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George Libman Engel, M.D.


George Libman Engel, M.D.George Libman Engel (1913-1999) spent the greater part of his career at the Â鶹ÊÓƵ with appointments in the Dept. of Psychiatry and the Dept. of Medicine. This dual appointment reflects Engel's interest in psychosomatic medicine, which culminated in his formulation of the biopsychosocial model.   

George L. Engel was born in New York City, where he grew up in the Manhattan townhouse of his mother's brother Emanuel Libman, M.D. A prominent clinician and medical scientist, Libman is perhaps best known for his work on subacute bacterial endocarditis. As an undergraduate Engel majored in chemistry at Dartmouth College, from which he graduated in 1934. That same year he entered Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and in the following year was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation to spend two months at the Leningrad Institute of Experimental Medicine. Upon receiving his medical degree from Hopkins in 1938, Engel began an internship at Mount Sinai Hospital, where physicians such as Eli Moschowitz and Lawrence Kubie were incorporating psychosomatics into the clinical service. At this point Engel was sceptical of psychoanalysis and psychosomatic medicine, and remained committed to purely physical explanations of disease processes.

In 1941 Engel was appointed Research Fellow in Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Graduate Assistant in Medicine at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. In Boston Engel came under the supervision of Soma Weiss, who at this time was becoming interested in psychosomatics. In Weiss's medical service Engel first met the psychiatrist John Romano, who had arrived in Boston several years before. With Weiss's encouragement, Engel and Romano collaborated on a study of delusional patients. When in 1942 Romano assumed chairmanship of the psychiatry department at the University of Cincinnati, he invited Engel to join him, with appointments in medicine and psychiatry. While in Cincinnati Engel "converted" to the psychosomatic school that he had resisted at Mount Sinai and in Boston.

In 1946 Romano was offered the opportunity to establish an entirely new psychiatry department at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry. Engel joined Romano in Rochester, again with dual appointments in psychiatry and medicine. He established a medical psychiatric liaison service staffed largely by internists, became deeply involved in the incorporation of psychiatric training in the medical school curriculum, and began his own training in psychoanalysis, initially with Sandor Feldman in Rochester, and then at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis and the New York Psychoanalytic Institute. In 1953 Engel began collaboration with Franz Reichsman on the Monica project, a study which extended from Monica's infancy to adulthood. By the mid-1950s Engel was one of the leading figures in psychosomatic studies. He was prominent in the American Psychosomatic Society, edited its journal ( Psychosomatic medicine ), and began publishing numerous books and articles on the relation of emotion and disease and on the incorporation of these ideas into medical training and clinical practice. Under Engel's direction, the program in Rochester became a leading center in the development of psychosomatic theory and training. The ultimate expression of Engel's ideas came to be termed the "biopsychosocial model." In 1979 Engel stepped down from directorship of the Medical Psychiatric Liaison Group that had flourished under his direction for a quarter century.

The Papers of George L. Engel are contained in 147 boxes (81 linear feet). They are remarkably complete, reflecting the development of Engel's thinking in extensive correspondence series and in his many lectures and publications. The collection includes almost complete documentation of the activities of the liaison group from the late 1940s through the late 1970s in the form of reports, committee minutes, clinics, conferences, curricular materials, etc. Transfer of the Engel papers to the Miner Library began before Dr. Engel's death in November 1999, and was completed after. Processing of the collection was completed in December 2003. It is important to note that materials pertaining to the Monica studies are not at the Miner Library. The Monica archive was transferred to The Henry A. Murray Research Center, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Ma. in the early 1990s.

Overview of the Engel Papers

Family History (Boxes 1-7)

Miscellanea pertaining to GLE's uncle Emanuel Libman (Boxes 1-4), including correspondence regarding Libman; materials pertaining to Libman family history; an inventory of the Emanuel Libman papers at the National Library of Medicine; E. Libman's reprints; and photographs. Boxes 5-7 include Engel family history; correspondence with GLE's twin brother Frank (FLE) and his elder brother Lewis (LLE); publications of FLE and LLE; and GLE's correspondence regarding the myocardial infarction he suffered following the death of his twin brother.

Leningrad and Moscow (Boxes 8-10)

Materials pertaining to the summer (1935) that GLE and FLE spent at the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Leningrad; the manuscript of their translation of A.G. Gurwitsch's Mitogenetic analysis of the excitation of the nervous system (see Box 25 for print copy); and materials from the First International Physiological Congress held in the Soviet Union (1935).

Interviews (Boxes 11-12)

Videorecorded interviews (and their paper transcriptions) conducted between 1973 and 1993. GLE discusses his career in medicine and psychiatry, the biopsychosocial model, his colleagues, and the Dept. of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry.

Publications (Boxes 13-29)

Includes six bound volumes of reprints (i.e., articles & book chapters published between 1935 and 1994); three boxes of books to which GLE contributed chapters; extensive correspondence from colleagues regarding ideas expressed in these publications arranged by the year in which the book or article was published (Boxes 17-22); GLE's monographic publications (including their translations); correspondence with publishers regarding the production of these books; and copies of book reviews.

Correspondence (Boxes 30-79)

Correspondence makes up the largest series within the Engel papers, and is divided into two subseries. With the exception of the first box  that contains miscellaneous correspondence dated 1933-1946 (arranged chronologically), the first correspondence subseries (Boxes 31-68) is arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

The second correspondence subseries (Boxes 69-79) is accessed topically, and follows an arrangement devised by GLE's secretary Jean Strachan (JS). In her familiarity with GLE's correspondence, JS selected words or phrases from his letters that she felt were representative of the most significant elements of his thinking. JS divided this series into general correspondence (Boxes 69-75) and fellows' correspondence (Boxes 76-79). The arrangement of and access to both are parallel. JS devised two mechanisms to access this subseries: an alphabetically arranged topical index, and a sheet catalog arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

TOPICAL INDEX. The terms for the alphabetical topical index are derived from terms used in the correspondence, not from a standard thesaurus. The terms are numerically related to the correspondence. For example, the term "ego mechanisms" in the topical index of the general correspondence (Box 71, Folder 1) is followed by eleven numbers; the name "Kubie, Larry" is followed by five numbers, etc. These numbers correspond to numbered photocopies of GLE's original correspondence (Boxes 71-74) in which the terms appear.

CORRESPONDENTS' CATALOG. The sheet catalog is arranged alphabetically by correspondent. It does not reflect the whole of GLE's correspondence files, but those letters selected by JS that contain representative or significant ideas. Thus, if the name "Barton, David" is consulted in the sheet catalog of the general correspondence, citations to five letters are found. These citations include: a number corresponding to numbered photocopies of the originals in boxes 71-74; indication whether the letter is to or from GLE; the date the letter was written; key terms derived from the correspondence; and excerpts from the letter in which the key term appears. The linking together of correspondent's name, key term and excerpt in the sheet catalog may obviate the need to consult the photocopy of the original letter.

A card catalog replicates the information in the sheet catalog for both general correspondence (Box 75) and fellows' correspondence (Box 79).

University of Rochester. Dept. of Psychiatry: General (Boxes 80-89 )

GLE's activities within the Dept. of Psychiatry are reflected in such files as: minutes of the Separation Conferences (1954-1972); annual reports of the Medical-Psychiatric Liaison Group (1958-1973); GLE's personal contributions to the departmental annual report (1972-1987); grant applications; files pertaining to the Center for Brain Research (1960-74); the proposal to establish an Institute for Biopsychosocial Studies; Monica Committee minutes (1993-96), etc.

University of Rochester. Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching (Boxes 90-102)

This series includes the syllabi for the courses for which GLE was responsible in the medical school curriculum. It also includes files pertaining to GLE's participation in the Medical School's Curriculum Committee, the Psychiatry Dept.'s curriculum committees, and reports and minutes of the Medical Liaison Group.

University of Rochester. Dept. of Psychiatry: Clinics & Rounds (Boxes 103-106)

Comprised of clinics and teaching rounds, this series includes psychsomatic clinics (1946-1948), the medical in-patient survey (1948-1955), and the Medical Liaison Group rounds (1955-1967).

Because Clinics & Rounds includes protected health information, it is closed to researchers who have not obtained permission for access from the UR Medical Center's HIPAA compliance officer.

General (Boxes 107-110)

This series reflects GLE's involvement in regional and national associations (e.g., the American Psychosomatic Society), his interaction with other universities, correspondence pertaining to the attempted recruitment of GLE by other universities, and files pertaining to GLE's psychoanalytic training.

Invitations (Boxes 111-119)

This series includes invitations that GLE received to deliver lectures, to serve as visiting professor, to participate in conferences and seminars, to contribute journal articles or book chapters, etc. The focus of the correspondence included in this series often goes beyond the invitation per se to include discussion of personal or professional matters, making this series an extension of GLE's personal/professional correspondence.

Lectures (Boxes 120-129)

Videocassettes and transcripts of lectures and/or training sessions GLE presented as an A.O.A. Visiting Professor between 1981 and 1988.

Appointment Books (Boxes 130-134)

An almost complete set of daily appointment books spanning the years 1947-1990.

Patient Research Studies (Box 135)

Studies conducted between 1945 and the mid-1980s on patients with chronic pain and ulcerative colitis. Also included in this box are observations that GLE made correlating his own emotional states with esophageal problems and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

Photographs (Boxes 136-137)

Clippings (Box 138)

Awards & Honors (Boxes 139-144)

Miscellanea (Boxes 145-147)

Unboxed Framed Awards

Inventory of the Engel Papers:

Box One: Emanuel Libman

  • Folder 1: Dinners in honor of E. Libman (1932, 1942)
  • Folder 2: Time magazine (10 June 1935)
  • Folder 3: New Yorker (8 April 1939)
  • Folder 4: EL correspondence with Walter Hamburger (1941)
  • Folder 5: EL correspondence with Frank & George Engel (1942-46)
  • Folder 6: Last will & testament of EL (1946)
  • Folder 7: Obituaries, memorials
  • Folder 8: Clippings
  • Folder 9: GLE correspondence re: EL (1946-59)
  • Folder 10: GLE correspondence re: EL (after 1959)
  • Folder 11: Libman family history by Miriam Bachrach Stanley
  • Folder 12: Transcript of phone conversation between GLE & M.B. Stanley
  • Folder 13: Interview between Manfred Wasserman (NLM) & GLE re: EL (23-24 May 1985)
  • Folder 14: Inventory of EL papers at National Library of Medicine
  • Folder 15: EL papers at NLM: deed of gift & correspondence
  • Folder 16: Correspondence with Jean Libman Bloch re: EL (1986)
  • Folder 17: EL materials in New York University archives
  • Folder 18: Secondary journal literature re: EL
  • Folder 19: GLE correspondence with David Levy re: Mahler/Libman article
  • Folder 20: Photographs
  • Folder 21: Photographs

Box Two: Emanuel Libman

  • Folder 1: Copy of: Libman, E., & Friedberg, C.K. Subacute bacterial endocarditis (New York: Oxford University Press, c1941 [inscribed by EL to GLE]
  • Folder 2: Articles on bacterial endocarditis (1912-1946)
  • Folder 3: Articles on bacterial endocarditis (1980-1996)
  • Folder 4: Lobkowicz's translation of Einstein's article in Libman anniversary volumes , v. 1 [see Box 4]

Box Three: Emanuel Libman

  • Folder 1: EL reprints, 1902-1913
  • Folder 2: EL reprints, 1917-1924
  • Folder 3: EL reprints, 1925-1932
  • Folder 4: EL reprints, 1933-1944
  • Bound volume: E. Libman selected publications, 1899-1942

Box Four: Emanuel Libman

Contributions to the medical sciences in honor of Dr. Emanuel Libman by his pupils, friends and colleagues. In three volumes .   New York : The International Press, 1932

Box Five: Engel Family

  • Folder 1: Engel, Adolph
  • Folder 2: Engel family in Hungary: correspondence
  • Folder 3: Columbia Grammar School
  • Folder 4: Columbia Grammar School
  • Folder 5: Family correspondence, 1920-1930
  • Folder 6: European travel diary (1928)
  • Folder 7: Dartmouth (1930-34)
  • Folder 8: Correspondence with Frank L. Engel, 1943-1950
  • Folder 9: Correspondence with FLE, 1951-1952
  • Folder 10: Correspondence with FLE, 1953-1955
  • Folder 11: Correspondence with FLE, 1956-1957
  • Folder 12: Correspondence with FLE, 1958-1963
  • Folder 13: Frank L. Engel: obituaries
  • Folder 14: Letters of condolence
  • Folder 15: Letters of condolence

