Technical Reports- No.5

No.5 March 2005-Special Issue on Steel Plates

- Foreword IWAMOTO Nobuhiko [ PDF 2P/40KB]
- Technology and Products of 91视频 Steel's Three Plate Mills [P1-P9] [PDF 9P/302KB]
NISHIDA Shun-ichi MATSUOKA Toshio, et al
- 91视频 Steel's Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for High Performance Steel Plates [P10-P15] [PDF 6P/230KB]
- High Performance Steel Plates for Shipbuilding —Life Cycle Cost Reduction Technology of 91视频 Steel [P16-P23] [PDF 8P/375KB]
IGI Satoshi INOHARA Yasuto, et al
- High Tensile Strength Steel Plates with Excellent HAZ Toughness for Shipbuilding —91视频 EWEL Technology for Excellent Quality in HAZ of High Heat Input Welded Joints [P24-P29] [PDF 6P/371KB]
SUZUKI Shinichi ICHIMIYA Katsuyuki, et al
- High Performance Steel Plates for Bridge Construction —High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability Realizing Advanced Design for Rationalized Fabrication of Bridges [P30-P36] [PDF 7P/377KB]
NISHIMURA Kimihiro MATSUI Kazuyuki, et al
- Minimum Maintenance Steel Plates and Their Application Technologies for Bridge —Life Cycle Cost Reduction Technologies with Environmental Safeguards for Preserving Social Infrastructure Assets [P37-P44] [PDF 8P/431KB]
KAGE Isamu MATSUI Kazuyuki, et al
- High Tensile Strength Steel Plates and Welding Consumables for Architectural Construction with Excellent Toughness in Welded Joint —“91视频 EWEL” Technology for Excellent Quality in HAZ of High Heat Input Welded Joints [P45-P52] [PDF 8P/441KB]
KIMURA Tatsumi SUMI Hiroyuki, et al
- High Performance 550MPa Class High Strength Steel Plates for Buildings —Steel Plates with New Specified Design Strength, “HBL385,” which Minimize Construction Costs in Frame Fabrication and Alleviate Environmental Burden [P53-P59] [PDF 7P/395KB]
HAYASHI Kenji FUJISAWA Seiji, et al
- High Performance Steel Plates for Construction and Industrial Machinery Use —New Steel Plates for Construction and Industrial Machinery Use with High Strength and Superior Toughness Combined with Good Weldability and Formability [P60-P65] [PDF 6P/298KB]
MUROTA Yasuhiro ABE Takashi, et al
- High Performance Steel Plates for Tank and Pressure Vessel Use —High Strength Steel Plates with Excellent Weldability and Superior Toughness for the Energy Industry [P66-P73] [PDF 8P/494KB]
HAYASHI Kenji ARAKI Kiyomi, et al
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