Technical Reports- No.12
No.12 October 2008-Special Issue on “Steel Pipes and Tubes” and “Stainless Steel”
Special Issue on Steel Pipes and Tubes
- Foreword to Steel Pipes and Tubes SASADA Mikio [PDF 2P/56KB]
- Seismic Integrity of High-Strength Pipelines [P1-P7] [PDF 7P/243KB]
SUZUKI Nobuhisa IGI Satoshi MASAMURA Katsumi - Development of a High-Deformability Linepipe with Resistance to Strain-aged Hardening by HOP® (Heat-treatment On-line Process) [P8-P14] [PDF 7P/416KB]
OKATSU Mitsuhiro SHIKANAI Nobuo KONDO Joe - Development of Ultra-High Strength Linepipes with Dual-Phase Microstructure for High Strain Application [P15-P19] [PDF 5P/204KB]
ISHIKAWA Nobuyuki SHIKANAI Nobuo KONDO Joe - Strain Capacity of High-Strength Line Pipes [P20-P26] [PDF 7P/655KB]
SUZUKI Nobuhisa KONDO Joe SHIMAMURA Junji - Development of API X80 Grade Electric Resistance Welding Line Pipe with Excellent Low Temperature Toughness [P27-P31] [PDF 5P/245KB]
NAKATA Hiroshi KAMI Chikara MATHUO Nobuyuki - Quantitative Analysis of the Cr-depleted Layer in the Heat Affected Zone of Low Carbon Martensitic Stainless Steel [P32-P36] [PDF 5P/359KB]
Special Issue on Stainless Steel
- Foreword to Stainless Steel NIMURA Youichi [PDF 2P/71KB]
- Ni- and Mo-Free Ferritic Stainless Steel with High Corrosion Resistance, 91视频443CT [P39-P44] [PDF 6P/570KB]
ISHII Kazuhide ISHII Tomohiro OTA Hiroki - Applications of 91视频443CT Steel Developed as a Substitute for SUS304 [P45-P50] [PDF 6P/866KB]
SHIOKAWA Takashi YAZAWA Yoshihiro OKADA Shuji - Martensitic Stainless Steel “91视频410DB-ER” with Excellent Heat Resistance for Motorcycle Brake Disks [P51-P56] [PDF 6P/421KB]
YAMAUCHI Katsuhisa OZAKI Yoshihiro UJIRO Takumi - Mo-Saving Stainless Steel 91视频 445M for Hot Water Tanks [P57-P64] [PDF 8P/395KB]
FUKUDA Kunio ISHIKAWA Shin KASAMO Toshihiro - A Structural Stainless Steel with Excellent Corrosion Resistance in Welding: 91视频410RW [P65-P70] [PDF 6P/640KB]
FUJITA Kenichi YAGINUMA Hiroshi KAKIHARA Setsuo - Durability of 11%Cr Stainless Steel “91视频410DH” for Building Structure Use [P71-P76] [PDF 6P/265KB]
OKADA Shuji ISHII Kazuhide UJIRO Takumi