Box Six: Engel Family

  • Folder 1: FLE memorial service at Duke Univ. Chapel (12 July 1963)
  • Folder 2: Frank Engel Society (Duke U.)
  • Folder 3: FLE: miscellaneous
  • Folder 4: Correspondence with Lewis L. Engel
  • Folder 5: LLE memorial service at Memorial Church, Harvard Univ., 17 Nov. 1978
  • Folder 6: LLE memorial service - audiotape and guest register
  • Folder 7: LLE obituaries
  • Folder 8: Letters of condolence
  • Folder 9: Letters of condolence
  • Folder 10: LLE: miscellaneous
  • Folder 11: GLE: myocardial infarction (1964): correspondence
  • Folder 12: GLE: myocardial infarction (1964): cards
  • Folder 13: GLE: myocardial infarction (1964): cards
  • Folder 14: GLE. "Research, 1933-1979" [autobiographical]
  • Folder 15: Johns Hopkins School of Medicine 50th anniversary (1988)

Box Seven: Publications of Frank L. Engel & Lewis L. Engel

  • Bound reprints of Frank L. Engel, 1934-1952
  • Bound reprints of Frank L. Engel, 1953-1957
  • Bound reprints of Frank L. Engel, 1958-1965
  • Mechanism of action of steroid hormones . Edited by Claude A. Villee and Lewis L. Engel.   New York: Macmillan, c1961
  • Engel, Lewis L.  Physical properties of the steroid hormones. New York: Macmillan, 1963

Box Eight: Leningrad and Moscow

  • Gurwitsch, A.G.  Mitogenetic analysis of the excitation of the nervous system [manuscript of English translation by George & Frank Engel, 1935]
  • Gurwitsch, A.G.  Mitogenetic analysis of the excitation of the nervous system [trans. by G. & F. Engel]. Amsterdam: N.V. Noord-Hollandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1937 [photocopy]
  • Photo album: Leningrad, Moscow

Box Nine: Leningrad and Moscow

  • Institute of Experimental Medicine (Leningrad): notes, publications, &c.

Box Ten: Leningrad and Moscow

  • First International Physiological Congress (1935: Leningrad, Moscow)

Box Eleven: Interviews (Transcripts)

  • Folder 1: "The biopsychosocial model," Transcripts of five-part interview with GLE, R. Botelho & R. Frankel (1990-91)
  • Folder 2: GLE interviewed by James W. Bartlett (7 Jan. 1983) [transcript]
  • Folder 3: GLE/Reiser interview (21 Aug. 1986) [transcript, 132 p. version]
  • Folder 4: GLE/Reiser interview (21 Aug. 1986) [transcript, 140 p. version]
  • Folder 5: GLE interviewed by Hannah Solky re: Sandor Feldom (8 Aug. 1990) [transcript]
  • Folder 6: Transcripts of six-part interview of GLE by A. Vagnucci (1 Nov. 1990)
  • Folder 7: GLE interviewed by Otto Thaler (25 Aug 1993) [transcript]
  • Folder 8: GLE interviewed by Otto Thaler (3 Oct. 1993) [transcript]
  • Folder 9: GLE interviewed by Otto Thaler (16 Oct. 1993) [transcript]
  • Folder 10: American Psychoanalytic Association. Oral history workshop #39 (16 Dec. 1993). Participants: R.S. Grayson, James W. Bartlett, Norman M. Margolis, Otto F. Thaler, George L. Engel [transcript]
  • Folder 11: Thaler, Otto. "George Engel: the biopsychosocial model and psychoanalysis and the evolving of the undergraduate teaching program at the University of Rochester School of Medicine," paper presented at the mid-winter meeting of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 16 Dec. 1993
  • Folder 12: "Early recollections," transcripts of three-part interview with GLE, Myrtle L. Pleune & Otto Thaler (Jan-Feb. 1995)

Box Twelve: Interviews (Videorecordings)

  • GLE: "Death of a twin," seminar at Univ. of Western Ontario (Sept. 1973) [1 videocassette]
  • GLE/S. Meyerowitz interview, "Leaders of American medicine" (1977) [1 videocassette]
  • GLE/Bartlett interview (7 Jan. 1983) [1 videocassette]
  • GLE: "The human side of being scientific," Einstein, Philadelphia (Oct. 1986) [2 videocassette]
  • GLE/Solky interview re: Sandor Feldman (8 Aug. 1990) [1 videocassette]
  • Botelho/Engel interview, "The biopsychosocial model" (1990-91) [5 videocassettes]
  • GLE/Pleune/Thaler, "Early recollections" (Jan.-Feb. 1995) [3 videotapes]
  • CBS program on twins (6 Dec. 1979) [1 videocassette]

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Box Thirteen: Publications (Reprints)

  • Bound reprints of GLE, 1935-1966
  • Bound reprints of GLE, 1941-1959
  • Bound reprints of GLE, 1944-1961
  • Bound reprints of GLE, 1962-1969
  • Bound reprints of GLE, 1970-1976
  • Bound reprints of GLE, 1977-1994

Boxes Fourteen-Sixteen: Books in which GLE is a Contributor

Copies of these contributions are included among the bound reprints (Box 13)

Box Seventeen: Correspondence re: Publications

  • Folder 1: Index to correspondence re: publications, 1946-1969
  • Folder 2: Index to correspondence re: publications, 1970-1983
  • Folder 3: "Delirium IV" (1946)
  • Folder 4: "Primary atypical facial neuralgia" (1951)
  • Folder 5: "Decompression sickness" (1951)
  • Folder 6: "Problems of hypertension" (1952)
  • Folder 7: "A study of an infant with gastric fistula" (1956)
  • Folder 8: "On timesmanship" (1959)
  • Folder 9: "Delirium: a syndrome of cerebral insufficiency" (1959)
  • Folder 10: "A unified concept of disease" (1959)
  • Folder 11: "Is grief a disease" (1961)
  • Folder 12: Psychological development in health and disease (1962) - book reviews
  • Folder 13: Psychological development in health and disease (1962) - correspondence
  • Folder 14: "Humanism and science in medicine" (1962)
  • Folder 15: "Guilt, pain and success" (1963)
  • Folder 16: "Toward a classification of affects" (1963)
  • Folder 17: "The vital balance" (1964)
  • Folder 18: "Clinical observation" (1965)
  • Folder 19: Book review of P.F. Sifneos' Ascent from chaos in Psychosom. med. (1965)
  • Folder 20: "Some considerations of the psychoanalytic theory of somatic disorder" (1965)
  • Folder 21: "Sudden death at impasse" (1966)
  • Folder 22: "Effect of quinacrine" (1966)
  • Folder 23: "Psychoanalytic theory of somatic disorder" (1967)

Box Eighteen: Correspondence re: Publications

  • Folder 1: "The giving up complex illustrated on film" (1967)
  • Folder 2: "A life setting conducive to illness" (1968)
  • Folder 3: "Psychoanalytical approach to psychosomatic medicine" (1968)
  • Folder 4: "Some obstacles to research in psychoanalysis" (1968)
  • Folder 5: "A reconsideration of the role of conversion in somatic disease" (1968)
  • Folder 6: "The care and feeding of the faculty" (1969)
  • Folder 7: "The care and feeding of the faculty" (1969)
  • Folder 8: "The role of psychological process in a somatic disorder: multiple sclerosis" (1969)
  • Folder 9: "Sudden death and the medical model in psychiatry" (1970)
  • Folder 10: "Sudden and rapid death during psychological stress" (1971)
  • Folder 11: "On the care and feeding of students" (1971)
  • Folder 12: "The deficiencies of the case presentation as a method of clinical teaching" (1971)
  • Folder 13: "Attachment behavior, object relations and the dynamic economic points of view" (1971)
  • Folder 14: "The implications of changes in medical education" (1971)
  • Folder 15: "The implications of changes in medical education" (1971)
  • Folder 16: "The implications of changes in medical education" (1971)

Box Nineteen: Correspondence re: Publications

  • Folder 1: "Carnegie report: letter to the editor" (1972)
  • Folder 2: "Must we precipitate a crisis in medical education to solve the crisis in health care" (1972)
  • Folder 3: "Must we precipitate a crisis in medical education to solve the crisis in health care" (1972)
  • Folder 4: "Is psychiatry failing in its responsibilities to medicine?" (1972)
  • Folder 5: "Enduring attributes of medicine relevant for the education of the physician" (1973)
  • Folder 6: "The best and the brightest" (1973)
  • Folder 7: "Revision of the National Board Exam" (1974)
  • Folder 8: Chapter 30 in McBryde's signs and symptoms (1974-82)
  • Folder 9: "Identification, inspiration and learning" (1975)
  • Folder 10: "The information explosion and the education of the medical student" (1975)
  • Folder 11: "Death of a twin" (1975)
  • Folder 12: "Psychoanalysis: alive and well at 80" (1975)
  • Folder 13: "Are medical schools neglecting clinical skills?" (1976)
  • Folder 14: "Predictive value of psychological variables for disease" (1976)
  • Folder 15: "Too little science" (1976)

Box Twenty: Correspondence re: Publications

  • Folder 1: "The need for a new medical model" (1976) [manuscript]
  • Folder 2: "The need for a new medical model" (1977)
  • Folder 3: "The need for a new medical model" (1977)
  • Folder 4: "The need for a new medical model" (1977)
  • Folder 5: "Emotional stress and sudden death" (1977)
  • Folder 6: "The care of the patient" (1977)
  • Folder 7: "Psychological stress, vasodepressor (vasovagal) syncope and sudden death" (1978)
  • Folder 8: "Biomedicine's failure to achieve Flexnerian standards of medical education" (1978)
  • Folder 9: "The biopsychosocial model and the education of health professionals" (1978)
  • Folder 10: "Man and medicine" (1979)
  • Folder 11: "Clinical application of the biopsychosocial model" (1980)
  • Folder 12: "Death and reunion" (1981)
  • Folder 13: "The biopsychosocial model in medical education" (1982)
  • Folder 14: "What if music students were taught to play their instruments as medical students are taught to interview?" (1982)
  • Folder 15: "The biopsychosocial model" in: West and Stein (1982)
  • Folder 16: "The biopsychosocial model and family medicine" (1983)
  • Folder 17: "Proust in khaki" (1983)

Box Twenty-One: Correspondence re: Publications

  • Folder 1: Reiser/Rosen. Medicine as human experience (1981-83)
  • Folder 2: Reiser/Rosen (1984)
  • Folder 3: Reiser/Rosen (1985)
  • Folder 4: Foss/Rothenberg. The second medical revolution (1982-84)
  • Folder 5: Foss/Rothenberg (1985-87)
  • Folder 6: Foss/Rothenberg (1988)
  • Folder 7: Foss/Rothenberg (1989-90)
  • Folder 8: Transcripts of five interviews between GLE, Lawrence Foss and Kenneth Rothenberg (June 1983)

Box Twenty-Two: Correspondence re: Publications

  • Folder 1: Foss/Rothenberg. The second medical revolution (1983-84) [drafts]
  • Folder 2: Foss/Rothenberg - GLE's commentary
  • Folder 3: C.E. Silberman (1987-89)
  • Folder 4: C.E. Silberman (1990-94)

Box Twenty-Three: Publications: Books

  • Folder 1: Engel, G.L. Fainting: physiological and psychological considerations. Springfield, Il.: Charles C Thomas, 1950
  • Folder 2: Engel, G.L. Fainting. Second editon. Springfield, Il.: Charles C Thomas, c1962
  • Folder 3: Engel, G.L. Psychological development in health and disease. Philadelphia and London: Saunders, 1962
  • Folder 4: Engel, G.E., & Morgan, W.L. Examination of patients. Rochester, N.Y., c1966

Box Twenty-Four: Publications: Books

  • Folder 1: Engel, G.L. Psychisches Verhalten in Gesundheit und Krankheit. Bern: Hans Huber, c1970
  • Folder 2: Engel, G.L. Psychisches Verhalten in Gesundheit und Krankheit. 2 . Aufl. Bern: Hans Huber, c1976.
  • Folder 3: Engel, G.L., & Morgan, W.L. Interviewing the patient.   Philadelphia: Saunders, c1973
  • Folder 4: Engel, G.L. . [ et al .] Physician's workbook: patient - centered medical interviewing. Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, c1981. [Modules I-IV]
  • Folder 5: Engel, G.L. Shinshin no rikidoteki hattasu. Tokyo: Iwasakigakujutsushuppansha, 1976 [Japanese translation of: Psychological development in health and disease].

