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Do I Need an Egg Donor?

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) using donor eggs at Strong Fertility Center offers a highly successful option for many couples who would otherwise have no way to become pregnant. 

Indications for Egg Donation

  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Perimenopausal women with diminished ovarian reserve
  • Older women who have experienced natural menopause
  • Women who have had their ovaries removed but have a uterus
  • Repeat IVF attempts without success
  • IVF with poor egg or embryo quality
  • To avoid passing a genetic illness

Steps for Donor Egg Recipient Process

Step 1: Recipient Consultations and Screening

Our physicians will thoroughly review your medical history to ensure that this treatment is your best option. You must also be in good health, and must not be older than 50 years old. Depending on your medical history, you may be asked to receive additional medical clearance before proceeding. We offer treatment with fresh donor eggs via a known (directed) donor or frozen donor eggs via an egg bank.  

Step 2: Psychological Preparation

The decision to conceive a child through the use of a donated egg can be very difficult for a couple. Therefore, you and your husband or partner will meet with the psychologist for counseling and emotional support. It is important to discuss issues related to non-biologic parenting, past fertility problems, parenting at an older age, and positive and negative aspects of disclosure to potential offspring.

Step 3: Recipient “Mock Cycle”

A Mock Cycle is used to determine how your body will respond to the medications you will be taking during your matched recipient embryo transfer cycle. This will prepare your lining to accept the fertilized egg. You will also complete screening blood work that is required by federal and state regulations.

Step 4: Choosing an Egg Donor

Typically, a woman between the ages of 21 and 34 can be an egg donor. The egg donor can be a friend, family member, or non-identity release donor via a frozen egg bank. If you are interested in frozen donor eggs, our donor egg coordinator will explain the process for selecting frozen donor eggs from  

Step 5: Preparation for Embryo Replacement

With fresh donor eggs via a known (directed) donor, you will be monitored synchronously to the stimulation of the donor. To synchronize a donor/recipient for a fresh embryo replacement cycle, you will be treated with estrogen and progesterone to mimic the hormonal pattern in a normal cycle. You will be notified when the decision to proceed to the egg retrieval in the donor is made, and sperm will be collected the day of the retrieval for fertilization.

With frozen donor eggs, you may begin your cycle once the donor eggs have been received by our embryologists from the egg bank. You will be treated with estrogen and progesterone to mimic the hormonal pattern in a normal cycle and you will be given an anticipated date for the embryo transfer.

Step 6: Embryo Replacement - Recipient

Once the donor oocytes are harvested or thawed, they are fertilized in the laboratory and the recipient will undergo an embryoa transfer typically 3 - 5 days following oocyte fertilization the oocyte retrieval. Additional viable embryos may be frozen for future use.