
EIOH Resident Spotlight – Dr. Alexis Lundin

May. 14, 2024
Three women in scrubs smile together
Dr. Alexis Lundin (left), her sister Dr. Lisa Kulig (middle) and a family friend in the OR.

Dr. Alexis Lundin (Peds ’24)’s sister, Dr. Lisa Kulig (Peds ’20), inspired her to specialize in pediatric dentistry. They are from Minot, ND.

Q: Why did you choose Eastman?
A: The program’s mission aligns with my own personal values for oral health care. The positive culture here offers a strong sense of community that promotes a safe learning environment. This program also offers a vast range of clinical experiences and focuses on interdisciplinary care. 

Q: In what way did your Eastman experience allow you to grow?
A: Over the past two years, I have grown more than I ever could have imagined as a dentist. My experiences here have fostered confidence in my clinical skills and decisions, and interdisciplinary communication. I now understand what it means to care for a whole child, beyond their oral health. I feel lucky that I was able to make meaningful lifelong relationships in the process.

Q: A person who has inspired you?
A: My sister is my biggest inspiration in life. She is an incredible pediatric dentist, mother, wife, sister, and friend. Her love and support have helped instill confidence in myself to accomplish whatever I set my mind to. My sister definitely inspired me to specialize in peds. She told me I HAVE to go to Eastman because it’s simply the best education.

Three women stand in front of a city with tall buildings
Dr. Alexis Lundin (left) enjoying the city of Rochester with her co-residents Dr. Diya Sabrina Chandra and Dr. Alexandra Makara.

Q: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
A: The ability to speak and understand any language

Q: Best memory of your EIOH residency?
A: My favorite memories are from time spent with my co-residents doing Chipotle/Starbucks runs and cracking jokes in the resident room. I am really going to miss them! 

Q: Next steps after graduation?
A: I am excited to move back to my hometown to practice pediatric dentistry with my big sister, Lisa Kulig. We are very close, so working together has always been our dream.

Q: If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A: Pizza

Q: The one thing you can’t live without?
A: My skin care routine