Box Twenty-Five: Publications: Books

  • Folder 1: Engel. G.L. Medicina psicosomatica e sviluppo psicologico.   [Bologna]: Cappelli, c1981
  • Folder 2: Gurwitsch, A.G. Mitogenetic analysis of the excitation of the nervous system [translated by G.L. & F.L. Engel]. Amsterdam: N.V. Noordhollandsche Uitgeversmaatschappij, 1937
  • Folder 3: Morgan, W.L., & Engel, G.L. The clinical approach to the patient. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1969
  • Folder 4: Morgan, W.L., & Engel, G.L. L'esame clinico del malato.   Roma: "Il Pensiero scientifico" editore, 1971
  • Folder 5: Morgan, W.L., & Engel, G.L. Propedeutica medica. Mexico: Interamericana, c1971

Box Twenty-Six: Publications: Books

  • Folder 1: Morgan, W.L., & Engel, G.L. Der klinische Zugang zum Patienten. Bern: Hans Huber, c1977.
  • Folder 2: The Challenge of the biopsychosocial model : papers in honor of George L . Engel , M. D . on the occasion of his 65th birthday. [Rochester, N.Y., 1979].

Box Twenty-Seven: Book Publisher Correspondence

  • Folder 1: Cecil's textbook of medicine (1965-66)
  • Folder 2: Clinical approach to the patient (1966-67)
  • Folder 3: Clinical approach to the patient (1968)
  • Folder 4: Clinical approach to the patient (1969)
  • Folder 5: Clinical approach to the patient (1970-79)
  • Folder 6: Clinical approach to the patient (1984-85)
  • Folder 7: Clinical approach to the patient (1986-87)
  • Folder 8: Clinical approach to the patient (book reviews & comments)
  • Folder 9: Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry (1965-73)
  • Folder 10: Fainting. 1st ed. (1946-49)

Box Twenty-Eight: Book Publisher Correspondence

  • Folder 1: Fainting. 1st ed. (1950-53)
  • Folder 2: Fainting. 1st ed. (book reviews & comments)
  • Folder 3: Fainting. 1st ed .(royalty reports)
  • Folder 4: Fainting. 2nd ed. (1958-May 1961)
  • Folder 5: Fainting. 2nd ed. (Jun-Dec 1961)
  • Folder 6: Fainting. 2nd ed. (1962)
  • Folder 7: Fainting. 2nd ed. (1963)
  • Folder 8: Fainting. 2nd ed. (1964-70)
  • Folder 9: Fainting. 2nd ed. (book reviews & comments)
  • Folder 10: Interviewing the patient (1972-76)
  • Folder 11: Psychological development in health and disease (Sep 1961-Mar 1962)

Box Twenty-Nine: Book Publisher Correspondence

  • Folder 1: Psychological development in health and disease (Apr-Dec 1962)
  • Folder 2: Psychological development in health and disease (1963-66)
  • Folder 3: Psychological development in health and disease (1969-77)
  • Folder 4: Signs and symptoms (1967-72)

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Box Thirty: Correspondence: (Chronological 1933-1946)

  • Folder 1: Correspondence, 1933-36
  • Folder 2: Correspondence, 1938-41
  • Folder 3: Correspondence, 1942-46

Box Thirty-One: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: A (General)
  • Folder 2: Adamson, John
  • Folder 3: Adamson, John
  • Folder 4: Ader, Robert
  • Folder 5: Ader, Robert
  • Folder 6: Ader, Robert
  • Folder 7: Adler, Rolf
  • Folder 8: Adler, Rolf
  • Folder 9: Adler, Rolf
  • Folder 10: Adler, Rolf

Box Thirty-Two: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Adler, Rolf
  • Folder 2: Adler, Rolf
  • Folder 3: Almy, Thomas P.
  • Folder 4: Alvarez, Walter C.
  • Folder 5: Anderson, Donald G.
  • Folder 6: Anderson, Donald G.
  • Folder 7: Anderson, Donald G.
  • Folder 8: Anderson, Donald L.
  • Folder 9: Anderson, Elaine R.
  • Folder 10: Araujo, Gilberto de
  • Folder 11: Araujo, Gilberto de
  • Folder 12: Arem, Arnold J.
  • Folder 13: Aring, Charles D.
  • Folder 14: Aring, Charles D.
  • Folder 15: Aring, Charles D.
  • Folder 16: Ashenberg, Norman

Box Thirty-Three: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Askevold, Finn
  • Folder 2: Aslan, Carlos M.
  • Folder 3: Aslan, Carlos M.
  • Folder 4: BAL-BATES (General)
  • Folder 5: BEI-BU (General)
  • Folder 6: Babigian, Haroutun M.
  • Folder 7: Baker, Richard M.
  • Folder 8: Baker, Richard M.
  • Folder 9: Bandler, Bernard
  • Folder 10: Banner, Barbara
  • Folder 11: Barchilon, Jose
  • Folder 12: Barclay, William R.
  • Folder 13: Barry, Carole J.

Box Thirty-Four: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Barry, Carole J.
  • Folder 2: Bartlett, James W.
  • Folder 3: Bauer, Walter
  • Folder 4: Beahrs, John O.
  • Folder 5: Bean, William B.
  • Folder 6: Beck, Irving A.
  • Folder 7: Bellett, Paul S.
  • Folder 8: Benedek, Therese
  • Folder 9: Benedek, Therese
  • Folder 10: Benedek, Therese
  • Folder 11: Berger, Gary S.
  • Folder 12: Berkow, Robert
  • Folder 13: Berkow, Robert
  • Folder 14: Berkow, Robert

Box Thirty-Five: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Bernstein, Philip S.
  • Folder 2: Betwee, John
  • Folder 3: Binswanger, Christoph
  • Folder 4: Binswanger, Christoph
  • Folder 5: Bloch, Donald A.
  • Folder 6: Blumberg, Ruth
  • Folder 7: Blumer, Dietrich
  • Folder 8: Bogdanoff, Morton
  • Folder 9: Bondurant, Stuart
  • Folder 10: Borkan, Eugene
  • Folder 11: Bowers, John Z.
  • Folder 12: Brody, Howard D.
  • Folder 13: Brown, Theodore M.
  • Folder 14: Burnam, John F.
  • Folder 15: C-CU (General)
  • Folder 16: Calder, Kenneth T.
  • Folder 17: Calkins, Evan
  • Folder 18: Campbell, Thomas L.
  • Folder 19: Cannom, David S.

Box Thirty-Six: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Carr, Vaughn
  • Folder 2: Carson, Cecile Alberto
  • Folder 3: Cassell, Eric J.
  • Folder 4: Charney, Evan
  • Folder 5: Chickadonz, Grace H.
  • Folder 6: Chimis, Robert
  • Folder 7: Chorowski, Max
  • Folder 8: Ciccone, J. Richard
  • Folder 9: Cohen, Emory L.
  • Folder 10: Cohen, I. Bernard
  • Folder 11: Cohen, Jules
  • Folder 12: Cohen, Sidney
  • Folder 13: Colwill, Jack M.
  • Folder 14: Conron, Geoffrey
  • Folder 15: Corbett, Alan L.
  • Folder 16: Cousins, Norman
  • Folder 17: Cross, Harold D.
  • Folder 18: Cunningham, Alistair J.
  • Folder 19: D (General)
  • Folder 20: Davidoff, Frank
  • Folder 21: Davis, John S.
  • Folder 22: Davis, Richard E.
  • Folder 23: Day, Stacy B.
  • Folder 24: deBruyn Kops, Julian
  • Folder 25: Dembert, Mark L.
  • Folder 26: De Vries, Marco J.
  • Folder 27: Martin W.
  • Folder 28: Dewald, Paul A.

Box Thirty-Seven: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Ditunno, John
  • Folder 2: Doherty, William J.
  • Folder 3: Dowling, A. Scott
  • Folder 4: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 5: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 6: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 7: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 8: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 9: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 10: Drossman, Douglas A.
  • Folder 11: Dubos, René J.
  • Folder 12: E (General)
  • Folder 13: Eaton, James E., Jr.
  • Folder 14: Ecker, Arthur
  • Folder 15: Edison, George R.

Box Thirty-Eight: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Eichna, Ludwig
  • Folder 2: Elias, Max
  • Folder 3: Engel, Frank L.
  • Folder 4: Engel, Peter A.
  • Folder 5: Engstrom, William W.
  • Folder 6: Engstrom, William W.
  • Folder 7: Epstein, Ronald
  • Folder 8: Evans, Lester J.
  • Folder 9: Evarts, C. McCollister
  • Folder 10: F (General)
  • Folder 11: Fabrega, Horacio, Jr.
  • Folder 12: Faust, Halley S.
  • Folder 13: Fava, Giovanni A.
  • Folder 14: Feinstein, Alvin R.
  • Folder 15: Feldman, Sandor S.
  • Folder 16: Fendley, Herbert
  • Folder 17: Fenninger, Leonard D.

Box Thirty-Nine: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Ferris, Eugene B.
  • Folder 2: Ferris, Eugene B.
  • Folder 3: Fields, Howard L.
  • Folder 4: Finch, Clement A.
  • Folder 5: Fineberg, Harvey V.
  • Folder 6: Finegold, Milton J.
  • Folder 7: Finesinger, Jacob E.
  • Folder 8: Fink, Paul Jay
  • Folder 9: Flamm, Gerald H.
  • Folder 10: Fleming, Ivan
  • Folder 11: Flesh, Roberta E.
  • Folder 12: Follett, Susan D.
  • Folder 13: Ford, Loretta C.
  • Folder 14: Forgotson, Judith A.
  • Folder 15: Fougerousse, Myra E.
  • Folder 16: Fox, Michael J.
  • Folder 17: Frader, Mark A.
  • Folder 18: Franger, Alfred
  • Folder 19: Frank, Jan
  • Folder 20: Frank, Jerome D.
  • Folder 21: Frankel, Richard
  • Folder 22: Frazier, Shervert

Box Forty: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Freedman, Alfred M.
  • Folder 2: Freeman, Thomas
  • Folder 3: Freyberger, Helmuth
  • Folder 4: Freymann, John G.
  • Folder 5: Friedberg, John
  • Folder 6: Friederich, Mary Anna
  • Folder 7: Friedland, Harry M.
  • Folder 8: Friedman, Ben
  • Folder 9: Friedman, Stanford
  • Folder 10: Friedman, Stanford
  • Folder 11: Fundingsrud, Hans
  • Folder 12: Fye, W. Bruce
  • Folder 13: G (General)
  • Folder 14: Gambino, S. Raymond
  • Folder 15: Garant, Carol
  • Folder 16: George, James N.
  • Folder 17: Gifford, G. Edmund
  • Folder 18: Gifford, Sanford
  • Folder 19: Gill, Merton M.
  • Folder 20: Gillette, Robert D.
  • Folder 21: Ginsburg, A. David
  • Folder 22: Glaser, Frederick B.

Box Forty-One: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Glaser, Joseph P.
  • Folder 2: Glaser, Joseph P.
  • Folder 3: Glaser, Robert J.
  • Folder 4: Glaser, Robert J.
  • Folder 5: Glick, Daniel L.
  • Folder 6: Gold, Kenneth
  • Folder 7: Goldblatt, David
  • Folder 8: Goldman, Charles R.
  • Folder 9: Goldman, Gilbert N.
  • Folder 10: Gollay, Jean
  • Folder 11: Golodetz, Arnold
  • Folder 12: Goodkin, Karl
  • Folder 13: Gordon, Geoffrey H.
  • Folder 14: Gottschalk, Louis A.
  • Folder 15: Graff, William H.
  • Folder 16: Grant, John M.
  • Folder 17: Grant, John M.

