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Olympus FVMPE-RS

Multiphoton microscope system (Olympus Fluoview FVMPE-RS Twin-Laser Gantry System)

  • The Olympus Fluoview FVMPE-RS is an upright multiphoton microscope tailored for deep-tissue imaging with penetration depth up to 1-1.5mm depending on the sample type.
  • The system is equipped with two two-photon lasers for multi-color imaging
    1. Spectra-Physics InsightX3 Laser (wavelength: 690nm-1300nm)
    2. Spectra-Physics MaiTai HP DeepSee Ti:Sapphire Laser (wavelength: 690nm-1030nm)
  • The system has both galvo and resonant scanners for high spatial and temporal resolution imaging. 
  • Two objectives are currently available for use on this system
    1. Microscope objective Olympus 25x, NA 1.05, for high resolution imaging
    2. Microscope objective Olympus 4x, NA 0.13, for low magnification navigation

Multiphoton Imaging System

Surgical Dissecting Scope

Two Leica surgical dissecting scopes are available at the core for animal preparation before surgery.

Optical, Opto-Electronical, & Opto-Mechanical Equipment

  • Near-IR-Spectrometer (PSPECNIR, Newport)
  • Laser-power meter with high power and low power detector (1918-C, Newport)
  • Collection of lenses, optical fibers, dichroic mirrors and emission filters (Semrock, Chroma, Newport, Thorlabs)
  • Collection of opto-mechanical components (Linos, Newport, Thorlabs)

Equipment for Electrophysiology & Systems Physiology

  • Picoammeter for polarographic oxygen measurements
  • 16 channel-real time data acquisition system (Digidata 1440/pCLAMP10, Axon Instruments)
  • Transonic System laser Doppler flow meter
  • World Precision Instruments pressure monitor BP-1
  • Kent VetFlo isoflurane vaporizer for small animal anesthesia during imaging
  • Kent SomnoSuit isoflurane vaporizer for small animal anesthesia during surgery