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Real-Time PCR

Setup and Instrument Run by the GRC

General Information

  • Instrumentation: Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 12K Flex Real-time PCR system; Eppendorf 5070 liquid handling system for plate set-up.
  • Applications: Absolute Quantification, Relative Gene Expression, Allelic Discrimination for SNP genotyping, digital PCR
  • Available Formats: 96-well, 384-well plate, (microfluidic card), and OpenArray (Digital).
  • Customer Provides: Probes and primers
  • Service Includes: Setup of real time PCR reactions (includes "no-RT" control) using ABI Taqman or SYBR Green master mix and instrument run

Optional Sample Preparation Services*

  • RNA extractions (includes Bioanalyzer analysis)
  • Bioanalyzer analysis of customer prepared RNA
  • cDNA synthesis (requires previous Bioanalyzer analysis)
  • Real Time PCR assay optimization and validation


For questions regarding Real Time PCR services, please contact us.