Folder Forty-Two: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Greene, William A.
  • Folder 2: Greene, William A.
  • Folder 3: Greene, William A.
  • Folder 4: Greenberg, Donna
  • Folder 5: Greenhouse, Max
  • Folder 6: Greenson, Ralph H.
  • Folder 7: Greenspan, Stanley I.
  • Folder 8: Griner, Paul
  • Folder 9: Grinker, Roy R.
  • Folder 10: Grotjahn, Martin
  • Folder 11: Guggenheim, Frederick
  • Folder 12: Gurvits, Tamara
  • Folder 13: Guttmacher, Lawrence B.
  • Folder 14: H (General)
  • Folder 15: Hackett, Thomas P.
  • Folder 16: Hadler, Nortin M.
  • Folder 17: Hahn, Robert A.
  • Folder 18: Hall, Eleanor
  • Folder 19: Hamburg, David A.
  • Folder 20: Hamburger, Walter W., Jr.
  • Folder 21: Hamar Sandra

Box Forty-Three: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Hammar, Sandra
  • Folder 2: Hammar, Sandra
  • Folder 3: Hanlon, C. Rollins
  • Folder 4: Harlow, Harry
  • Folder 5: Harris, James C.
  • Folder 6: Hartmann, Lawrence
  • Folder 7: Harway, Norman
  • Folder 8: Harway, Vivian
  • Folder 9: Hasenbush, L. Lee
  • Folder 10: Hauri, Peter
  • Folder 11: Hawkins, David R.
  • Folder 12: Hawkins, David R.
  • Folder 13: Heim, Edgar
  • Folder 14: Heim, Edgar
  • Folder 15: Heim, Edgar

Box Forty-Four: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Hellerman, James
  • Folder 2: Henkin, Robert I.
  • Folder 3: Henry, James P.
  • Folder 4: Hiatt, John F.
  • Folder 5: Hierlihy, Phyllis
  • Folder 6: Hilgartner, C. A.
  • Folder 7: Hill, Oscar W.
  • Folder 8: Hirsch, Jules
  • Folder 9: Hirtle, Peter B.
  • Folder 10: Hoffman, Nancy Yanes
  • Folder 11: Hoffman, Roald
  • Folder 12: Hoke, Charles
  • Folder 13: Holland, Jimmie
  • Folder 14: Hollender, Marc H.
  • Folder 15: Holt, Robert M.
  • Folder 16: Horder, John
  • Folder 17: Horn, Robert E.
  • Folder 18: Horowitz, Mardi J.
  • Folder 19: Horton, Frank
  • Folder 20: Horton, John A.
  • Folder 21: Horton, Patricia Schausiel
  • Folder 22: Horton, Patricia Schausiel
  • Folder 23: Horwitz, Gary
  • Folder 24: Hubbard, Steven
  • Folder 25: Hunt, Andrew D.
  • Folder 26: Hunter, Kathryn Montgomery
  • Folder 27: Hurst, J. Willis

Box Forty-Five: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Huth Edward J.
  • Folder 2: IIjima, Katsumi
  • Folder 3: Imboden, John
  • Folder 4: Ingelfinger, Franz J.
  • Folder 5: Inui, Thomas S.
  • Folder 6: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 7: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 8: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 9: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 10: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 11: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 12: Ironside, Wallace
  • Folder 13: Ironside, Wallace

Box Forty-Six: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: J (General)
  • Folder 2: Jacobson, Clifford Robert
  • Folder 3: Jacobson, Sandra
  • Folder 4: James, Thomas N.
  • Folder 5: Jamison, Rex L.
  • Folder 6: Jason, Hilliard
  • Folder 7: Jenkins, C. David
  • Folder 8: Joynt, Robert J.
  • Folder 9: Joynt, Robert J.
  • Folder 10: Joynt, Robert J.
  • Folder 11: Joynt, Robert J.
  • Folder 12: Joynt, Robert J.
  • Folder 13: K (General)
  • Folder 14: Kabat-Zinn, Jon
  • Folder 15: Kaplan, Stanley M.
  • Folder 16: Kapp, Frederick T.

Box Forty-Seven: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Katz, Stephen
  • Folder 2: Katzen, Neville G.
  • Folder 3: Kaufman, Barre D.
  • Folder 4: Kaufman, I. Charles
  • Folder 5: Kaufman, I. Charles
  • Folder 6: Kehoe, Michael J.
  • Folder 7: Kehoe, Michael J.
  • Folder 8: Kelly, Marianne
  • Folder 9: Kernberg, Otto F.
  • Folder 10: Kerr, Dora McKay
  • Folder 11: Kerr, Robert M.
  • Folder 12: Ketai, Richard M.
  • Folder 13: Kiely, William F.
  • Folder 14: Kimberg, Daniel V.
  • Folder 15: Kimball, Chase P.

Box Forty-Eight: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Kimball, Chase P.
  • Folder 2: Kimball, Chase P.
  • Folder 3: Kindler, Alan
  • Folder 4: Kirsner, Joseph B.
  • Folder 5: Klein, Robert F.
  • Folder 6: Klein, Robert F.
  • Folder 7: Klein, Robert F.
  • Folder 8: Kleinman, Arthur
  • Folder 9: Kleinman, Marilyn
  • Folder 10: Klosterman, Thomas J.
  • Folder 11: Knapp, Peter H.
  • Folder 12: Kohn, Lawrence A.
  • Folder 13: Kubie, Lawrence S.
  • Folder 14: L (General)

Box Forty-Nine: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Labrum, Anthony H.
  • Folder 2: La Ferla, John
  • Folder 3: La Force, F. Marc
  • Folder 4: Lander, Louise
  • Folder 5: Langsley, Donald G.
  • Folder 6: Lapuma, John
  • Folder 7: Large, Alan A.
  • Folder 8: Lazarus, Richard S.
  • Folder 9: Lazerson, Alan M.
  • Folder 10: Leaf, Alexander
  • Folder 11: Lederer, Wolfgang
  • Folder 12: Lefebvre, Paul
  • Folder 13: Lefebvre, Paul
  • Folder 14: Levay, Alexander N.
  • Folder 15: Levine, Diana
  • Folder 16: Levine, Isidore

Box Fifty: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Levine, Maurice
  • Folder 2: Levine, Maurice
  • Folder 3: Levinson, Daniel Orin
  • Folder 4: Levinson, Daniel Orin
  • Folder 5: Levinson, Daniel Orin
  • Folder 6: Levinson, Daniel Orin
  • Folder 7: Levy, Abraham L.
  • Folder 8: Levy, Abraham L.
  • Folder 9: Levy, H. Richard
  • Folder 10: Levy, H. Richard

Box Fifty-One: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Levy, Norman B.
  • Folder 2: Lichstein, Peter
  • Folder 3: Lichstein, Peter
  • Folder 4: Liddon, Sim C.
  • Folder 5: Lief, Harold I.
  • Folder 6: Linzer, Mark
  • Folder 7: Lipkin, Mack, Jr.
  • Folder 8: Lipkin, Mack, Jr.
  • Folder 9: Lipkin, Mack, Jr.
  • Folder 10: Lipkin, Mack, Jr.
  • Folder 11: Lipkin, Mack,Jr.
  • Folder 12: Lipman, Charles A.

Box Fifty-Two: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Lipowski, Z. J.
  • Folder 2: Lipowski, Z. J.
  • Folder 3: Lipsitt, Don R.
  • Folder 4: Liptzin, Myron B.
  • Folder 5: Lisansky Beck, Deborah
  • Folder 6: Lorenz, Alan
  • Folder 7: Lukensmeyer, William W.
  • Folder 8: Luminet, Daniel
  • Folder 9: Lynch, James J.
  • Folder 10: Lyons, Albert S.
  • Folder 11: M (General)
  • Folder 12: McCann, William S.
  • Folder 13: McCord, Merrill T.
  • Folder 14: McCurdy, Layton
  • Folder 15: McDaniel, Susan H.
  • Folder 16: McGough, W. Edward
  • Folder 17: McIntyre, John S.
  • Folder 18: McKay, Richard V.

Box Fifty-Three: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: McKegney, F. Patrick
  • Folder 2: MacRitchie, Kenneth J.
  • Folder 3: McWhinney, Ian R.
  • Folder 4: Maddison, David
  • Folder 5: Magalhaes, Carlos Osorio
  • Folder 6: Magder, David M.
  • Folder 7: Mai, François
  • Folder 8: Mai, François
  • Folder 9: Mai, François
  • Folder 10: Margolin, Sidney G.
  • Folder 11: Margolis, Norman M.
  • Folder 12: Mason, John W.
  • Folder 13: Matthews, Dale A.
  • Folder 14: Maulitz, Russell C.
  • Folder 15: Mei-Tal, Varda
  • Folder 16: Mei-Tal, Varda

Box Fifty-Four: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Mei-Tal, Varda
  • Folder 2: Mei-Tal, Varda
  • Folder 3: Mei-Tal, Varda
  • Folder 4: Mei-Tal, Varda
  • Folder 5: Melges, Frederick T.
  • Folder 6: Mellinkoff, Sherman
  • Folder 7: Menninger, Karl
  • Folder 8: Menninger, Roy W.
  • Folder 9: Menninger, William C.
  • Folder 10: Messina, Joseph A.
  • Folder 11: Meyer, Adolf-Ernst
  • Folder 12: Meyer, Roger J.
  • Folder 13: Meyerowitz, Sanford
  • Folder 14: Meyerowitz, Sanford
  • Folder 15: Michels, Robert
  • Folder 16: Mirsky, Eleanor
  • Folder 17: Mirsky, J. Arthur
  • Folder 18: Mirsky, J. Arthur

Box Fifty-Five: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Mitscherlich, Alexander
  • Folder 2: Monke, J. Victor
  • Folder 3: Morgan, William L.
  • Folder 4: Morrow, Gary
  • Folder 5: Morse, Diane
  • Folder 6: Moser, Robert H.
  • Folder 7: Munzer, Alfred
  • Folder 8: Mushin, David
  • Folder 9: N (General)
  • Folder 10: Nadelson, Carol C.
  • Folder 11: Napodano, Rudolph J.
  • Folder 12: Nemiah, John C.
  • Folder 13: Norbury, Frank
  • Folder 14: Novack, Dennis H.
  • Folder 15: Novack, Dennis H.
  • Folder 16: O'Brien, G. Dennis

Box Fifty-Six: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Ochitill, Herbert
  • Folder 2: Ochoa, Jose
  • Folder 3: Odegaard, Charles E.
  • Folder 4: Oken, Donald
  • Folder 5: Oken, Donald
  • Folder 6: O'Neill, D.
  • Folder 7: Orbison, Lowell
  • Folder 8: Orchard, William H.
  • Folder 9: Orenstein, Allan
  • Folder 10: Ornstein, Paul H.
  • Folder 11: O'Sullivan, John A.
  • Folder 12: P (General)
  • Folder 13: Pasnau, Robert O.
  • Folder 14: Pauli, Hannes G.
  • Folder 15: Paulley, J. W.

Box Fifty-Seven: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Perez, Salvador
  • Folder 2: Peterson, Malcolm L.
  • Folder 3: Pfeiffer, Eric
  • Folder 4: Pietroni, Patrick C.
  • Folder 5: Pilowsky, I.
  • Folder 6: Pincus, Theodore
  • Folder 7: Pittman, James A.
  • Folder 8: Plaut, Michael S.
  • Folder 9: Plum, Fred
  • Folder 10: Pollock, George H.
  • Folder 11: Poret, Barry
  • Folder 12: Powell, Robert C.
  • Folder 13: Powles, William E.
  • Folder 14: Pranulis, Maryann
  • Folder 15: Prugh, Dane G.
  • Folder 16: Quill, Timothy E.
  • Folder 17: Quill, Timothy E.
  • Folder 18: R (General)
  • Folder 19: Race, Ann

Box Fifty-Eight: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Racy, John
  • Folder 2: Rapaport, David
  • Folder 3: Ratnoff, Oscar D.
  • Folder 4: Regenstein, Q. R.
  • Folder 5: Reich, Peter
  • Folder 6: Reichsman, Franz
  • Folder 7: Reichsman, Franz
  • Folder 8: Reichsman, Franz
  • Folder 9: Reifler, Clifford B.
  • Folder 10: Reiser, David E.
  • Folder 11: Reiser, Morton F.
  • Folder 12: Reisman, Jerald
  • Folder 13: Remen, Naomi
  • Folder 14: Resnick, Jack A.
  • Folder 15: Richards, Steve T.
  • Folder 16: Richmond, Julius B.
  • Folder 17: Rob, Charles
  • Folder 18: Roberts, C. S.
  • Folder 19: Robinson, Arthur

Box Fifty-Nine: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Rogawski, Elise
  • Folder 2: Rogers, David E.
  • Folder 3: Rogers, David E.
  • Folder 4: Romano, John
  • Folder 5: Romano, John
  • Folder 6: Romano, John
  • Folder 7: Rosen, David H.
  • Folder 8: Rosen, David H.
  • Folder 9: Rosen, David H.

