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Strong Fertility Center Sperm Banking

There are many reasons why one might consider sperm banking. Unexpected cancer or other significant disease in a man of reproductive age requiring the need for chemotherapy or radiation is one reason to consider banking. Radiation and chemotherapy have radically improved the outlook for oncology patients, offering a chance for disease remission, longer life, and the possibility of total cure. Fertility, however, may be impaired by these treatments which may permanently reduce or eliminate sperm production.

Strong Fertility Center provides sperm cryopreservation (sperm banking) for men prior to chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, or other medical treatments that may jeopardize fertility. It is also available for men who are facing military deployment, possible environmental exposures, as well as collection for short term storage due to individual concerns. Sperm banking offers men the security of knowing that the possibility of fatherhood is preserved.

Strong Fertility Center is a New York State licensed and inspected facility for freezing and short term storage of semen samples. Specimens are maintained using strict laboratory protocol and are monitored daily. Cryopreserved specimens, when properly stored, will remain viable almost indefinitely, though some degradation may occur over time. We have partnered with , an industry leader in long-term storage of biological specimens, to provide long-term storage of semen samples. 

All men seeking cryopreservation of sperm require a visit with a provider at the Strong Fertility Center prior to collecting and preserving a specimen. This can most commonly be arranged the same day as the collection. The visit will advise you of the process and review the required consents for collection and long-term storage. Once you provide a sample, the lab staff will perform a semen analysis to determine counts and motility. All cryopreservation is performed by appointment only.

Additionally, the state of New York and the federal government regulate the use of cryopreserved sperm. In order to maintain this in compliance and for the safest storage, laboratory testing for infectious disease is required before sperm can be collected, frozen, and stored. There are a number of blood tests that need to be performed within 30 days of your final collection. These tests, for sexually transmitted diseases, are for the protection of any eventual recipient of your samples. Failure to have these tests performed could prevent you from using your samples at a later date. If there is not an identified partner at the time of storage, additional testing may be required at the time of collection and thereafter to meet compliance with state and federal law.

Semen specimens are frozen in liquid nitrogen at -196ËšC using a special media to protect the sperm from damage during freezing and thawing. A test vial is thawed 48 hours after freezing to determine cryosurvival. Multiple samples may be required to achieve one or more pregnancies. We suggest at least 2 days of abstinence (from ejaculation) between visits, if possible.

Use of the frozen semen should be carefully planned to maximize the chances for pregnancy. Your partner should meet with a provider before treatment to identify possible barriers to successful conception and pregnancy. While intrauterine insemination may be used for samples with good post-thaw counts and motilities, assisted reproductive techniques such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF) may be recommended if the concentration and/or motility are very low, or if there are female problems identified. There does not appear to be any increased risk of birth defects, miscarriage, or tubal pregnancies using frozen-thawed sperm.

Samples will be sent to  for long-term storage. At your request, semen samples can be shipped from Reprotech to a licensed physician’s office for insemination in the future. If you decide to destroy them, you will need to follow Reprotech’s instructions for discarding a sample.

Current Charges

The following are current charges for sperm banking (subject to change).

  • Semen processing (freezing) per ejaculate: $110
  • Transport of the sample to Reprotech and storage fees while at Reprotech will be additional charges (contact Reprotech for current pricing).
  • Sperm stored at Strong Fertility Center for more than 3 months will incur storage fees. You will be billed for these by Strong Fertility Center.

Strong Fertility Center Contact Information

Phone: (585) 487-3378
Fax: (585) 334-8998

Helpful Websites

  • (Young adults - an irreverent look at cancer)