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URMC / Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities / About Us / Five-Year Plan / Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation and Continuing Education


Interdisciplinary Pre-Service Preparation and Continuing Education

GOAL: To provide exemplary pre-service preparation to and educational opportunities to people with disabilities, their families, school and agency staff, and leadership at the University and in the community.

E1: People with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be maximally included in their educational environments and in their transition into the adult world with the appropriate supports and services.

E1a: Interdisciplinary training of pre-service providers, including Institute for IDD trainees, in the importance of inclusive educational environments.

  • Year 1: Train 15 new trainees in a wide variety of disciplines
  • Years 2-5: Train a minimum of 15 new trainees each year

E1b: Provide training on inclusive education environments and school cultures to school building administrators using an ECHO model.

  • Year 1:  Develop and provide ECHO model training to 15 administrators in the Rochester City School District on developing an inclusive culture, in collaboration with the Warner School of Education
  • Year 2:  Provide an ECHO model training on inclusive schools to suburban and rural school administrators, while continuing with training to Rochester City School District, 30 each year until the market is saturated

E2: Provide education and support to preservice trainees and community education providers for people with IDD

E2a: Provide intermediate term distance clinical training via ECHO model to at least 10 personnel per year on evidence-based practices in ASDs to improve assessment and intervention for improving behavioral health outcomes.

E2b: Provide continuing education training to 50 school and community professionals per year on evidence-based practices in ASD to improve assessment and intervention for improving behavioral health outcomes.

E3: Provide education and support to health professionals to increase awareness about the Family Experience Program

E3a: Develop a community planning activity bringing together families and health professionals to create ways to increase diversity in the Family Experience for health care students, residents, and Institute for IDD postdocs and students.

  • Year 1: Develop activity and pilot with 5 families and 3-5 health professionals
  • Years 2-5: Provide the activity 5 times throughout Upstate New York

E3b: Expand residency programs/disciplines at the Medical Center participating in the Family Experience.

  • Year 1: Run 2 new programs

Years 2-5: Run 1 additional program

E4: Provide interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education to current and future professionals in the area of employment for individuals with developmental disabilities leading to increased integrated, competitive employment options

E4a: Pilot training and supporting businesses in the hiring and retention of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This will include trainings to business related to effective natural supports to shift some of the emphasis of the support system to the business community as opposed to provider agencies.

  • Year 1: Develop curriculum for businesses and pilot to 1 business; evaluate
  • Years 2-5: Provide training and support to 3-5 businesses per year

E4b: Pilot an ECHO for job coaches across the region, particularly related to supporting individuals with challenging behaviors.

  • Year 1: Needs assessment and development of a curriculum; recruitment
  • Year 2: Pilot ECHO with up to 10 job coaches
  • Years 3-5: Present ECHO to 10-15 job coaches

*Need identified by self-advocates and families

E4c: Provide preservice training to 15-18 UR LEND fellows per year and 3-6 Institute for IDD trainees per year on the importance of integrated, competitive employment for people with disabilities, their role in the domain of employment, and the necessity of an Employment First policy in New York State.

E4d: Provide training in best practices related to preparation for transition to employment to school districts

  • Years 1-5: 10 presentations/trainings per year

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and leaders

E4e: Explore relationship with local business schools, including the University of Rochester’s Simon Business School to provide inclusion training to undergraduate and graduate business students who will go on to employ individuals with disabilities.

E4f: Provide self-advocacy and leadership trainings related to employment for individuals with disabilities.

  • Year 1: Develop and pilot training with 5 self-advocates
  • Years 2-5: Hold 3 trainings per year

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and leaders

E5: Provide interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education on health to future and current professionals in the area of developmental disabilities to provide the skills and knowledge to enhance the health of people with developmental disabilities across the life span

E5a: Provide continuing education to providers to improve women’s health.