Box Sixty: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Rosen, David H.
  • Folder 2: Rosenbaum, Milton
  • Folder 3: Rosenbaum, Milton
  • Folder 4: Rosenbaum, Milton
  • Folder 5: Ross, Gail
  • Folder 6: Ross, Jonathan M.
  • Folder 7: Roth, Barry H.
  • Folder 8: Rothenberg, Albert
  • Folder 9: Rothenberg, Robert C.
  • Folder 10: Ryder, Henry W.
  • Folder 11: S (General)
  • Folder 12: Sachar, Edward J.
  • Folder 13: Sadler H. Harrison
  • Folder 14: Sadler, H. Harrison

Box Sixty-One: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Sadler, H. Harrison
  • Folder 2: Samloff, I. Michael
  • Folder 3: Samson, Donald C.
  • Folder 4: Sandler, Joseph
  • Folder 5: Sapira, Joseph D.
  • Folder 6: Saslow, George
  • Folder 7: Schell, E. Haskell
  • Folder 8: Schieffer, James
  • Folder 9: Schmale, Arthur H.
  • Folder 10: Schmale, Arthur H.
  • Folder 11: Schamle, Arthur H.
  • Folder 12: Schamle, Arthur H. (Tributes, 1993)
  • Folder 13: Schoenike, S. L.

Box Sixty-Two: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Schuffel, Wolfram
  • Folder 2: Schuffel, Wolfram
  • Folder 3: Schwartz, Michael A.
  • Folder 4: Schwartz, Michael A.
  • Folder 5: Schwartz, Michael A.
  • Folder 6: Schwartz, Ronald G.
  • Folder 7: Schwarz, Kuno C.
  • Folder 8: Sclare, A. Balfour
  • Folder 9: Seifert, Milton H., Jr.
  • Folder 10: Sevin, Bradley H.
  • Folder 11: Shakin, Elisabeth J.
  • Folder 12: Shapiro, Joanna
  • Folder 13: Sheps, Cecil G.
  • Folder 14: Shore, Bernard
  • Folder 15: Shoulson, Ira
  • Folder 16: Sider, Roger C.
  • Folder 17: Silberfarb, Peter M.

Box Sixty-Three: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Silverman, Albert J.
  • Folder 2: Simons, Richard C.
  • Folder 3: Singh, Bruce
  • Folder 4: Singh, Bruce
  • Folder 5: Sioussat, Robert
  • Folder 6: Smith, Audrey
  • Folder 7: Smith, Audrey
  • Folder 8: Smith, G. Richard
  • Folder 9: Smith, Lloyd H.
  • Folder 10: Smith, Peter G.
  • Folder 11: Smith, Robert C.
  • Folder 12: Smith, Robert C.
  • Folder 13: Smith, Robert C.
  • Folder 14: Smith, Robert C.

Box Sixty-Four: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Smoller Jordon W.
  • Folder 2: Solomon, David H.
  • Folder 3: Spicker, Stuart F.
  • Folder 4: Spiegel, David
  • Folder 5: Spitz, Rene A.
  • Folder 6: Spitzer, Robert L.
  • Folder 7: Sporn, Michael
  • Folder 8: Spragg, Roger G.
  • Folder 9: Sproul, Robert L.
  • Folder 10: Steele, Thomas E.
  • Folder 11: Stefansson, John G.
  • Folder 12: Sternbach, Richard
  • Folder 13: Stone, John
  • Folder 14: Stoudemire, Alan
  • Folder 15: Strain, James J.
  • Folder 16: Strauss, John S.
  • Folder 17: Suchman, Anthony L.
  • Folder 18: Sweeney, Donald R.
  • Folder 19: T (General)
  • Folder 20: Tait, Barrie
  • Folder 21: Tarlov, Alvin R.
  • Folder 22: Templeton, Bryce
  • Folder 23: Thaler, Otto
  • Folder 24: Thier, Samuel O.

Box Sixty-Five: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Thorpe, James H.
  • Folder 2: Tinling, David C.
  • Folder 3: Toombs, Kay
  • Folder 4: Torem, Moshe
  • Folder 5: Towers, Bernard
  • Folder 6: Tschiassny, Kurt
  • Folder 7: U (General)
  • Folder 8: V (General)
  • Folder 9: Vagnucci, Anthony H.
  • Folder 10: Vaillant, George H.
  • Folder 11: Valberg, Leslie S.
  • Folder 12: Vander Veer, Joseph, Jr.
  • Folder 13: Veith, Ilza
  • Folder 14: Veldhuyzen van Zanten, R. C.
  • Folder 15: Visscher, Maurice B.
  • Folder 16: W (General)
  • Folder 17: Waitkevicz, H. Joan
  • Folder 18: Walker, H. Kenneth
  • Folder 19: Wallace, Edward R., IV
  • Folder 20: Wallerstein, Robert S.

Box Sixty-Six: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Warburton, Keeling A.
  • Folder 2: Weed, Lawrence L.
  • Folder 3: Weiner, Herbert
  • Folder 4: Weiner, Myron F.
  • Folder 5: Weiner, Richard L.
  • Folder 6: Weiss, Elizabeth
  • Folder 7: Weiss, Robert J.
  • Folder 8: Weissler, Arnold M.
  • Folder 9: Wenner, Herbert A.
  • Folder 10: Werner, Arnold
  • Folder 11: Werner, Arnold
  • Folder 12: Wesley, Joseph W.
  • Folder 13: Whipple, George H.
  • Folder 14: Whybrow, Peter C.
  • Folder 15: Wiener, Stanley L.
  • Folder 16: Williams, Geoffrey
  • Folder 17: Williams, Redford B.
  • Folder 18: Williams, T. Franklin

Box Sixty-Seven: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Williamson, Penny
  • Folder 2: Williamson, Penny
  • Folder 3: Williamson, Penny
  • Folder 4: Wise, Thomas N.
  • Folder 5: Wittkower, Eric D.
  • Folder 6: Wynne, Lyman C.
  • Folder 7: Wynne, Lyman C.
  • Folder 8: Y (General)
  • Folder 9: Yellig, Edward B.
  • Folder 10: Yolles, Louise
  • Folder 11: Young, Frank E.

Box Sixty-Eight: Correspondence (Alphabetical)

  • Folder 1: Young, Lawrence E.
  • Folder 2: Young, Lawrence E.
  • Folder 3: Young, Lawrence E.
  • Folder 4: Zarutsckie, Susan E.

Back to Top

Box Sixty-Nine: Sheet Catalog of Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Folder 1: Abel-Bean
  • Folder 2: Beaubrun-Brody
  • Folder 3: Brooks-Devries
  • Folder 4: Dichter-Feinstein
  • Folder 5: Feldman-Goldblatt
  • Folder 6: Goldman-Hellerman
  • Folder 7: Henkin-Inui
  • Folder 8: Jacobson-Kleinman
  • Folder 9: Knapp-Lichtman
  • Folder 10: Liddon-McCord
  • Folder 11: McCurdy-Polombo
  • Folder 12: Pardes-Reiser, D.

Box Seventy: Sheet Catalog of Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Folder 1: Reiser, M.-Roth
  • Folder 2: Rothenberg-Schwartz, M.
  • Folder 3: Schwartz, R.-Stein
  • Folder 4: Steinberg-Wasson
  • Folder 5: Weddell-Z

Box Seventy-One: Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Folder 1: Topical index to abstracted general correspondence
  • Folder 2: Letters 1-40
  • Folder 3: Letters 41-70
  • Folder 4: Letters 71-120
  • Folder 5: Letters 121-168
  • Folder 6: Letters 172-224
  • Folder 7: Letters 225-269
  • Folder 8: Letters 271-320
  • Folder 9: Letters 321-370
  • Folder 10: Letters 371-420

Box Seventy-Two: Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Folder 1: Letters 422-467
  • Folder 2: Letters 468-515
  • Folder 3: Letters 516-550
  • Folder 4: Letters 561-610
  • Folder 5: Letters 611-660
  • Folder 6: Letters 662-709
  • Folder 7: Letters 711-758
  • Folder 8: Letters 761-816
  • Folder 9: Letters 816-865

Box Seventy-Three: Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Folder 1: Letters 866-898
  • Folder 2: Letters 901-950
  • Folder 3: Letters 952-1015
  • Folder 4: Letters 1016-1069
  • Folder 5: Letters 1070-1130
  • Folder 6: Letters 1131-1180
  • Folder 7: Letters 1181-1245
  • Folder 8: Letters 1246-1299
  • Folder 9: Letters 1300-1330

Box Seventy-Four: Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Folder 1: Letters 1331-1369
  • Folder 2: Letters 1372-1420
  • Folder 3: Letters 1421-1477
  • Folder 4: Letters 1481-1528
  • Folder 5: Letters 1531-1575
  • Folder 6: Letters 1576-1520
  • Folder 7: Letters 1621-1699
  • Folder 8: Letters 1670-1710
  • Folder 9: Letters 1711-1752
  • Folder 10: Letters 1753-1789

Box Seventy-Five: Card Catalog of Abstracted Correspondence (General)

  • Cards replicate information on sheet catalog (Boxes 69-70)

Box Seventy-Six: Sheet Catalog of Abstracted Correspondence (Fellows)

  • Folder 1: Topical index to abstracted fellows' correspondence
  • Folder 2: Ackerman-Aslan
  • Folder 3: Baker-Donovan
  • Folder 4: Drossman
  • Folder 5: Elias-Hawkins
  • Folder 6: Heim-Klosterman
  • Folder 7: Labrum-Lukensmeyer
  • Folder 8: Macritchie-Prugh
  • Folder 9: Quill-Schwarz
  • Folder 10: Shore-Yellig

Box Seventy-Seven: Abstracted Correspondence (Fellows)

  • Folder 1: Topical index to abstracted fellows correspondence
  • Folder 2: Letters 1-25
  • Folder 3: Letters 26-60
  • Folder 4: Letters 61-110
  • Folder 5: Letters 111-158
  • Folder 6: Letters 159-210
  • Folder 7: Letters 211-255
  • Folder 8: Letters 256-299

Box Seventy-Eight: Abstracted Correspondence (Fellows)

  • Folder 1: Letters 300-349
  • Folder 2: Letters 351-379
  • Folder 3: Letters 380-424
  • Folder 4: Letters 426-476
  • Folder 5: Letters 478-530
  • Folder 6: Letters 531-580
  • Folder 7: Letters 581-620
  • Folder 8: Letters 621-662

Box Seventy-Nine: Card Index to Abstracted Correspondence (Fellows)

  • Cards replicate information in sheet catalog (Box 76)

Back to Top

Box Eighty: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Annual report: Liaison Group (1958/59)
  • Folder 2: Annual report: Liaison Group (1959/60)
  • Folder 3: Annual report: Liaison Group (1960/61)
  • Folder 4: Annual report: Liaison Group (1961/62)
  • Folder 5: Annual report: Liaison Group (1962/63)
  • Folder 6: Annual report: Liaison Group (1963/64)
  • Folder 7: Annual report: Liaison Group (1964/65)
  • Folder 8: Annual report: Liaison Group (1965/66)
  • Folder 9: Annual report: Liaison Group (1966/67)
  • Folder 10: Annual report: Liaison Group (1967/68)
  • Folder 11: Annual report: Liaison Group (1968/69)
  • Folder 12: Annual report: Liaison Group (1969/70)
  • Folder 13: Annual report: Liaison Group (1970/71)
  • Folder 14: Annual report: Liaison Group (1971/72)
  • Folder 15: Annual report: Liaison Group (1972/73)
  • Folder 16: Annual report: Liaison Group (1974/75)
  • Folder 17: Annual report: Liaison Group (1975/76)
  • Folder 18: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1957/58)
  • Folder 19: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1958/59)
  • Folder 20: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1959/60)
  • Folder 21: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1960/61)
  • Folder 22: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1961/62)
  • Folder 23: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1962/63)
  • Folder 24: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1963/64)
  • Folder 25: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1964/65)
  • Folder 26: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1965/66)
  • Folder 27: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1966/67)

Box Eighty-One: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1967/68)
  • Folder 2: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1968/69)
  • Folder 3: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1969/70)
  • Folder 4: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1970/71)
  • Folder 5: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1971/72)
  • Folder 6: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1972/73)
  • Folder 7: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1973/74)
  • Folder 8: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1974/75)
  • Folder 9: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1975/76)
  • Folder 10: Annual report: Dept. of Medicine (1976/77)
  • Folder 11: Annual report: Psychiatry (1959/60)
  • Folder 12: Annual report: Psychiatry (1961/62)
  • Folder 13: Annual report: Psychiatry (1962/63)
  • Folder 14: Annual report: Psychiatry (1963/64)
  • Folder 15: Annual report: Psychiatry (1964/65)

