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URMC / UCAR / Animal Use Protocols / Submit a Protocol Online

Submit a Protocol Online

UCAR is developing several "Help" documents designed to assist you when completing the online TOPAZ Animal Care and Use Form.

Help with Description and Justification of Numbers

Quick Guide - Protocol Requests January 2018

UCAR Review Process

  1. Upon receiving a protocol, the UCAR office staff logs it into the system, and checks that it is appropriately signed, that it matches a specific research application, that any necessary appendices (recovery surgery, etc.) are appended, and that appropriate contact information for the investigator is included.
  2. The protocol is then sent to a designated review team. Each reviewer either approves the application, asks questions of the PI to help clarify the protocol, or provide missing information, or requests that the protocol be reviewed at a convened meeting of the UCAR.
  3. A description of each protocol submitted during the week is sent to all UCAR members each Friday. The members have until the following Wednesday to request to be added to the protocol review team.
  4. Questions from the reviewers are complied by the UCAR office staff and sent to the PI for response. Failure of the PI to respond to these questions effectively halts the review process.
  5. The response of the PI to all questions asked by the reviewers is sent to all members of the review team for further review, and, if necessary, more questions.
  6. Once all members of the review team approve the protocol, the PI must incorporate all suggestions and revisions into an updated protocol and provide it to the UCAR office in both hardcopy and electronic versions. After the updated protocol is received by UCAR, a letter verifying approval is generated and sent to the PI, who must send it to the appropriate granting agency.

Protocol Activation

Before any animals may be used or ordered, an approved protocol must be activated. A protocol may be activated and animals ordered when the following conditions are met:

  • Protocol is reviewed and approved, and an updated version (both hardcopy and electronic version) addressing all reviewer concerns and questions is provided to UCAR Office.
  • All personnel working on protocol must have attended the Animal Resource Orientation, completed mandatory species specific training and obtain any relevant training from DCM/Vivarium (e.g., micro-isolator training, non-human primate handling, appropriate tours of facilities as required).
  • Personnel on the protocol are enrolled in the Occupational Health Program if required (e.g., users of non-human primates, bats, sheep). If you have questions call the UCAR Office at (585) 275-1693.
  • If you are using hazardous chemicals or biohazards, (e.g., tumor cell lines, recombinant DNA, and viruses—check the . Approval from EH&S must be received by the UCAR Office before approval letter will be provided.
  • You must be able to provide evidence that your grant was peer reviewed. If it has not gone to an agency that provides peer review or if it will not be peer reviewed before you want to start work, you must have the work reviewed and approved by the Deans Research Advisory Committee (DRAC) and approval provided to the Committee.
  • When all of these conditions have been met you may call the UCAR Office to activate the protocol. Please allow 24 hours to activate.
  • In general, it is a good idea to contact the Vivarium Supervisor before ordering animals to make sure that they can be adequately housed. This is particularly important if you are a new investigator without animals in house, are ordering an unusually large number, a new species, have special housing requirements (micro-isolators, one rodent per cage), are using hazardous substances, or are acquiring animals from a non-routine vendor.