-of-life journey.

Healthy Eating

  • American Heart Association:
  • Psychology Today:
  • Harvard Health:

Misc. Services and Supports

  • Power for Parkinson’s disease () Free online fitness and speech therapy courses specialized for persons with Parkinson’s disease
  • Stress Management:  American Heart Association ()
  • Building resilience – American Psychological Association ()
  • HeartMath () Has developed scientifically validated tools to help people reduce and avoid stress while experiencing increased peace, satisfaction, and enjoyment.
  • Relish () Activities for people with dementia.
  • Apps to stimulate memory:
    • Luminosity
    • Elevate
    • Peak
    • Left vs. Right: Brain Games
    • Train Your Brain- Memory
    • Onnect
    • Sodoku applications (there are many)
    • Neuroracer
    • Mindmate

Pain and meditation

  • The Curious Frugal  One meditation is led by Jon Kabat-Zinn
  • The Pain Doctor
  • Yoga Journal
  • Mindful Article on research and case studies supporting the use of meditation for chronic pain.

Books, journals, CD’s, streaming

  • John Kabat-Zinn, Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief:  Guided Practices for Reclaiming Your Body (book, audio CD).
  • Vidamala Burch and Danny Penman, You Are Not Your Pain: Using Mindfulness to Relieve Pain, Reduce Stress, and Restore Well-Being (book)
  • Vidamala Burch, Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief, (MP3)
  • Tony Greco, Meditations for Pain Recovery (book)
  • Gael Chirella, Meditations for Pain (streaming)

You can find more by searching Mindfulness +meditation on online retailers or at your local library.