Box Eighty-Two: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Annual report: Psychiatry (1965/66)
  • Folder 2: Annual report: Psychiatry (1966/67)
  • Folder 3: Annual report: Psychiatry (1967/68)
  • Folder 4: Annual report: Psychiatry (1968/69)
  • Folder 5: Annual report: Psychiatry (1969/70)
  • Folder 6: Annual report: Psychiatry (1970/71)
  • Folder 7: Information for annual report (1972/73)
  • Folder 8: Information for annual report (1974/75)
  • Folder 9: Information for annual report (1975/76)
  • Folder 10: Information for annual report (1976/77)
  • Folder 11: Information for annual report (1977/78)
  • Folder 12: Information for annual report (1978/79)
  • Folder 13: Information for annual report (1979/80)
  • Folder 14: Information for annual report (1980/81-1982/83)
  • Folder 15: Information for annual report (1984-87)

Box Eighty-Three: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Advanced clinical education program (1987-88)
  • Folder 2: Advanced clinical education program (1987-88)
  • Folder 3: Annual research report (1958-59)
  • Folder 4: Center for Brain Research (1960)
  • Folder 5: Center for Brain Research (1961-62)
  • Folder 6: Center for Brain Research (1963)
  • Folder 7: Center for Brain Research (1964-65)
  • Folder 8: Center for Brain Research (1966)
  • Folder 9: Center for Brain Research (1967)
  • Folder 10: Center for Brain Research (1968)
  • Folder 11: Center for Brain Research (1972)

Box Eighty-Four: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Center for Brain Research (1973)
  • Folder 2: Center for Brain Research (1974)
  • Folder 3: Cohen Trust/Engel Chair (1987)
  • Folder 4: Committee on Psychoanalytic Training (1959-71)
  • Folder 5: Ford Foundation: Menta health grant (1966)
  • Folder 6: Funding for education (1986-90)
  • Folder 7: Funding for education (1986-90)
  • Folder 8: HEW career research professorship: grant application (1960)
  • Folder 9: Institute for Biopsychosocial Studies (1990)
  • Folder 10: Institute for Biopsychosocial Studies (1990)
  • Folder 11: Institute for Biopsychosocial Studies: proposal (1991)
  • Folder 12: Liaison Group Conference on Hysteria (1962-63)
  • Folder 13: Liaison Group Seminar on Hysteria (1968-69)

Box Eighty-Five: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Liaison Group Seminar on Hysteria (1968-69)
  • Folder 2: Liaison Group visitors (1970-72)
  • Folder 3: Liaison Group. Contributions to undergraduate & graduate education. Future needs & plans (1974)
  • Folder 4: Liaison Group. Theory & Research Conference (31 Oct 1975)
  • Folder 5: Liaison Group history (1976)
  • Folder 6: Monica committee. Murray Center
  • Folder 7: Monica committee. Murray Center
  • Folder 8: Monica committee (1993)
  • Folder 9: Monica committee (1994)
  • Folder 10: Monica committee (1995)
  • Folder 11: Monica committee (1996)
  • Folder 12: Monica committee conference call (1996)
  • Folder 13: Monica archive account/Blumberg (1997)
  • Folder 14: National Fund for Medical Education. Interview Study (1973) and Final report (1977)

Box Eighty-Six: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: National Fund for Medical Education (1973)
  • Folder 2: National Fund for Medical Education (1974-76)
  • Folder 3: NIMH study section (1949-53)
  • Folder 4: Neural sciences committee (1963-64)
  • Folder 5: Neural sciences committee (1963-64)
  • Folder 6: Program grant (1977). Anderson-Engel
  • Folder 7: Program Grant (1977). Friedrich-Green
  • Folder 8: Program grant (1977). Klein-Meyerowitz
  • Folder 9: Program grant (1977). Pleune-Tinling
  • Folder 10: Psychosocial factors in health & disease. Grant application (1979)

Box Eighty-Seven: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: R-Wing dedication invitation (31 Mar 1949)
  • Folder 2: Research (1953)
  • Folder 3: Research conference (1954-55)
  • Folder 4: Research conference (1957-58)
  • Folder 5: Research conference (1959-60)
  • Folder 6: Research conference (1960-61)
  • Folder 7: Research conference (1961-62)
  • Folder 8: Research conference (1962-63)
  • Folder 9: Research conference presentations (1963-64)
  • Folder 10: Research conference presentations (1964-65)

Box Eighty-Eight: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Research conference presentations (1965-66)
  • Folder 2: Research meetings (1960-61)
  • Folder 3: Scottish Rite student stipends (1955-56)
  • Folder 4: Separation conference (Oct 1954-Apr 1955)
  • Folder 5: Separation conference (Oct 1955-Mar 1956)
  • Folder 6: Separation conference (Apr 1956-Mar 1957)
  • Folder 7: Separation conference (Apr 1957-Apr 1958)
  • Folder 8: Separation conference (Oct 1958-Jan 1959)
  • Folder 9: Separation conference (Feb 1959-May 1959)

Box Eighty-Nine: Dept. of Psychiatry: General

  • Folder 1: Separation conference (Nov 1959-Jul 1960)
  • Folder 2: Separation conference (Sep 1960-Dec 1960)
  • Folder 3: Separation conference (Jan 1961-May 1962)
  • Folder 4: Separation conference (Sep 1965-Jan 1966)
  • Folder 5: Separation conference (Feb 1966-Oct 1966)
  • Folder 6: Separation conference (Nov 1966-May 1967)
  • Folder 7: Separation conference (Oct 1967-May 1968)
  • Folder 8: Separation conference (Nov 1970-Nov 1972)
  • Folder 9: Summer research on the responses of newborn infants to rhythmic sounds (1961)

Box Ninety: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Cardiology training grant. American Heart Association (1971-72)
  • Folder 2: Clinical teaching committee (1971-72)
  • Folder 3: Committee of Six. First report to Advisory Board (1961)
  • Folder 4: Committee of Six. Second report to Advisory Board (1962)
  • Folder 5: Committee of Six. Third report to Advisory Board (1963)
  • Folder 6: Committee of Six. Reports of exploring groups to the Committee of Six (1962)
  • Folder 7: Committee of Six: Report of the study group on clinical teaching (1963)
  • Folder 8: Committee of Six (1961-63)
  • Folder 9: Committee on first year instruction (1973)
  • Folder 10: Committee on second year instruction (1972-73)
  • Folder 11: Committee on second year instruction (1974)
  • Folder 12: Committee on second year instruction (1975-76)
  • Folder 13: Committee on second year instruction. Psychosocial Medicine (1982-83)

Box Ninety-One: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Curriculum committee report (1963)
  • Folder 2: Curriculum committee (1963-64)
  • Folder 3: Curriculum committee revised report (1964)
  • Folder 4: Curriculum committee progress reports (1964/65-1968)
  • Folder 5: Curriculum committee (1970-71)
  • Folder 6: Curriculum committee. Study group IX (1971)
  • Folder 7: Curriculum committee. Study group IX (1972)
  • Folder 8: Curriculum committee. Study group reports (1971-72)

Box Ninety-Two: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Curriculum committee (1972)
  • Folder 2: General clerkship committee (1964)
  • Folder 3: General clerkship committee (1965)
  • Folder 4: General clerkship committee (1966)
  • Folder 5: General clerkship committee (1966)
  • Folder 6: General clerkship committee (1981-82)
  • Folder 7: Liaison Group (1966-67)
  • Folder 8: Liaison Group (1966-67)
  • Folder 9: Liaison Group (1968-69)
  • Folder 10: Liaison Group (1969-70)

Box Ninety-Three: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Liaison Group meetings (1970-71)
  • Folder 2: Liaison Group noon meetings (1971-72)
  • Folder 3: Liaison Group special meetings (1972)
  • Folder 4: Liaison Group noon meeting agendas (1972-73)
  • Folder 5: Liaison Group noon meetings (1972-74)
  • Folder 6: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1973-74)
  • Folder 7: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1973-74). Student evaluations
  • Folder 8: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1974-75). Master schedule for blocks
  • Folder 9: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1974-75)
  • Folder 10: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76)

Box Ninety-Four: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1974-75). Student evaluations
  • Folder 2: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Adjustment to loss
  • Folder 3: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Child & adolescence
  • Folder 4: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Clinical observation
  • Folder 5: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Clinical reasoning
  • Folder 6: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Hearing impairment
  • Folder 7: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Human sexuality
  • Folder 8: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Pregnancy
  • Folder 9: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Psychopathology
  • Folder 10: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Psychosomatic
  • Folder 11: Behavioral & community medicine. Psych. II (1975-76). Student evaluations
  • Folder 12: Bootlective (1971-72)
  • Folder 13: Bootlective (1972-73)
  • Folder 14: Bootlective (1973-74)
  • Folder 15: Bootlective (1974-75)
  • Folder 16: Clinical medicine. Third year (1959)
  • Folder 17: Clinical medicine. Third year (1960)
  • Folder 18: Conjoint interdepartmental conference (21 Jan 1974)
  • Folder 19: Conjoint interdepartmental exercise (1973)
  • Folder 20: Conjoint interdepartmental exercise (1974)
  • Folder 21: Fundamental concepts of human behavior. Second year (1947-48)

Box Ninety-Five: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: General clerkship (1967)
  • Folder 2: General clerkship (1968)
  • Folder 3: General clerkship (1969)
  • Folder 4: General clerkship (1970)
  • Folder 5: General clerkship (1971)
  • Folder 6: General clerkship (1972)
  • Folder 7: General clerkship (1973)
  • Folder 8: General clerkship (1974)
  • Folder 9: General clerkship (1975)
  • Folder 10: General clerkship (1976)
  • Folder 11: General clerkship (1977)
  • Folder 12: Introduction to medicine (1964)
  • Folder 13: Introduction to medicine (1964)
  • Folder 14: Medical consultation service. Third & fourth year (1948-49)
  • Folder 15: Medical consultation service. Third & fourth year (1948-49)
  • Folder 16: Medical interview instruction (1948)
  • Folder 17: Medical interview instruction (1949)
  • Folder 18: Medical interview instruction (1950)
  • Folder 19: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1950-51)
  • Folder 20: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1951-52)
  • Folder 21: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1952-53)
  • Folder 22: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1954)
  • Folder 23: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1955)

Box Ninety-Six: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1956)
  • Folder 2: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1957)
  • Folder 3: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1958)
  • Folder 4: Medical interview instruction. Second year (1958).
  • Folder 5: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1950/51-1952/53)
  • Folder 6: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1953-54).
  • Folder 7: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1954-55)
  • Folder 8: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1955-56)
  • Folder 9: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1955-56). Precept schedule
  • Folder 10: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1956-57)
  • Folder 11: Medical liaison teaching. Third year (1957/58-1959/60)
  • Folder 12: Mental health grant application. Comprehensive medical student education in psychosocial medicine & psychiatry (1975)
  • Folder 13: Preclinical & liaison teaching material (1974/75-1975/76)
  • Folder 14: Psychiatry. First year (1948-49). John Romano
  • Folder 15: Psychiatry. First year (1951). Final exam
  • Folder 16: Psychiatry. First year (1953-54). Walter W. Hamburger
  • Folder 17: Psychiatry. First year (1954-55). Walter W. Hamburger
  • Folder 18: Psychiatry. First year (1956/57-1958/59)

Box Ninety-Seven: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Psychiatry. Second year (1955). Midterm
  • Folder 2: Psychiatry. Second year (1955). Final exam
  • Folder 3: Psychiatry. Second year (1956). Final exam)
  • Folder 4: Psychiatry. Second year (1957). Final exam
  • Folder 5: Psychiatry. Second year (1959-66). Final exam
  • Folder 6: Psychiatry. Second year (1960-68). Midterm
  • Folder 7: Psychiatry. Second year (1964-65)
  • Folder 8: Psychiatry. Second year (1966)
  • Folder 9: Psychiatry. Second year (1967)
  • Folder 10: Psychiatry. Second year (1968)
  • Folder 11: Psychiatry. Second year (1969)
  • Folder 12: Psychiatry. Second year (1970-71)

