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Department Overview

Chair's Introduction

Photo of John Foxe

John J. Foxe
Chair & Kilian J. and Caroline F. Schmitt Professor

The Department of Neuroscience remains in a period of renewal and advancement in the wake of a comprehensive review of our past decade and strategic plans for the coming one. Our history of growth and development across all major departmental missions--research, education, and institutional and extramural service - combined with ongoing enthusiasm and innovation in each of these core missions, provides strong guidance into an engaging future. Read the full introduction...


Department History

NBA History FrontThe Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy dates to the earliest moments of the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, and is among the five original basic science departments of the medical school. In 1925 the Department, then titled Anatomy, was the first to begin instruction of medical students just as the science departments began moving into the new medical center complex. Among the key leaders of the institution at that time was the first Chair of Anatomy, George W. Corner, an embryologist and reproductive biologist. Read the full history...