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Data Management and Sharing

We can help you with all aspects of Data Management & Sharing - from creating Data Management & Sharing Plans, to sharing your data in a repository, and to using tools provided by the University.

How Can the Library Help?

  • Help you meet funder and journal requirements (i.e., , , , etc.).
  • Give you  to include in your plan
  • Provide feedback and review your Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP)
  • Advise on data management, organization, and documentation
  • Help you discover the right data repository
  • Assist you in using University tools like  , and the 
  • Provide consultations and training to individuals, organizations, and classes

Library Services

DMSP Review
Receive answers to questions, recommended resources, and referrals to appropriate professionals. 
Receive feedback on a draft of a DMSP for any funder.
Receive personalized one-on-one assistance via zoom or in-person. Small groups can also use this service.
Receive instruction for your research group, organization, or class.
Contact.  Response within 1-2 business days.
Submit your DMSP to . Response within 2-4 business days.
Contact to check our availability. 
Contactto indicate your interest, and we can decide on an appropriate time and date for the training.

UR Research Repository (URRR)

The UR Research Repository (URRR) offers a place for faculty, researchers, students, staff, and UR community members to deposit their research outputs. URRR allows you to:

  • Share your data, papers, presentations, dissertations, and other research outputs

  • Make your work easily accessible to the global research community

  • Meet publisher and funder requirements (such as the new NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy)

  • Reserve a DOI for your research output

  • Connect your data and research outputs to your publications and ORCID

  • Benefit from the UR Libraries’ data curation process

Every UR community member will be allotted 10GB of initial storage and data submissions will also undergo a light data curation process by the UR libraries, helping ensure your data meets funder and publisher standards.

Visit to get started or contact our  to get personalized guidance.  

DMSPs for the NIH

The  is a set of requirements and guidelines related to the management and sharing of research data generated by work funded wholly or partially by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This policy applies to all proposals received after January 25th, 2023 that result in the generation of .

Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) is a two-page document included in applicable NIH proposals that prospectively outlines how a research team intends to manage, preserve, and share the scientific data associated with the proposed work.

 created by the NIH may prove useful in creating your own DMSP. We also have  with boiler-plate language connected to University of Rochester policies and tools (such as Figshare) that can help you create your own DMSP.

DMSPs for the NIH should include :

  • Data Types
  • Related Tools, Software and/or Code
  • Data Standards
  • Data Preservation, Access, and Associated Timelines
  • Data Sharing Agreements, Licenses, and Other Use Limitations
  • Oversight of Data Management

According to the DMS Policy,  by the earlier of two timepoints: The time of an associated publication OR the end of the performance period (unless the grant enters into a no-cost extension).

Not all data needs to be shared (for example, laboratory notebooks, preliminary analyses, completed case forms, etc., do not need to be shared). Only  which includes any data needed to validate and replicate research findings needs to be shared.

It is also understood that , due to certain ethical, legal, and social issues (some examples include, but are not limited to, existing consent prohibits sharing, privacy or safety of research participants would be compromised, explicit laws, etc.). However, these decisions need to be explained in the DMSP.

Library Resources

  • to receive answers to questions, to submit a DMSP for review, or to request a consultation or training session.
  •  – Answers to common questions related to the NIH DMS Policy, has advice on how to create a DMSP for the NIH, contact information, FAQ, and more.
  •  – Templates created specifically for the UR community to assist with creating DMSPs for the NIH.
  •  – Offers detailed advice on how to create DMSPs, and how to manage, organize, document, store, and share your data.
  • - Offers detailed advice on where to find open and
    freely available datasets for all disciplines.
  • - Learn more about our programs which can
    assist you in purchasing data for your research
  • - Sign up for ORCID, a unique, persistent identifier, which will ensure you
    receive credit for the work you do. There is also an integration available which connects
    your ORCID to the Faculty Reporting System.

Library Tools and Software

  •  – Access templates and write your plan directly in the tool. Use your University of Rochester email to receive institutional access.
  • - An electronic laboratory notebook which can help you manage and organize your research. Use your University of Rochester email to receive institutional access. 
  • - A secure platform to share your methods and protocols. Click “Continue
    with SSO” and then use your University of Rochester email to receive institutional

NIH Resources

Contact information

Contact if you want to submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) for review, ask a question, or request a consultation or training.