Box Ninety-Eight: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Psychiatry. Second year (1971-72)
  • Folder 2: Psychiatry. Second year (1972)
  • Folder 3: Psychiatry. Second year (1972-73)
  • Folder 4: Psychiatry. Second year (1972-73)
  • Folder 5: Psychiatry. Second year (1972-73)
  • Folder 6: Psychiatry. Second year (1972-73).
  • Folder 7: Psychiatry. Second year (1972-73)
  • Folder 8: Psychiatry. Second year (1972-73)
  • Folder 9. Psychiatry. Fourth year (1949-1959/60)
  • Folder 10: Psychopathology. Second year (1948-49). Lectures
  • Folder 11: Psychopathology. Second year (1948). Midterm
  • Folder 12: Psychopathology. Second year (1948). Final exam

Box Ninety-Nine: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Psychopathology. Second year   (1949). Midterm
  • Folder 2: Psychopathology. Second year   (1949). Final exam
  • Folder 3: Psychopathology. Second year (1950). Final exam
  • Folder 4: Psychopathology. Second year (1951). Midterm
  • Folder 5: Psychopathology. Second year (1951-53). Final exam
  • Folder 6: Psychosocial medicine II (1976-77)
  • Folder 7: Psychosocial medicine II (1976-77)
  • Folder 8: Psychosocial medicine II (1976-77). Student comments
  • Folder 9: Psychosocial medicine II (1977-78)
  • Folder 10: Psychosocial medicine II (1977-78)

Box 100: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Psychosocial medicine II (1977-78). Student evaluations
  • Folder 2: Psychosocial medicine II (1978-79)
  • Folder 3: Psychosocial medicine II (1978-79)
  • Folder 4: Psychosocial medicine II (1978-79). Student evaluations
  • Folder 5: Psychosocial medicine II (1979-80)
  • Folder 6: Psychosocial medicine II (1979-80)
  • Folder 7: Psychosocial medicine II (1979-80). Student evaluations
  • Folder 8: Psychosocial medicine II (1980-81)
  • Folder 9: Psychosocial medicine II (1980-81). Student evaluations

Box 101: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Psychosocial medicine II (1980-81). Student evaluations
  • Folder 2: Psychosocial medicine II (1980-81). Student evaluations
  • Folder 3: Psychosocial medicine II (1980-81). Geertsma survey
  • Folder 4: Psychosocial medicine II (1981-82)
  • Folder 5: Psychosocial medicine II (1981-82)
  • Folder 6: Psychosocial medicine II (1981-82). Student evaluations
  • Folder 7: Psychosocial medicine II (1982-83)
  • Folder 8: Psychosocial medicine II (1982-83)
  • Folder 9: Psychosocial medicine II (1982-83). Student evaluations
  • Folder 10: Psychosomatic rounds. Third year (1976-78)

Box 102: Dept. of Psychiatry: Teaching

  • Folder 1: Reading lists (1947/48-1950/51)
  • Folder 2: Student research. Summer fellowship (1955)
  • Folder 3: Student research. Summer fellowship (1956)
  • Folder 4: Student research. Summer fellowship (1957)
  • Folder 5: Student research. Summer fellowship (1958)
  • Folder 6: Student research. Summer fellowship (1959, 1961)
  • Folder 7: Student research. Summer fellowship (1962)
  • Folder 8: Student research. Summer fellowship (1963)
  • Folder 9: Team teaching. Morgan/Engel (1967)

Box 103: Dept. of Psychiatry: Clinics & Rounds

  • Folder 1: Cases (1948)
  • Folder 2: Cases (1949)
  • Folder 3: Cases (1949)
  • Folder 4: Liaison rounds (1955-56)
  • Folder 5: Liaison rounds (1956-57)
  • Folder 6: Liaison rounds (1957-58)
  • Folder 7: Liaison rounds (1957-58)
  • Folder 8: Liaison rounds (1958-59)

Box 104: Dept. of Psychiatry: Clinics & Rounds

  • Folder 1: Liaison rounds (1959-60)
  • Folder 2: Liaison rounds (1959-60)
  • Folder 3: Liaison rounds (1960-61)
  • Folder 4: Liaison rounds (1962-62)
  • Folder 5: Liaison rounds (1961-62)
  • Folder 6: Liaison rounds (1962-63)
  • Folder 7: Liaison rounds (1962-63)
  • Folder 8: Liaison rounds (1963-64)
  • Folder 9: Liaison rounds (1963-64)

Box 105: Dept. of Psychiatry: Clinics & Rounds

  • Folder 1: Liaison rounds (1963-64)
  • Folder 2: Liaison rounds (1964-65)
  • Folder 3: Liaison rounds (1964-65)
  • Folder 4: Liaison rounds (1965-66)
  • Folder 5: Liaison rounds (1965-66)
  • Folder 6: Liaison rounds (1965-66)
  • Folder 7: Liaison rounds (1967-68)
  • Folder 8: Medical in-patient survey (1948)

Box 106: Dept. of Psychiatry: Clinics & Rounds

  • Folder 1: Medical in-patient survey (1949)
  • Folder 2: Medical in-patient survey (1950-51)
  • Folder 3: Medical in-patient survey (1951)
  • Folder 4: Medical in-patient survey (1952-53)
  • Folder 5: Medical in-patient survey (1953-54)
  • Folder 6: Medical in-patient survey (1954-55)
  • Folder 7: Psychosomatic clinics (1946-47)
  • Folder 8: Psychosomatic clinics (1946-47)
  • Folder 9: Psychosomatic clinics (1947-48)
  • Folder 10: Psychosomatic clinics (1947-48)

Back to Top

Box 107: General

  • Folder 1: Albany Medical College: recruitment (1951)
  • Folder 2: American Psychoanalytic Assn., NYC (8 Dec 1951): "Surrogate ego role of the physician," manuscript & correspondence (1951-53)
  • Folder 3: American Psychoanalytic Association (1954-80)
  • Folder 4: Advances in psychosomatic medicine. Correspondence (1964-73)
  • Folder 5: American Psychosomatic Society (1945-50)
  • Folder 6: American Psychosomatic Society (1951)
  • Folder 7: American Psychosomatic Society (1952)
  • Folder 8: American Psychosomatic Society (1953)
  • Folder 9: American Psychosomatic Society (1954-56)
  • Folder 10: American Psychosomatic Society. Annual meeting programs (1950, 1952-54, 1956)
  • Folder 11: American Psychosomatic Society. Annual meeting (1954)
  • Folder 12: American Psychosomatic Society. Annual meeting (1954)
  • Folder 13: American Psychosomatic Society. Annual meeting (1954)
  • Folder 14: American Psychosomatic Society. Annual meeting 91954)
  • Folder 15: American Psychosomatic Society. Annual meeting (1954). Neoplastic disease round table.

Box 108: General

  • Folder 1: American Psychosomatic Society. 50th anniversary (1993)
  • Folder 2: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine(1955-58)
  • Folder 3: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1959-62)
  • Folder 4: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1963-64)
  • Folder 5: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1965)
  • Folder 6: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1966-67)
  • Folder 7: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1968-70)
  • Folder 8: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1971-73)
  • Folder 9: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1974-76)
  • Folder 10: American Psychosomatic Society. Psychosomatic medicine (1977-78)
  • Folder 11: American Society for Clinical Investigation (1944-59)
  • Folder 12: Association for Research in Nervous & Mental Disease (1962-63)
  • Folder 13: Association of American Physicians (1962-64)

Box 109: General

  • Folder 1: Boston University School of Medicine: recruitment (1958)
  • Folder 2: Bowman Gray School of Medicine: recruitment (1956)
  • Folder 3: Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (1956-68)
  • Folder 4: Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital: recruitment (1963)
  • Folder 5: Columbia University. Sandor Rado Lectures (1967)
  • Folder 6: Dartmouth Medical School. Professor of psychiatry search committee (1965)
  • Folder 7: Duke University School of Medicine: recruitment (1952)
  • Folder 8: Emory University: recruitment (1955)
  • Folder 9: Indiana University Medical Center: recruitment (1953)
  • Folder 10: Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago (1949-50)
  • Folder 11: Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago (1951-52)
  • Folder 12: Institute for Psychoanalysis, Chicago (1953-55)
  • Folder 13: Jefferson Medical College: recruitment (1961)
  • Folder 14: Johns Hopkins magazine (Nov 1960). Letter re: by GLE
  • Folder 15: Journal of nervous and mental disease (1957-73)
  • Folder 16: Journal of psychiatric research (1959-63)
  • Folder 17: Lafayette Clinic, Detroit: recruitment (1954)
  • Folder 18: Louisiana State University: recruitment (1956)
  • Folder 19: Louisiana State University. Chairman of psychiatry search committee (1965-66)
  • Folder 20: Medical College of Virginia: recruitment (1956, 1958)
  • Folder 21: Montefiore Hospital: recruitment (1956)
  • Folder 22: National Institute of Mental Health (1953-58)
  • Folder 23: National Institute of Mental Health. Board of scientific counselors (1968-69)
  • Folder 24: New York Psychoanalytic Institute (1946-49)
  • Folder 25: New York Psychoanalytic Institute (1946-49)
  • Folder 26: Ohio State University: recruitment (1964)
  • Folder 27: Psychoanalysis & contemporary science (1970-73)

Box 110: General

  • Folder 1: Southwestern Medical School. Psychiatry chairman search committee (1954)
  • Folder 2: State University of New York College of Medicine, NYC. Psychoanalytic Institute (1954-59)
  • Folder 3: State University of New York, Syracuse: recruitment (1956)
  • Folder 4: Temple University School of Medicine: recruitment (1963)
  • Folder 5: University of Colorado: recruitment (1952)
  • Folder 6: University of Florida, Gainesville: recruitment (1957)
  • Folder 7: University of Florida, Gainesville: recruitment (1972)
  • Folder 8: University of Illinois, Chicago: recruitment (1960)
  • Folder 9: University of Kansas Medical Center: recruitment (1956)
  • Folder 10: University of Louisville: recruitment (1963)
  • Folder 11: University of Maryland: recruitment (1959)
  • Folder 12: University of Mississippi: recruitment (1954)
  • Folder 13: University of North Carolina: recruitment (1961)
  • Folder 14: University of Pennsylvania: recruitment (1961)
  • Folder 15: University of Southern California: recruitment (1955)
  • Folder 16: University of Tennessee College of Medicine: recruitment (1963)
  • Folder 17: University of Washington, Seattle: recruitment (1948)
  • Folder 18: University of Wisconsin: recruitment (1955)
  • Folder 19: Wayne State University : recruitment (1961)
  • Folder 20: West Virginia University: recruitment (1960)
  • Folder 21: Western New York Psychoanalytic Society (1957-61)
  • Folder 22: Western New York Psychoanalytic Society (1962-71)

Box 111: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1947-1951
  • Folder 2: 1952
  • Folder 3: 1953
  • Folder 4: 1954
  • Folder 5: 1955
  • Folder 6: 1955
  • Folder 7: 1956
  • Folder 8: 1956
  • Folder 9: 1957
  • Folder 10: 1957
  • Folder 11: 1958
  • Folder 12: 1958
  • Folder 13: 1958

Box 112: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1959
  • Folder 2: 1959
  • Folder 3: 1959
  • Folder 4: 1960
  • Folder 5: 1960
  • Folder 6: 1960
  • Folder 7: 1961
  • Folder 8: 1961
  • Folder 9: 1961
  • Folder 10: 1962
  • Folder 11: 1962

Box 113: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1962
  • Folder 2: 1963
  • Folder 3: 1963
  • Folder 4: 1963
  • Folder 5: 1964
  • Folder 6: 1964
  • Folder 7: 1965
  • Folder 8: 1965
  • Folder 9: 1966
  • Folder 10: 1966

Box 114: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1966
  • Folder 2: 1966
  • Folder 3: 1967
  • Folder 4: 1967
  • Folder 5: 1967
  • Folder 6: 1968
  • Folder 7: 1968
  • Folder 8: 1968
  • Folder 9: 1968 (Menninger Award)
  • Folder 10: 1969
  • Folder 11: 1969

Box 115: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1969
  • Folder 2: 1969
  • Folder 3: 1970
  • Folder 4: 1970
  • Folder 5: 1970
  • Folder 6: 1970
  • Folder 7: 1971
  • Folder 8: 1971
  • Folder 9: 1971
  • Folder 10: 1971

Box 116: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1972
  • Folder 2: 1972
  • Folder 3: 1972
  • Folder 4: 1972
  • Folder 5: 1973
  • Folder 6: 1973
  • Folder 7: 1973
  • Folder 8: 1974
  • Folder 9: 1974

