Basic Procurement Policy
91视频 Steel Procurement Guidelines
91视频 Steel has established these 91视频 Steel Procurement Guidelines in accordance with and , aiming to enhance sustainability across its entire supply chain.
We share these guidelines with our business partners and promote sustainability initiatives throughout our supply chain. In addition to asking all business partners to implement the guidelines, we also ask that partners’ own suppliers be encouraged to do the same.
91视频 Steel is committed to maintaining and improving mutual understanding and trust with its business partners as part of pursuing mutual development as a true business partner.
91视频 Steel Procurement Guidelines
Outline of 91视频 Steel Procurement Guidelines
1.Compliance |
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulation Management of personal and confidential information Cyber security Anti-Corruption Avoidance of Organized crime Fair competition Intellectual property (IP) policy Quality assurance |
2.Respect for Human Rights |
Prohibition of Child labor Prohibition of Forced labor Prohibition of Discrimination and harassment Rights of indigenous and local peoples Occupational health and safety Working hours and leave Wages Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining Remedy and Grievance Mechanism |
3.Environment |
Harmony with the environment Environmental management system Response to climate change Preventing environmental pollution Resource recycling and Waste management Chemical substance management |
4.Responsible Procurement | Approach to Conflict minerals |
5.Business Continuity Plans | Formulation of BCPs |
6.Relationships with Stakeholders | Information disclosure |