  • Year 1:Identify and collaborate with key stakeholders/OB-GYN providers providing care to women with IDD; conduct provider needs assessment for women with IDD utilizing OB-GYN services; develop curriculum
  • Year 2: Pilot curriculum with 5 OB-GYN providers
  • Years 3-5: Train 5 – 10 additional OB- GYN providers throughout region

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families

E5b: Provide continuing education to Behavioral/Mental Health service providers for people with IDD via an ECHO model.

  • Year 1: Identify & collaborate with mental health providers concerned with behavioral management of individuals with IDD; conduct and analyze needs assessment; develop curriculum
  • Year 2: Train 10 mental health providers
  • Years 3-5: Train 10 – 15 additional mental health providers

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families

E5c: Provide preservice training to at least 15 LEND fellows chosen from among 13 disciplines and 4-6 Institute for IDD trainees each year on provision and coordination of health services for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.

E5d: Provide specific preservice training in diagnosis and health treatments for ASDs to at least 15 long-term trainees chosen from among 13 disciplines each year.

E5e: Provide training to at least 3 advanced post-residency fellows in Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics over course of grant period.

E5f: Provide clinical training to 40 interdisciplinary intermediate-term trainees, including Institute for IDD trainees, each year in health and mental health care, and functional skill maintenance of individuals with IDD across the lifespan.

E5g: Provide at least 1 continuing education activity per year to community health care providers to enhance health care transitions, maintain health and function, and increase the quality of health care provided to individuals with IDD across the lifespan.

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families

E5h: Provide lectures or short-term training to at least 30 medical students per year to increase basic skills of providers without IDD specialization in screening for developmental disabilities and in ongoing health care of individuals with IDD across the lifespan.

E6: Improve services for people with IDD to reduce health disparities

E6a: Provide continuing education to Spanish Language Medical Interpreters to increase awareness of and address common problems such as communication and language differences that often exist in relationships between providers and Latinx individuals with IDD and their families.

  • Year 1: Train 10 interpreters
  • Years 2-5: Train 5-19 interpreters per year

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families

E7: Provide interdisciplinary pre-service preparation and continuing education to current and future professionals in the area of recreation and insure leading to increased inclusive recreation opportunities

E7a: Train camp counselors at the Greater Rochester YMCA’s in supporting children and youth with IDD in their recreation programming. This will include 6 sites throughout the Rochester and surrounding region and will involve training 400 counselors. Training will include an established curriculum, ongoing technical assistance, and the provision of a mobile sensory kit.

  • Year 1: Develop and pilot training with 1 YMCA
  • Years 2-5: Provide trainings to 5 YMCA’s per year

E7b: Present at the 2019-2024 New York State Recreation Summits on community inclusion in recreation and leisure settings. Providing strategies and tools for recreation professionals on how to support individuals with IDD in their programs.

E7c: Provide inclusion training to the Niagara County Swimming clubs on supporting individuals with IDD within swim programs and teams. In addition to in person training, technical assistance will be provided to coaches through a free webinar. Additional technical assistance and ongoing support as needed and requested by Niagara Swimming.

  • Year 1: In person training on inclusion to swimming clubs
  • Years 2-5:  Continued in person training (2 per year) and consultation to swimming clubs

E7d: Provide training to the Rochester City Department of Recreation and Youth Services. Train 25 camp counselors per year on supporting children and youth with IDD within their recreational camps. Utilize the inclusive curriculum and provide ongoing support.

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families

E7e: Provide technical assistance to the Monroe County children and youth librarians on enhancing inclusion options at the library. Ongoing TA may involve providing additional trainings, running make and take visual support workshops, or correspondence by email or phone.

*To be conducted in collaboration with disability self-advocates and families

E7f: Continue to offer up to 5 free trainings per year to organizations on increasing access to inclusive recreation opportunities for individuals with disabilities. This is accomplished through a structured curriculum we developed that addresses administrative, programmatic, and individual-level strategies to facilitate inclusion.

E7g: Provide ongoing technical assistance to Rochester City School

District on planning an inclusive and accessible playground as well as designing an inclusive sensory garden.