Box 117: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1975
  • Folder 2: 1975
  • Folder 3: 1976
  • Folder 4: 1976
  • Folder 5: 1976
  • Folder 6: 1977
  • Folder 7: 1977
  • Folder 8: 1977

Box 118: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1978
  • Folder 2: 1978
  • Folder 3: 1978
  • Folder 4: 1979
  • Folder 5: 1979
  • Folder 6: 1979
  • Folder 7: 1980
  • Folder 8: 1980
  • Folder 9: 1980

Box 119: Invitations

  • Folder 1: 1981
  • Folder 2: 1981
  • Folder 3: 1982
  • Folder 4: 1983
  • Folder 5: 1983
  • Folder 6: 1983
  • Folder 7: 1984
  • Folder 8: 1985

Box 120: Lectures

  • Folder 1: Jefferson Medical College. Open seminar: transcript of interview of GLE re: Monica (5 Apr 1990) [with videotape]
  • Folder 2: Miscellaneous programs of meetings at which GLE delivered a paper

Box 121: Lectures

  • "The biopsychosocial model." U. of Wisconsin seminar (6 Jan 1978) [2 videocassettes + transcript]
  • "Conservation withdrawal: disphoria and depression, a biopsychosocial model." Southwestern Univ., Dallas (21 Mar 1979) [videocassette + transcript]
  • "Systems medicine: the new paradigm explored through a personal illness experience." Long Beach, Ca. 11 June 1984 [videocassette]
  • "Psychoneuroimmunology," GLE interview with Norman Cousins, UCLA (13 May 1985) [transcript]

Box 122: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Patient-centered interviewing." UCSF Medical Center (9 Dec 1981) [2 videocassettes + transcript]

Box 123: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Medical interviewing: teaching demonstration." Emory U. School of Medicine (5 May 1982) [2 videocassettes]

Box 124: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Interview teaching, session #1." Emory U. School of Medicine (5 May 1982) [2 videocassettes + transcript]

Box 125: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Interview teaching, session #2." Emory U. School of Medicine (6 May 1982) [2 videocassettes + transcript]

Box 126: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Interview teaching, session #3." Emory U. School of Medicine (7 May 1982) [2 videocassettes + transcript]

Box 127: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Interview teaching exercise." Michigan State U. (3 Dec 1986) [videocassette, videotape + transcript]

Box 128: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Patient-centered teaching." U. of Nebraska (4 Dec 1987) [2 videocassettes + transcript]

Box 129: Lectures

  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Clinical teaching: being scientific at the bedside." U. of Alabama, Birmingham (29 Mar 1988) [2 videocassettes + transcript]
  • AOA Visiting Professorship: "Mr. J., age 22." U. of Alabama, Birmingham (30 Mar 1988) [2 videocassettes]

Box 130: Appointment Books

  • Folder 1: 1947
  • Folder 2: 1948
  • Folder 3: 1949
  • Folder 4: 1950
  • Folder 5: 1951
  • Folder 6: 1952
  • Folder 7: 1953
  • Folder 8: 1954

Box 131: Appointment Books

  • Folder 1: 1955
  • Folder 2: 1956
  • Folder 3: 1957
  • Folder 4: 1958
  • Folder 5: 1959
  • Folder 6: 1960
  • Folder 7: 1961
  • Folder 8: 1962

Box 132: Appointment Books

  • Folder 1: 1963
  • Folder 2: 1964
  • Folder 3: 1965
  • Folder 4: 1966
  • Folder 5: 1967
  • Folder 6: 1968
  • Folder 7: 1969

Box 133: Appointment Books

  • Folder 1: 1970
  • Folder 2: 1971
  • Folder 3: 1972
  • Folder 4: 1973
  • Folder 5: 1974
  • Folder 6: 1975
  • Folder 7: 1976
  • Folder 8: 1977

Box 134: Appointment Books

  • Folder 1: 1978
  • Folder 2: 1979
  • Folder 3: 1980
  • Folder 4: 1981
  • Folder 5: 1982
  • Folder 6: 1983
  • Folder 7: 1984
  • Folder 8: 1985
  • Folder 9: 1986
  • Folder 10: 1987
  • Folder 11: 1988
  • Folder 12: 1989
  • Folder 13: 1990

Box 135: Patient Research Studies

  • Folder 1: Pain studies: face & head (1945-52)
  • Folder 2: Pain studies: Nelson (1946-58)
  • Folder 3: Pain studies: Wooley (1945)
  • Folder 4: Pain studies: Wooley (1945-48)
  • Folder 5: Pain studies: Wooley (1949-84)
  • Folder 6: Pain studies: Wooley (1984 interview)
  • Folder 7: Ulcerative colitis studies (1952-63)
  • Folder 8: Ulcerative colitis studies: patient data
  • Folder 9: GLE esophagal dreams
  • Folder 10: GLE hemorrhoids

Box 136: Photographs

  • 11 photographic portraits of GLE
  • 1 portrait of Evelyn Lipman Engel
  • 1 photograph of GLE & Evelyn Engel at Philadelphia County Med. Soc. award presentation
  • 1 portrait of Emanuel Libman
  • 1 photograph of A. Einstein (summer 1928)

Box 137: Photographs

  • Photo album: "Presented to George L. Engel on the occasion of the twentieth year of the Medical Psychiatric Liaison Group [at] the annual meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Chicago, March 19, '66"
  • Photo album: colleagues' letters of congratulations and photographs on the occasion of GLE's 70th birthday

Box 138: Clippings

  • Folder 1: Undated clippings
  • Folder 2: Pre-1960 clippings
  • Folder 3: Clippings, 1960s
  • Folder 4: Clippings, 1970s
  • Folder 5: Clippings, 1980s
  • Folder 6: Clippings, 1990s
  • Folder 7: Doodles

Box 139: Awards & Honors

  • Folder 1: AOA. Leader of American medicine (undated)
  • Folder 2: AOA. Visiting professorships (1974-86)
  • Folder 3: American Academy on Physician and Patient. Honorary lifetime fellow (1993)
  • Folder 4: American Association for the Advancement of Science. Fellow (1982)
  • Folder 5: American College of Physicians. Menninger Award (1968)
  • Folder 6: American College of Psychiatrists. Honorary fellow (1990)
  • Folder 7: American College of Psychiatrists. Distinguished service award (1992)
  • Folder 8: American Electroencephalographic Society. Certificate of qualification (1949)
  • Folder 9: American Medical Association. Sheen award (1983)
  • Folder 10: American Psychiatric Association. Life member (1977)
  • Folder 11: American Psychiatric Association. Vestermark award (1979)
  • Folder 12: American Psychiatric Association. Commendation (1988)
  • Folder 13: American Psychiatric Association. Adolf Meyer award (1992)
  • Folder 14: American Psychiatric Association. Research award (1992)
  • Folder 15: American Psychiatric Association. 50 years of service (1997)
  • Folder 16: American Psychosomatic Society. 50th anniversary banquet speaker (1992)
  • Folder 17: College of Physician and Surgeons (New York). Cartwright lecture (1977)
  • Folder 18: Crohn's and Colitis Foundation (Rochester Chapter). Physician award (1991)
  • Folder 19: Dartmouth alumni magazine. "Scientific humanist" (1980)
  • Folder 20: Erasmus Universiteit (Rotterdam). Scientific Advisory Board of the Helen Dowling Institute. Honary member (1988)
  • Folder 21: "Fellowland Hospital" (undated)
  • Folder 22: Harvard College. Research fellow in medicine (1941)
  • Folder 23: Holmes Center award (1983)
  • Folder 24: Institute of Medicine (1983)
  • Folder 25: Institute of Psychoanalysis (1955)
  • Folder 26: International journal of psychiatry in medicine, v. 15, no. 2 (1985/86). Dedication issue
  • Folder 27: Johns Hopkins University. Novey lecture (1976)

Box 140: Awards & Honors

  • Folder 1: Leaders in American medicine film series (1974)
  • Folder 2: Medical College of Ohio. Honorary doctor of science (1986)
  • Folder 3: Medical Society of the State of New York. Bernstein award (1989)
  • Folder 4: Modern medicine award (1976)
  • Folder 5: Mount Sinai Hospital. Jacobi medal (1972)
  • Folder 6: New England Association of the Amateur Athletic Union. Pre-Olympic development tests (1934)
  • Folder 7: New York Times. National oratorical contest (192?)
  • Folder 8: Nobel Prize nomination (1987)
  • Folder 9: Philadelphia County Medical Society. Da Costa oration (1972)
  • Folder 10: Restoration of Health Symposium (1986: London). Dedication.
  • Folder 11: Rhode Island Medical Society. Chapin orator (1980)
  • Folder 12: Rochester Academy of Medicine. Award of merit (1976)
  • Folder 13: Rochester Academy of Medicine. Kaiser award (1988)
  • Folder 14: Society of Behavioral Medicine. Fellow (1988)
  • Folder 15: Society of General Internal Medicine. Robert Glaser award (1991)
  • Folder 16: Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. Citation (1992)
  • Folder 17: Society of the Sigma Xi (1943)
  • Folder 18: United States Public Health Service. Federal Security Agency (1952)
  • Folder 19: United States Public Health Service. Career research professorship (1979)
  • Folder 20: University of Bern. Honorary degree (1980)
  • Folder 21: UCLA. Lawrence visiting professor (1975)

Box 141: Awards & Honors

  • Folder 1: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Engel celebration (1966)
  • Folder 2: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Alumni Association. Gold medal award (1972)
  • Folder 3: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Class of 1974. Citation
  • Folder 4: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Scientific Program & Celebration (1979)
  • Folder 5: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Student Senate. Citation (1983)
  • Folder 6: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Executive Committee. Distinguished service award (1983)
  • Folder 7: U. of Rochester School of Medicine. George Engel & John Romano Dean's Teaching Scholar (1992)
  • Folder 8: U. of Texas (Dallas). George Engel Society (1980-83)
  • Folder 9: Who's who in America (1985)
  • Folder 10: Wright State U. Certificate of appreciation (1986)
  • Folder 11: Zeitschrift fuer Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalysis, v. 25 (1979). Dedicated issue

Box 142: Awards & Honors

  • Alpha Omega Alpha. Distinguished teacher award (1997)
  • American College of Psychiatrists. Honorary fellow (1990)
  • American College of Psychoanalysts. Charter fellow (1973)
  • American Psychiatric Association. Special presidential commendation (1988)
  • American Psychoanalytic Association. Certification (1960)
  • American Psychopathological Association. Member (1968)
  • The General Assembly of Psychiatric Residents of Strong Memorial Hospital (1960)
  • Medical College of Ohio. Doctor of science (1986)
  • Rochester Academy of Medicine. Certificate of merit (1976)
  • Rochester Academy of Medicine. Kaiser medal (1988)
  • U. of Bern. Honorary degree (1980)

Box 143: Awards & Honors (Medals)

  • American College of Physicians. Menninger award (1968)
  • American College of Psychiatrists. Service award (1992)
  • Cincinnati General Hospital. Milton Rosenbaum award
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons (New York). Harsen medal
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons (New York). Cartwright lecturer (1977)
  • Johns Hopkins University. Fifty year alumnus (1988)
  • U. of Rochester School of Medicine. Alumni Association award (1972)
  • Mount Sinai Hospital. Jacobi medal (1971)
  • Providence (R.I.). Charles V. Chapin Memorial Award
  • Providence (R.I.). Key to the city
  • U. of Oklahoma. AOA guest lecturer (1983)
  • Rochester Academy of Medicine. The Albert David Kaiser Award

Box 144: Awards & Honors (Plaques)

  • American Psychiatric Association. Vestermark award (1979)
  • American Psychiatric Association. Distinguished service award (1998)
  • American Psychiatric Association. Adolf Meyer award (1992)
  • American Psychosomatic Society. President's gavel (1953/54)
  • Holmes Center award (1983)
  • Society of General Internal Medicine. Robert J. Glaser award (1991)
  • U. of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Class of 1990. Outstanding contributions award

Box 145: Miscellanea

  • Hood to GLE's academic gown

Box 146: Miscellanea

  • GLE's labcoat

Box 147: Miscellanea

  • Christmas party. Fellows film (1976) [8 mm]
  • George L. Engel scientific program & celebration (8 June 1979) [3 ¾" audio tape]
  • Photoready copy: Morgan & Engel. The clinical approach to the patient
  • Photoready copy: Engel. Psychological development in health and disease

Framed Awards

  • Medical Society of the State of New York. Albion O. Bernstein award (1989)
  • National Academy of Sciences. Institute of Medicine (1983)