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Connection in Caregivers

Research Question:
How do social relationships impact feelings of stress in both positive and negative ways for those caring for somebody with dementia?

Basic Study Information

Subjects will complete a baseline interview (phone/zoom and online) at the beginning of the study. If eligible, subjects will complete 10 days of surveys that are texted 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, evening). Eligible subjects will also complete a follow-up interview (zoom/phone and online) at 6 months. Subjects are paid up to $400 for completing assessments. Inclusion: age 50 and older; caring daily for a loved one with dementia; caregiving stress. Exclusion: Under 50 years of age; not caring for a loved one with dementia daily.

Study Reference #: STUDY00009083

Lead Researcher (Principal Investigator)

Lead Researcher:  Kimberly Van orden

Study Contact Information

Study Coordinator: Connection in Caregivers Coordinator
Phone: (585) 273-1811
Email: hope@urmc.rochester.edu

Additional Study Details

Study Details:
You may be eligible for this study if you are age 50 or older and are caring for a loved one with dementia. You may be eligible if you experience any of the following: feel like you lack companionship, feel left out, or feel isolated from others. Participation includes zoom or phone interviews at study start. If eligible you'd also complete 10 days of texted surveys 3x/day and another phone/zoom interview at 6 months. There are multiple-choice and open-ended questions about your physical health, emotional health and sense of well-being. Participation in the study lasts up to 6 months.

Reimbursement:  Yes

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